Chapter 979


Feng Xi accepted Liu Haiyue's proposal, nodded slightly and then sat down to adjust her breath. Mu Xiaoke and others were guarding all around to protect her.For some reason, Feng Xi suddenly became much quieter.


Xiao Yu glanced at the few people, he no longer planned to go with them.Finding the Spirit Gathering Disk is a top priority. The faster the speed, the higher the chance of finding the Spirit Gathering Disk. If you procrastinate here, I am afraid that others will succeed first.

Even though no one has found a spirit gathering disk on Despair Island for decades, he has to be more cautious.

As soon as he stepped forward, Mu Xiaoke flashed directly in front of him as if he had sensed it, his eyes like autumn water narrowed slightly.

"You want to go it alone again?"

Mu Xiaoke's tone was slightly dissatisfied, Xiao Yu hadn't planned to go with them before the space shift, and now he still took the initiative to leave.

"Holy Son in Red, we don't know each other well, what do you want to do?"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, this Mu Xiaoke stopped him time and time again, not knowing what he wanted to do.

The rest of the people also cast their gazes over, Xiao Yu's indifferent tone towards Mu Xiaoke made them all very curious.Even they dare not show Mu Xiaoke's face like this, but Xiao Yu doesn't seem to care.

One must know that regardless of Mu Xiaoke's identity as the holy son in red, she is a beautiful woman with a natural beauty, and she should be a little polite even if she is a man.

"Master is really right!"

Mu Xiaoke was secretly annoyed.

Before coming out, the Heavenly Flame Saint had told her that Xiao Yu had an indifferent personality, he would not pay too much attention to unfamiliar people, and if he wanted to go along with him, he had to take the initiative to win him over, so as to ensure the safety of the rest of the team.

Gritting his silver teeth lightly, Mu Xiaoke said softly to Xiao Yu: "Master Tianyan asked me to tell you that I hope you will take care of other people and keep them alive. He doesn't want what happened 20 years ago to happen again."


Hearing Mu Xiaoke's words, the four members of Hehuanzong were all shocked.

The Master Tianyan that Mu Xiaoke said must be the Saint of Tianyan, but the Saint of Tianyan actually said that he wanted Xiao Yu to protect the rest of them, which seemed absurd to them.

Can the third level of the Yuanshen Realm protect a group of top masters of the Yuanshen Realm?

"20 years ago?"

Xiao Yu's gaze paused, and he suddenly remembered Donghuang Wuying's painful expression at that time, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Donghuang Wuying can be said to be a tough man, but when he thinks of the tragic battle 20 years ago, he always has a sad face, one can imagine how uncomfortable he feels.

"okay, I get it!"

Xiao Yu nodded in agreement and sat down on the big rock beside him.

"Miss Mu, you said just now."

Long Xiang glanced at Xiao Yu who was out of tune with them, and couldn't help asking Mu Xiaoke.

Before he finished speaking, Mu Xiaoke pointed at Xiao Yu and said, "Don't underestimate him, he is the most powerful here."


The four members of the Hehuan faction were even more horrified, and looked at Xiao Yu, but his cultivation level was indeed only at the third level of the Yuanshen realm.

"Miss Mu, what's going on?"

Although Liu Haiyue and the others didn't believe it, they were not stupid. Mu Xiao is the famous red-clothed holy son of the Heaven and Earth Palace, so she naturally wouldn't just talk about it.But how could a third-level Primordial Spirit Realm be stronger than them?

"Hey, he is indeed a monster. The third level of Yuanshen Realm has a terrifying fighting power that surpasses us, which makes me puzzled." Mu Xiaoke said with a smile, "Killed Gong Zizai who was possessed in the Martial Arts Conference. , One person eliminated the three swordsmen of the Holy Sword School, one move forced Zhang Qiulie to flee, and rescued me under Xiaoyao Yuntian's ultimate move, do you think we will be his opponents? By the way, Luo Tong and Hua Xiong He killed them all."

"What? This."

The four members of the Hehuan faction and Feng Xi could hear it clearly, they never thought that Xiao Yu would have such amazing achievements.Moreover, both Wang Qilong and Hua Xiong died at the hands of Xiao Yu, they didn't even know it.

Xiao Yu didn't expect Mu Xiaoke to know so clearly, presumably it was said by the Saint of Flame.

These astonishing performances made the four members of the Hehuan Sect stunned. The weakest member of their team turned out to be the strongest, and it was ridiculously strong.

"Brother, I'm really sorry, we were blind and didn't know heroes before!"

Long Xiang stepped forward and clasped his fists at Xiao Yu with an extremely sincere attitude.

He is a straightforward person who only respects the strong. Xiao Yu's achievements have undoubtedly won his admiration.

"Your Excellency, my name is Xiao Yu!"

Xiao Yu stood up and bowed back and forth, since Mu Xiaoke had already made it clear, there was no need for him to hide his strength.

The beautiful eyes of the three ladies of the Hehuan Sect all fell on Xiao Yu, and they were all very interested in Xiao Yu.

"Brother Xiao, this is the first time I've heard that there is a hero like you in Sanctuary. I wonder which sect you are a master of?"

Liu Haiyue smiled charmingly.

"I'm not from the Sanctuary!"

Xiao Yu answered simply and simply, turning a blind eye to Liu Haiyue's intentional charm.


Liu Haiyue and the others wanted to ask again, but Feng Xi, who was adjusting his breath, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face became even paler.

"what happened?"

Mu Xiaoke stepped forward to investigate, his face changed just as soon as he touched Fengxi's palm.

"She was seriously injured, Wang Qilong's strength has already damaged her internal organs!"

"She'll be fine, don't worry!"

With a wave of Xiao Yu's hand, a ray of light sank into Fengxi's body, her complexion instantly turned rosy, and the aura in her body quickly returned to calm.

The four members of the Hehuan Sect and Mu Xiaoke were stunned. Xiao Yu's technique was really amazing. They had never seen such a powerful treatment method.

"This guy, how many tricks do he have?"

Mu Xiaoke thought to himself.

With Xiao Yu's help, Feng Xi had fully recovered after meditating for a while. She looked at Xiao Yu and felt extremely ashamed.

"Thank you!"

Her voice was inaudible, and she really felt that she was too dirty in front of Xiao Yu, and she didn't even dare to face Xiao Yu's indifferent eyes full of endless charm.

"No, let's go everyone!"

Xiao Yu stood up, since Mu Xiaoke lifted him to the highest position, naturally he would not give in any more.With him leading the team, the others will surely be convinced.

This time, no one objected, and they all followed Xiao Yu. The four of the Hehuan Sect really wanted to see Xiao Yu's power, but unfortunately they didn't have the opportunity now.

A group of six climbed several high mountains in a row, but they didn't find any useful clues.

It seems that it is indeed extremely difficult to find the spirit gathering disk on this vast island.


At this moment, there was a burst of ground noise, and numerous cracks were shaken out of many of the surrounding surfaces.

"There's something ahead! Let's go and have a look!"

The crowd crossed thousands of feet and were about to move on, but Xiao Yu waved his hand to stop them.

He already felt that there were no less than twenty powerful auras entrenched thousands of feet away.

(End of this chapter)

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