Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 905 One Man Fights Eight Women

Chapter 905 One Man Fights Three Women
The extremely charming voice spread, even animals are unavoidable, lustful.Xiaoyao Yuntian stood at the place where the sound waves were most concentrated, with his hands behind his back, and his eyes didn't even fluctuate in the slightest.

"Fairy, I have earned my martial arts knowledge through hard work. If I give it away so cheaply, I am really not reconciled. If the fairy wants to take it away, then you should get close to me."

There was a hint of teasing in Xiaoyao Yuntian's eyes, he didn't have any fear of Cui Shiyu's charming voice, his mind was tough and he was not affected at all.


Cui Shiyu raised her brows. Although this charm sound is only the most basic martial skill of the Hehuan School, it is definitely effective in grinding people's minds. It is the first time she has met someone like Xiaoyao Yuntian who has not been affected. Few of her clan can resist her charm.

Liu Haiyue and Tan Gongxue are not as reckless as Cui Shiyu. Although they also want to compete with Xiaoyao Yuntian, they are more cautious.They have never experienced Xiaoyao Yuntian's strength, but the statement that spread throughout the sanctuary is enough to prove everything.

Without absolute strength, he would never have such a high reputation. Xiaoyao Yuntian is definitely the real thing.They are considering whether to fight Xiaoyao Yuntian here.

If it is just this battle, even if they win, they will probably have to pay a heavy price. If someone takes advantage of this moment and enters, it will be difficult for them to resist.

"Aren't the three fairies very interested in my martial arts? Why don't you come and get it?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian patted the badge on his arm, and the badge shone brightly under the sun.

The eyes of the three women were fixed, Xiaoyao Yuntian's obviously provocative action had already made them a little impatient.

"Since Brother Xiaoyao is interested, how can we not accompany you well?"

Liu Haiyue smiled sweetly, like a hundred flowers blooming, she was so glamorous, and the breath of a mature woman was spreading around.There is also a lot of ambiguity in her words. If others listen to it, I am afraid that they will not be able to control it on the spot, and their blood will surge.

"That's the best!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian smiled, and finally put his hands down.Although he is confident, he is never conceited. The three fairies of the Hehuan School are very famous, and they have practiced the most difficult secret method of the Hehuan School, which is the most difficult to defend against.

"Brother Xiaoyao, try my trick!" Cui Shiyue shouted coquettishly, pink divine power emanated from her palm, she slapped it, and the pink divine power enveloped the ground.At this moment, those low vegetation grew rapidly, and even began to bloom and bear fruit.

The pink divine power came into contact with the stream, and the clear stream turned pink instantly, exuding a tempting aroma.

A fragrance entered his nostrils, Xiaoyao Yuntian felt an evil fire rising from his lower abdomen, he immediately held his breath and held his breath.

"Flowing Water Piercing Cloud Palm!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian shouted in his heart, and slapped out with a palm, a strong wind roared out, directly cutting off the stream, a gust of wind swept past, the pink mist had no ability to resist, and was blown back.


Cui Shiyue was startled, put her palms together in front of her body, drew a virtual circle, and a pink peach blossom appeared in front of her body.

"Peach Blossom Tribulation Seal!"

The pink peach blossom instantly expanded, and the petals suddenly flew away, forming a series of sharp weapons, rushing straight up.

"Ping Ping!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian's palm was strong, those peach petals made of steel could not be shaken at all, instead they were forced back inch by inch. He always stood in place with one palm stretched forward, his expression never changed.

Cui Shiyue felt Xiaoyao Yuntian's sea-like divine power, and she was shocked. At this moment, Xiaoyao Yuntian's palm force was gradually approaching, and she was in contact with it, and she could no longer avoid it.

A bead of sweat slid down the side of her face, and a surge of pressure pressed down on her like overwhelming.

"Brother Xiaoyao bullies my third sister like this, isn't that very good?"

The second sister, Tan Gongxue, laughed and made a move at a critical moment.

His palms fluttered, and his slender and beautiful fingers shook repeatedly in the void, making people dazzled.One after another, illusory scenes circulated in the sky, and then turned into a circular energy bubble.

"Void phantom, go!"

With a point of Tan Gongxue's finger, the circular energy bubble directly crashed into the intersection of Xiaoyao Yuntian and Cui Shiyue's power, merged with Cui Shiyue's power, and jointly resisted Xiaoyao Yuntian's palm power.

The two forces superimposed on each other had an effect like milk and water. Xiaoyao Yuntian felt that the power in front of him suddenly increased, and his palm strength seemed to be forced back.

"Hmph, worm-carving trick!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Xiaoyao Yuntian's mouth, his five fingers curled slightly, and then opened again.


At this moment, the divine power in his body became even more surging, erupting suddenly, like a flood coming out of the gate.


Tan Gongxue and Cui Shiyue exclaimed, and they stepped back again and again, each step leaving footprints several inches deep on the grass.Liu Haiyuejian saw that something was wrong, turned around, and the light yellow silk tied around his waist flew out and landed on his hand.

"Flying Meiling, Tangle!"

The light yellow silk and satin writhed wildly like a thick boa constrictor, crossed the creek directly, and wound around Xiaoyao Yuntian's waist.

Xiaoyao Yuntian's eyes flashed, and he stretched out his left hand.


His left hand was firmly grasping the end of the light yellow silk, and then his arm trembled slightly, completely restraining the light yellow silk.

Liu Haiyue and Xiaoyao Yuntian each held one end of the silk, and compared their strength, the soft silk became as hard as iron because of their divine power, and stretched straight.

In an instant, Xiaoyao Yuntian and the three girls formed a stalemate, and the divine power in his body was fighting against the top three young masters at the same time.

Liu Haiyue felt the surging power coming from the silk, and was horrified in her heart: "How could this be? Why is his divine power so powerful? When he was fighting against the second and third younger sisters, how could he still have such vast power to deal with me? "

Cui Shiyue and Tan Gongxue also complained secretly. They thought that Liu Haiyue would take action, and they would be able to reduce their burden, but the strength to fight against them has not weakened at all. Obviously Xiaoyaoyuntian is still able to handle it with ease.

"Three, you seem to be unable to move anymore, do you still want my martial arts points?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian was still smiling, but at this moment he still had time to talk.

Seeing Xiaoyao Yuntian's scheme-successful smile, Liu Haiyue immediately understood.

"He made up his mind from the very beginning to lead the three of us into a situation where we would fight against him for divine power. This guy..."

The more she thought about it, the more terrifying she felt. In this way, doesn't it mean that Xiaoyao Yuntian has absolute certainty that he can beat the three of them at the same time in the confrontation of divine power?His divine power is so powerful?

(End of this chapter)

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