Chapter 944 Three on Three

"I'm really looking forward to the battle in the three domains!"

Xiao Yu and his team continued to search for Zhang Qiulie's traces. Martial skills like "Sura Yan Demon Sword" would become stronger in Zhang Qiulie's hands for one more day. Find it as soon as possible. It is the best policy.

Although Xiao Yu is not afraid of Zhang Qiulie at all, even if he has practiced "Sura Yan Demon Sword", Xiao Yu has never seen him in his eyes, but Zhang Qiulie bears the blood feud of Xiaoyao Wangyue, Xiaoyao Yuntian is bound to To kill him.

As Xiaoyao Yuntian walked, he chanted about the battle in the three major domains that Xiao Yu mentioned. Even if he was in the sanctuary, he had never seen such a scene.

In Xiaoyao Yuntian's cognition, the Sanctuary is the most advanced region, but now it seems that there are at least two regions of the same level as the Sanctuary, and there is also a mysterious region that surpasses the three major regions.

Except for Xiao Yu, among the younger generation, Xiaoyao Yuntian really has no opponents. Even the top talents cultivated by these top forces, he can easily defeat them. The most important thing is that he will definitely meet many interesting people in the battlefield of the three domains.

"Brother Yun, you've been talking about this all the time, it seems that you really can't bear it anymore!"

Looking at Xiaoyao Yuntian's excited expression and the beating fighting spirit in his eyes, Xiao Yu couldn't help but smile.In fact, he also understands Xiaoyao Yuntian's mood best. Among his peers, Xiaoyao Yuntian does have a feeling of being overwhelmed.

"Brother Xiao, you should feel the same as me, right?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian said with a smile, only he and Xiao Yu knew about this matter, and Lei Zhengyang and others beside him didn't know about it at all.

"That's natural. I also want to see how much the genius masters in other regions are!"

The words that came out of Xiao Yu's mouth were always surprising, his tone actually did not take those people seriously.

Liao Baihe, Li Yunlong, and Muscular Monk all followed behind Xiao Yu. If they hadn't met Xiao Yu Xiaoyao Yuntian and his party this time, they would have already become defeated under the Shuangshengzi's subordinates, and their distinction in martial arts would have been deprived long ago. Exhausted.

The sky was full of yellow sand, but the three figures stood out in the sandstorm. The strangest thing was that they didn't even have a single footprint on the sand when they stepped on it.

All three of them were dressed the same, with white headscarves, white gowns, and a layer of white gauze covering their faces, which looked like magic sticks.

They have medals representing martial arts on their shoulders, and they are obviously also participants in this rematch.

The three of them walked at the same pace, and continued to move forward. They walked about a hundred feet, but they stopped at the same time.

The sandy ground thousands of feet in front of them suddenly sank, and a gust of wind swept up from the sandy ground, bringing up countless flying sands, rendering the entire sky into a hazy yellow.

The eyes of the three young men who looked like magic sticks were fixed, and three men in black clothes slowly appeared in the whirlwind.

The three black-clothed men who suddenly appeared had similar appearances, like twin brothers.

"Sanxiong of the Zhong family, why are you blocking our way?"

The three "magic sticks" had no sadness or joy on their faces, and said in a calm tone.

The leader of the three men with similar faces said with a smile: "Our three brothers from the Zhong family and your three gods from the Shentumen are three people. In fact, we have always wanted to compete with you."

The person who spoke first was Zhongli, the eldest of the three Zhong family brothers of Blizzard.On his left is Zhong Qiang, and on his right is the youngest Zhong Yong.And the three white men dressed like magic sticks are the three gods of Shentumen.

The three gods, except for the people of Shentu Sect, no one knows their names, and they are usually called gold, silver and copper.

Zhong Yong spoke without any scruples, and declared war on the three gods right from the start.

"Oh?" Jin Shenshi frowned, and his tone was still unhurried, "There shouldn't be any old grudges between our two powers, why did they come to us directly?"

Zhong Yong is the craziest of the three brothers of the Zhong family. He laughed loudly and said, "It's a very normal thing to look for an expert duel. Why did you come here? Even if you three gods don't want to fight today, you can't do it!" .”

Zhong Li and Zhong Qiang didn't have any intention to stop Zhong Yong, Zhong Yong's meaning was their meaning.

Silver Gods took a step forward, his tone turned slightly cold.

"How can our three gods be afraid of your three brothers of the Zhong family? Others call you the three heroes of the Zhong family. I really want to see how far your Blizzard Dafa practice has progressed."

The silver god is considered the most popular among the three gods, and he can't stand the provocation of the three brothers of the Zhong family.

The Bronze Gods and Gold Gods didn't say a word, but they had already set up their battles, obviously ready to make a move.

"Hey, it's exactly what I want!"

Zhong Li sneered again and again, defeating the three gods, the reputation of the three brothers of the Zhong family could be raised to a higher level.

"Get rid of the three of you first, then get rid of the four old hats from the Raging Flame Sect, and finally win Xiaoyao Yuntian, who else in the younger generation of Sanctuary can compete with our three brothers? What Lei Zhengyang, what Zhang Qiu Lie, what Shuang Shengzi, what Xiaoyao Yuntian, you will all fall at the feet of our three brothers from the Zhong family."

With a loud shout from Zhong Li, his palm suddenly slapped towards the sky, and the wind and sand all over the sky scattered in all directions, and the world fell into silence.

The three gods lined up, with one palm erected in front of their chests, and a strange wave spread to the ground.

The three brothers of the Zhong family narrowed their gazes slightly, and at the same time they flew up into the air and stood upright in the void.

The three looked down, slightly startled.

The sandy land with a radius of hundreds of thousands of feet actually stirred up layers of soil waves. The sandy land that had no movement turned into an ocean of sandy land. Not bad at all.

The sand waves were turbulent, and the three gods were surrounded by it, giving people an indestructible feeling.

"Shentu Sect has always been known for its defense, and it really lives up to its reputation!"

The three brothers of the Zhong family looked at each other and nodded. The astonished momentum of the three gods not only did not make them feel a little bit of fear, but their eyes sparkled with excitement.

This is the opponent they want. The ones they meet along the way can only be regarded as trash.


The three of them gave a low shout, and three beams of light descended from the sky, as fast as lightning, and crashed directly into the sand waves.


The loud noise shook the sky, and Shalang was knocked out of three big holes in an instant.

The faces of the three gods remained unchanged, their palms trembled slightly, and the sand waves surged suddenly, forming layers of defenses in front of them.

The sand waves in front of the hundred roads were easily broken by the three brothers of the Zhong family. When they broke through to the front road, the three brothers of the Zhong family finally felt strong resistance, and their figures also slowed down.

(End of this chapter)

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