Chapter 913

The crimson magma was violently tumbling, and huge water bubbles burst on the top of the magma, emitting a fiery breath, filling the entire ground, and the nearby rocks made a "hissing" sound of mourning.

A figure sat cross-legged in a small stone cave next to the magma, with a faint film of light flickering around him, and those fiery breaths couldn't get close to him at all.

Beside him was an ice mask, it was the mysterious person who had met Xiao Yu and others several times.Behind the ice mask, there was an old face full of ravines, obviously an old man in his twilight years.

His face was covered with fine beads of sweat, and the wrinkles on his face were crowded together, making him look ugly and painful.

A trace of black air gathered between his eyebrows, and then slowly dissipated there. It seemed that he wanted to condense his own strength, but in the end he couldn't continue, unable to condense his strength successfully.

The breath on his body is also extremely unstable, sometimes strong, sometimes weak, extremely chaotic.

Before Xiao Yun chased him down, he couldn't get away. In desperation, he used a secret method that consumed a lot of divine power, and finally succeeded in escaping. However, he never thought that the sequelae left behind would be so serious.

First, he was hit by Xiao Yun's Heavenly Demon Three Changes, half of his divine power was absorbed, and then he forcibly used the secret technique, which damaged his divine power again. Now he wanted to recover his divine power as soon as possible, but the effect was simply not as good as he wanted.

All progress is extremely slow.

He opened his eyes, and there was hatred and regret in those bloodshot eyes.

"It really shouldn't be handed over to that boy with the three transformations of the Heavenly Demon. I didn't expect him to successfully practice all three transformations. I was disturbed by him instead. It was really a miscalculation."

His voice was hoarse and low, and the red light emitted by the magma reflected his wrinkled old face, bringing a red light, which seemed to be the last light before death?
"That's right, you really miscalculated!"

A figure sounded above his head, and he trembled all over, terrified in his heart.

He raised his head tremblingly, and saw a young man in white clothes standing above him, with a huge sack on his back, with a playful smile on his lips.

" did you find this place?"

He pointed at the young man in white with an unbelievable expression on his face. He really couldn't figure out why this extremely hidden place was found by the young man?

This young man is none other than Xiao Yun who disappeared from the alliance, and he has rushed here.

"Oh?" Xiao Yun evoked a hint of sarcasm, "I forgot to tell you that the second transformation of the Heavenly Demon's three transformations can peek at other people's memories while absorbing their power. Do you understand now?"

"Peeping memory? Impossible... This is impossible!"

He looked panicked, couldn't help shrinking back, and muttered to himself, he no longer had the arrogant attitude he had when facing Xiao Yun a few days ago, now his strength has been greatly reduced, and he is no longer able to fight Xiao Yun anymore. Yun resisted, and the three changes of the Heavenly Demon were unpredictable, and it would be futile for him to resist.

"It turns out that you used to be one of the eleven top masters in the Heaven and Earth Palace, the most powerful force in the sanctuary. I was really surprised. Don't worry, after you die, your apprentice will become my new pawn, and I will let him play. His higher value, hey!"

Xiao Yun grinned, and the coldness in that smile made the old guy feel cold to the bottom of his heart.He was completely desperate at this moment, Xiao Yun actually knew such a secret thing, obviously he really succeeded in prying into his memory completely.

He thought of the secret method of escape, but in the next moment, a wave of despair flooded his face. He can only use that kind of escape secret method once within a few days. If he wants to use it again, he must live for seven days.From the looks of it now, there was absolutely no way for him to escape from Xiao Yun's hands for the second time.

The killing intent on Xiao Yun's body was undisguised, pressing him step by step.

At the end of his death, he didn't have the slightest fear, but showed a smile instead.

"The "Three Changes of Heavenly Demon" is really terrifying. No wonder Wuxue was able to defeat all the masters in the sanctuary with this skill. Our twenty top masters in the sanctuary worked hard, but we still lost nine of them before defeating it. Killing, sad, lamentable, I have studied this book for decades, but it is not as good as a kid who has practiced for a month, God really wants to kill me."

He thought of his old past, and these things were also the source of his hatred.

He was originally one of the eleven top experts in the Heaven and Earth Hall, the most powerful force in the sanctuary, and he was a senior fellow student with Saint Tianyan and others.Back then, the 11 people were survivors after the battle with Wuxue, and their status in the entire sanctuary was incomparable.Unfortunately, he is still not satisfied with the status quo.

The eight martial arts practiced by Wu Xue suddenly appeared in the world, which caused a large-scale mutual killing in the sanctuary. In order to avoid the loss of life, the 11 of them took all the eight martial arts away and brought them back to the Heaven and Earth Hall.After unanimous research, they decided to destroy seven of them that are extremely evil and will lead people into the magic way, and "Three Changes of Heavenly Demon" is one of them.

The other ten people never thought that he who was in charge of destroying "Three Changes of Heavenly Demon" would secretly keep "Three Changes of Heavenly Demon" and was still cultivating in secret. Infected by the demonic energy that comes with "Three Transformations of Heavenly Demons", she becomes greedy for profit, trying to control the entire Temple of Heaven and Earth, thereby controlling the entire sanctuary.

After all, his ambition was defeated by the joint efforts of the ten saints. Although he was lost, the ten saints were unable to kill him, and he escaped.

Over the past few decades, he has been lurking secretly, silently cultivating his chess piece, that is, his apprentice Zhang Qiulie, who has been looking for opportunities to re-enter the Heaven and Earth Hall and control the entire sanctuary in his hands.The Martial Dao Conference started, and seeing the time came, he let Zhang Qiulie participate in the Martial Dao Conference, and he came to the Shenwu Continent.

He learned about the grievances between the Fire-Providing Golden-Eyed Beast and the Tyrant God of War from ancient books, and he valued the terrifying strength of the Fire-Providing Golden-Eyed Beast. He killed the ten saints in the Temple of Heaven and Earth, and completely controlled the sanctuary to vent his hatred.It's a pity that he made the wrong move at Xiao Yun's step. Now all his hard work has been wasted, making a wedding dress for someone else, and Xiao Yun, who has spied on his memory, will continue his plan. It's a pity that he I'm dying to see that day again.

"Old guy, you haven't used the title of Wind Chaser for many years. Today, I will completely silence this title in the long river of history."

A ferocious smile appeared on Xiao Yun's face, black energy erupted from his body, and his strength was completely concentrated. His face also changed suddenly, the pupils of his eyes turned purple, and two thin bloodstains appeared at the corners of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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