Chapter 93 Absolute Heaven
"Oh, you're right. I do know, but I can't do anything. At this moment, I'm just a remnant soul with very little power left. He has been in business for thousands of years, absorbed the blood of countless living beings, and suppressed me forever. At the bottom of this pool of blood, even if I know what’s going on in the outside world, I can’t do anything about it, until today when the Blood Fiend Evil Emperor was defeated by you, I was able to get rid of the suppression.”

Panlong Zhanhuang sighed and told all the things of these years.

"You mean you were suppressed by him? It is rumored that he was surrendered by you. How could he suppress you?"

Xiao Yu asked coldly.

"Although he lost to me back then, I also suffered heavy injuries. Later, an old opponent attacked me while I was injured. I was seriously injured at the time, and finally fell into his hands. Therefore, I failed to stop the bleeding in time. The [-]% of the power left by the Shaxie Emperor. This [-]% of the power is lurking in the domain of the Emperor of War, quietly changing the various places I left, turning this place into a place of killing. Every hundred years, the thunder I leave The dragon knife will show a golden light, and he just uses this opportunity to lure people into the realm of the war emperor, use the mechanism he changed to slaughter, and then activate the space channel to gather all the corpses here, absorb the blood essence from their corpses, and grow stronger. As for myself, if I go down like this, one day he will be able to break through the seal, but helplessly, I am suppressed at the bottom of the blood pool and can't do anything."

A look of self-blame flashed across Panlong Zhanhuang's face, all of this was indeed his fault.

"The Panlong War Emperor was killed by someone back then?"

Everyone was taken aback. No one had ever heard of this anecdote. Although Panlong Zhanhuang was seriously injured at the time, the person who could kill him must have been at the top of the pyramid thousands of years ago.

"This place was led to heaven and earth by a peerless strong man with great supernatural powers, and a time rule was set up. People over the age of 25 cannot enter it. Throughout the ages, no genius can step into the Yuanyuan Realm before the age of 25. Naturally, no one can stop him, and when he breaks through the seal, no one in the world can cure him." Panlong Zhanhuang paused when he said this, as if he breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "But I really didn't expect that the millennium Afterwards, a genius like you came out to directly beat the Blood Fiend Evil Emperor to pieces, which I never expected, hahaha!"

Panlong Zhanhuang laughed again, but Xiao Yu still looked at him coldly, and said: "The blood fiend evil emperor can do this, in the final analysis, you are not strong enough. If you are really strong enough, you can directly kill him back then." Erase, how can there be so many troubles?"

"Xiao Yu! You."

Lin Qingbing tugged on Xiao Yu's clothes, feeling helpless against Xiao Yu's arrogance, he actually said that Panlong Zhanhuang was not strong enough?

"You're right. If I was strong enough, there wouldn't be such an incident. Unexpectedly, I have been flying dragons for hundreds of years, but after I fell, I was taught by a junior who was a thousand years later."

Panlong Zhanhuang looked like a honest elder, Xiao Yu taught him such a lesson, he was not angry at all, instead he laughed.

"I just want to know how to get out now. I still have a lot of things to do, and I don't have time to waste any more time here."

Xiao Yu and Panlong Zhanhuang looked at each other proudly.

"Don't worry, I will open the space channel to let you go out later, now I have to let my Thunder Dragon Knife find the owner first."

Panlong Zhanhuang waved his hands like a mischievous old man, turned his gaze to Ao Zixuan, and asked, "Little girl, you have a good talent and a high-class disposition, you dare to insult the blood evil emperor, it's up to you For this, I will give you my Thunder Dragon Knife, are you willing?"

Panlong Zhanhuang saw that Xiao Yu was unwilling to take his Thunder Dragon Saber, so he changed his target.

Ao Zixuan was stunned for a moment, then said happily: "Thank you, Senior Panlong!"

Ao Zixuan knelt down on one knee, her face was extremely excited, she never thought that she could be valued by Panlong Zhanhuang, the royal family of their proud Huoyun Empire naturally knew some secrets that others did not know, and this Lei Dragon Knife is one of them, she knows the secret hidden by Thunder Dragon Knife.

"Okay, take the knife!"

Panlong Zhanhuang smiled slightly, and with a flick of his palm, the Thunder Dragon Saber Hua shot a beam of lightning at Ao Zixuan's body, unexpectedly it sank into Ao Zixuan's body in a flash.

Everyone was surprised to find that Ao Zixuan had a Thunder Dragon Saber tattoo on the back of her right hand.

"Sure enough, it's a rare treasure. It can transform into one body with its master, and it can be mobilized with a single thought."

Xiao Yu secretly praised in his heart, but he didn't feel any pity. Even if it was thousands of times better than the Thunder Dragon Saber, he wouldn't be moved in the slightest. He only believed in his own power, which came from himself, and everything outside He dismissed them all.

"From now on, you are the master of Thunder Dragon Knife. I hope you don't humiliate it. It is a good guy who swept all directions when I first debuted."

Panlong Zhanhuang looked at everything, and turned to Xiao Yu, his expression suddenly became a little dignified.

Xiao Yu suddenly felt a sudden outburst of hatred from Panlong Zhanhuang, and his heart moved, waiting for Panlong Zhanhuang's next words.

"Is your name Xiao Yu?"

Panlong War Emperor asked.

"That's right!"

Xiao Yu nodded.

"There is something I want to ask you!"

Panlong Zhanhuang's voice trembled slightly.

Xiao Yu frowned, what could cause Panlong Zhanhuang to care so much?

"I hope that one day in the future, you can help me get rid of the devil who made me fall!"

Panlong Zhanhuang's words are undoubtedly a blockbuster, everyone's expressions changed, even Xiao Yu's expression was shocked, so the existence that caused Panlong Zhanhuang to fall is still not dead?

"You guys are right. He is indeed not dead. I can still feel his breath until now, but I haven't felt that he has made any major movements in the past thousand years. It seems that he has been lurking somewhere. I don't know. What are you planning?"

Panlong Zhanhuang smiled wryly, remembering the battle thousands of years ago.At that time, the sky and the earth collapsed, the five continents changed color, and even the sea was forcibly divided into two sections, but in the end he was still defeated by the palm that destroyed all things, and even his body and spirit were beaten into nothingness.

"Can you feel each other?"

Xiao Yu frowned, he was very surprised that there was only one remnant soul left by Panlong Zhanhuang, why could he still feel that existence?
"Such mysterious things happen only when we step into our realm. This is the so-called 'divine friendship'. I can feel him, and he can naturally feel me, but now I am no threat to him at all. So he has never been here for so many years, if not, I would have ceased to exist."

Panlong Zhanhuang guessed what Xiao Yu was thinking and explained.

"Who is that person you speak of?"

Ao Zixuan asked out loud.

Panlong Zhanhuang was silent for a moment, and then quietly spit out two words: "Juetian!"

(End of this chapter)

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