Chapter 920 Sudden Arrival
Xiao Xingtan was condescending, looking down at Xie Bing who was kneeling on one knee, there was no sympathy in his eyes, only endless indifference and real anger.

Xiao Xingtan has always been a master who bullies the weak and fears the strong. When facing Zhang Qiulie, who knows he is invincible, he retreats without the slightest hesitation. When facing those who are weaker than him, he will behave arrogantly and condescendingly.

Such a character is indeed disgusting.

Xie Bing naturally hated Xiao Xingtan's hypocrisy, but when he was really facing death, he had to think carefully.

He is not afraid of death, but as the pillar of the next generation of the Xie family, if he dies during the competition, it will definitely be a devastating blow to the Xie family.

But asking him to admit defeat to people like Xiao Xingtan was more uncomfortable than killing him. He really didn't want to bow to such people.

Xie Bing didn't respond for a long time, Xiao Xingtan's face became even colder, he said in a deep voice: "It seems that you still don't want to accept my kindness, well, then, I will give you another chance, call me Grandpa, and leave me with the distinction of martial arts." How about not embarrassing you anymore?"

"What did you say?"

Xie Bing opened his eyes wide with anger, and the anger in his eyes was burning fiercely. He didn't expect Xiao Xingtan to be so shameless.

"You have only one chance!"

Xiao Xingtan didn't realize the slightest sense of shame, he still had that expression, self righteous.

The anger in Xie Bing's heart was unstoppable, he really wanted to fight Xiao Xingtan directly to the death, but reason told him that the masters of Xiao Xingtan's level were indeed not something he could match now.

But called Grandpa Xiao Xingtan, how could he accept such a thing?

"You bastard, I'll fight with you!"

Xie Bing thought for a long time, but he still couldn't bear this kind of teasing that was almost insulting. He roared angrily, and was about to make a move when a burst of laughter came suddenly.

"You're so young, it's really shameless to ask others to call you grandpa!"

The laughter was full of banter and deep disdain.That haughty and conceited tone was even worse than Xiao Xingtan's.It's just that this kind of arrogance is filled with an unspeakable domineering, which makes people feel suffocated when they hear it.

These are two very different feelings.

"Huh? Who?"

Xiao Xingtan, Wu Xingyun, and Jian Qingtian all changed their complexions, and a turbulent wave arose in their hearts.It was obvious that someone's voice was within thousands of feet around them, but they didn't notice someone came so close, which really made them unbelievable.

Xie Bing felt that this voice was a little familiar, but when he thought about it carefully, his face suddenly froze.

"It's him? How is it possible?"


A spatial crack opened in the sky, Xiao Xingtan, Wu Xingyun, Jian Qingtian, and Xie Bing all looked towards the sky.

A slender figure dressed in white appeared in the sky. His figure was tall and straight like a gun, and his eyes were like stars and moons, deep and unfathomable. He had his hands behind his back and his long hair fluttered in the wind. A substantive arrogance that the surrounding energies dare not approach.

With just one glance, Xiao Xingtan, Wu Xingyun, and Jian Qingtian, the three top swordsmen of the Holy Sword Sect, felt the pressure around them suddenly increase, and their hearts jumped.

The person who came was handsome, his handsome face made Xiao Xingtan, who had always regarded himself as a handsome man, feel ashamed.

They were both shocked and puzzled, when did Sanctuary produce such a number one person?And how did he get here?Being in the battlefield, it seems that you can't use space to move at all.

The moment Xie Bing saw the person coming, the grief and indignation on his face immediately turned into joy.

"It's really him!"

Xie Bing couldn't believe his eyes, but he knew that besides the one in front of him, how many people would dare to say such domineering and unspeakable words?
"You ask me who I am?" The young man in the sky smiled slightly, "My surname is Xiao, and my single name has the word 'Yu'. I wonder if the three of you have heard of it?"

"Xiao Yu?"

Jian Qingtian's expression froze, and he suddenly remembered the young master who beheaded the demonized Gong Zizai mentioned by the Tianyan Saint at the place where the promoted personnel gathered.

"It's you?"

Jian Qingtian felt unprecedentedly dignified. For some reason, he felt a more intense dangerous aura in Xiao Yu than in Xiaoyao Yuntian.This feeling made him very depressed, and he couldn't help but want to pull out the long sword on his back, as if this could calm his heart down a little.


Xiao Xingtan, who was standing in front of Xie Bing, suddenly felt a palpitation, and a palm had already been printed on his chest.


Xiao Xingtan spurted blood wildly, with disbelief in his eyes.The moment he was shot out, he clearly saw that the young man who was still standing in the sky had come in front of him, and there was still a mocking and disdainful smile on his face.


Wu Xingyun and Jian Qingtian were shocked, and they shot together, wanting to catch Xiao Xingtan who flew upside down.As soon as they touched Xiao Xingtan's body, they trembled, and the three of them involuntarily backed away. They retreated a hundred feet before standing still.

"how is this possible?"

Xiao Xingtan still had an indelible astonishment in his eyes, and his finger seemed to want to point at Xiao Yu, but before he lifted his head, he tilted his head and passed out.

Jian Qingtian was extremely shocked in Wu Xingyun's heart.

Before each of them noticed, one move shocked Xiao Xingtan, who was second only to the two of them in strength among the younger generation of Holy Sword Sect, to vomit blood and fly backwards. Baizhang, is this really something a young man who looks younger and handsome than them can do?

Even Xiaoyao Yuntian probably couldn't do it so thoroughly, right?Who is this young man named Xiao Yu?
Xie Bing also wiped his eyes, he didn't expect Xiao Yu to be so powerful, everyone present was stunned as soon as he made a move.

There was fire in his eyes, this kind of power was what he wanted to pursue just now.

Talking and laughing, treating the top experts as nothing, defeating anyone, such as picking something out of a bag, this is the representative of the real strength.

"It's okay!"

Xiao Yu looks like Xie Bing, the smile on his face suddenly becomes gentle and sincere, this is his smile when he faces his friends.


Xie Bing stood up, Xiao Yu waved his hand lightly, a ray of light shot into his body, and his whole body was immediately enveloped in a warm and comfortable feeling.There was a crisp and itchy feeling from the broken arm, and he felt that his injury was recovering rapidly.

"Thank you very much!" Xie Bing asked, "Why are you here? Didn't the Holy One say that you have already left?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "I'll talk about this matter later, now, let me settle the matter here first!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, his eyes turned to Jian Qingtian and Wu Xingyun, but the smile on their faces lost all warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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