Chapter 950 follow suit
With his hands behind his back, Xiao Yun is facing the leader of the three top masters of the Shentu Sect - Jin Shenshi.

Jin Shenshi's eyes were gloomy, even though he was weak-tempered, he couldn't help but want to tear Xiao Yun apart at this moment. Since his debut, he had never received such contempt.

Xiao Yun put his hands behind his back, obviously he didn't know how to fight him with his hands.For masters of their level, a slight mistake would make a huge difference. Xiao Yun doesn't use his hands, which is definitely an unprecedented insult.

Who is he? He is the most outstanding genius of the Shentu Sect in the past hundred years, the golden priest of the Shentu Sect, and he will never allow anyone to challenge the majesty of him and the Shentu Sect.

"court death!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, the Golden Goddess had already crushed the void, and appeared in front of Xiao Yun in an instant, a fist wrapped in tyrannical earth-yellow divine power quickly enlarged in front of Xiao Yun.

Shentu Sect has always aimed to suppress people in the future, but at this moment, Jin Shenshi doesn't care much, he just wants to use his own power to let Xiao Yun know the fate of underestimating him.


The corner of Xiao Yun's mouth twitched into a sly smile, and when Jin Shenshi's fist slammed, he turned sideways, and Jin Shenshi's fist brushed his side face. Rubbing, there was an extremely ear-piercing low hum.

There was a ripple in the surrounding space, and the figures of the two also intersected at that moment.

"Hey, the strength is enough, but unfortunately, the speed is not enough!"

Xiao Yun turned around, but his hands still did not move.


Jin Shenshi was extremely furious in his heart, stomped the sole of his foot, and his figure turned into an afterimage, bullying him again.

Xiao Yun was unhurried, constantly shuttling and dodging in the space, and he calmly dodged all the punches and kicks of Jin Shenshi that could shatter the space and shatter the huge mountain range.

The more Jin Shenshi attacked, the more anxious he became, and the more he attacked, the more angry he became. No matter what angle he attacked Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun could always dodge it calmly, allowing his strength to hit the empty space.

"The head of the three gods of the Shentu Sect seems to have only this level!"

Dodging another round of Jin Shenshi's attack, Xiao Yun's ridicule followed.Just as Jin Shenshi's fist came down again, Xiao Yun's leg suddenly swept out like lightning.


Jin Shenshi only felt a strong wind mixed with evil aura blowing towards his face, his heart was trembling, and he could only withdraw his hand to block it.


With a crisp sound, Xiao Yun's sweeping leg hit Jin Shenshi's arm firmly.

At that moment, Jin Shenshi felt paralyzed all over his body, and even lost consciousness in his entire arm. A strong force swept him directly from the sky and crashed into the hard earth and rocks.


The loud noise shook the sky, and Jin Shenshi's figure was buried in countless rubble, and the ground was cracked inch by inch.


The Silver Goddess and the Bronze Goddess looked shocked. Xiao Yun's speed was always faster than that of the Gold Goddess, and Xiao Yun's power was even more frightening. It was still swept into the soil by him.

Xiao Yun still stood with his hands behind his back, stepping into the air.He shook his head lightly, as if expressing Jin Shenshi's incompatibility.

"Don't be mad!"

Before the Silver Gods and Bronze Gods could make a move, Zhong Li burst into the air with a tyrannical shout.

Xiao Yun's eyes fell on Zhongli, and there was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Fist of Blizzard!"

Ice crystals flickered on Zhongli's fist, streams of light scattered between the sky and the earth, his divine power instantly turned into countless cold air, forming a huge solid fist shadow of hundreds of thousands of feet in the air, and blasted towards Xiao Yun suddenly.

"Just in time!"

Xiao Yun raised one foot, and the black air surged wildly on the sole of his foot.He lifted one foot over his head, then slammed it down.


A ray of black light shot out horizontally, and the world became silent in an instant. The black light seemed to be able to penetrate everything. Zhong Li felt that his eyes went dark, and the seemingly powerful fist shadow in front of him shattered into pieces.


Zhong Li spat out a mouthful of blood, a clear pain came from his right arm, he looked at his right arm in disbelief, the entire right arm had been severed from the shoulder.

"how is this possible?"

Zhong Li still finds it difficult to accept this fact. He doesn't know what method Xiao Yun used to break his attack and cut off his right arm at the same time.


The silver gods, the bronze gods, and Zhong Qiang and Zhong Yong were so shocked that they stood on the spot in a daze.Jin Shenshi was swept into the soil by Xiao Yun, they also thought that Zhong Li would lose, but they didn't expect to lose so quickly and so thoroughly, even his right arm was cut off.

This person... who is it?Could it be a monster?
Looking at those shocked and angry eyes that contained fear, Xiao Yun felt unprecedentedly satisfied. This is what he wanted, this kind of feeling of dominance that could control other people's life and death at will, which made people irresistible.

He himself has never noticed that his style is getting closer and closer to that of Xiao Yu, or in other words, he hopes to be able to do anything that Xiao Yu has done before.

"Xiao Yu, have you seen it? In the high place of Sanctuary, their so-called top geniuses are trampled like dead dogs by me. I know you can do it too, but you never thought that I would reach the same level as you, right? ?”

Xiao Yun murmured softly, he had developed a morbid hatred towards Xiao Yu, which was irresolvable and irreparable.


Zhong Li clutched the broken arm, and let out a cry of pain, blood spurted out, staining his sight red.

"Big brother!"

It was only then that Zhong Qiang and Zhong Yong came to their senses, and they rushed towards Zhong Li, trying to save him.


Xiao Yun smiled sinisterly, and appeared in front of the two of them with a strange figure, but with just one kick, the two brothers Zhong Qiang and Zhong Yong felt like they had been struck by lightning, and blood spurted wildly and fell towards the bottom.

Xiao Yun stood behind Zhongli, and Zhongli subconsciously wanted to stay away, because he already felt a strong breath of death enveloped him.

"Where do you want to go?"

Xiao Yun chuckled, and suddenly stretched out his palm, and grabbed Zhongli's wrist before Zhongli could react.

"Come on, I'll give you a chance to kill me!"

Xiao Yun's voice seemed to be full of sincerity, but Zhong Li had a premonition that something was wrong, but at such a close range, Zhong Li absolutely had no reason to give up killing Xiao Yun.

At such a distance, he is sure to hit it with one blow.


Zhong Li let out a loud shout. With hatred for the broken arm and disgust for Xiao Yun's arrogant attitude, his palm trembled slightly, mixed with powerful divine power, and it turned into a sharp blade and directly pierced Xiao Yun's chest.


The two brothers of the Zhong family who were knocked into the air and the two gods of silver and copper watched this scene in astonishment. They never thought that Xiao Yun, who was astonishingly powerful, would be pierced through the chest by Zhong Li with his broken arm.

"Haha, I see how rampant you are now, even giving me a chance to kill you, do you think I will be merciful?"

Realizing that he had made a great contribution, Zhong Li laughed out loud, but the next moment, his smile froze on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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