Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 992 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 992 Chasing and Killing
The Griffon Emperor and other spirit beasts have completely surrendered to Xiao Yu, and their hearts are even more complicated.

At first they wanted to attack Xiao Yu, but they didn't know how stupid it was. Now thinking of the Griffin King and others, they felt cold sweat.

If Xiao Yu didn't talk to them calmly at that time, and went up directly to kill them, who would be able to stop them?
Even though they have more than 20 peak Yuanshen realms, they are definitely not enough to look at in front of Xiao Yu.

"This may not be his full strength. Where did this 'monster' come from? It has such shocking strength. I am afraid that even ten masters may not be able to surpass him?"

Looking at the mighty Xiao Yu, Mu Xiaoke couldn't help but think of Xiaoyao Yuntian, both of them are so outstanding, and among their peers, they are even more invincible.

She compared Xiaoyao Yuntian and Xiao Yu in her heart, their styles were quite similar, they were also full of incomparable confidence in themselves, but the difference between the two was their attitude towards the enemy.

Xiaoyao Yuntian is arrogant, but Xiao Yu is not only arrogant, but also mad, so mad that he will not be scrupled.

"It seems that during this trip to Desperate Island, our sanctuary is the most powerful team. With two people, what storms can the other two domains withstand?"

Mu Xiaoke was originally very worried that the battle on Despair Island would cause changes. Now that Xiao Yu has shown his strength, he has definitely surpassed the Primordial God Realm and reached the level of a Super God Realm master.

"Hero Xiao, we."

The Griffon Emperor was about to say something, but Xiao Yu in the sky suddenly squatted down, and touched the void with one hand, and a circle of strange fluctuations also dispersed.


A punch of colorful cards suddenly appeared under Xiao Yu, mottled and gorgeous.


Xiao Yu whispered softly, his mind had completely covered tens of thousands of miles around, not a single plant or tree could hide from his induction.

A black shadow appeared in his mind, it was the fleeing Langya evil beast.

There is still a faint shadow behind the Langya evil beast. It seems to be a certain ghost, exuding extremely evil and cold fluctuations, but it is still in a deep sleep at the moment.

"Hmph, want to run?"

Xiao Yu sneered again and again, and suddenly said loudly: "Mu Xiaoke, you are all waiting for me here, don't leave, I will go back as soon as I go."

Before Mu Xiaoke and others could react, Xiao Yu had already disappeared into the circle of cards, as if Xiao Yu had been sucked into it.


Thousands of miles away, the Langya evil beast that escaped into the ground had a gloomy expression, with anger on its face, but more fear.

It suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and the expression on its face was extremely painful.

There was a huge scar behind him, which looked extremely hideous. It was the injury caused by the slash on the back when he was escaping before.

"Xiao Yu, if you dare to hurt me, I will definitely remember you. I will repay this knife sooner or later!"

The Langya evil beast looked ashamed and angry, and was forced to flee in embarrassment after a thousand years. This is really a shame and a great shame.

However, he never regretted his actions. Xiao Yu's gale slashing the sky and destroying the earth was really devastating. If he hadn't escaped quickly, he would have been cut into countless pieces by the terrifying sword qi.

After spitting lightly, Langya Evil Beast looked at the illusory soul behind him, and a trace of gratitude flashed in his eyes.

This illusory soul is none other than the remnant soul of King Langya.

At the beginning of the battle between King Langya and the Batian God of War, although he was finally defeated by the Batian God of War, his primordial spirit was extremely powerful. At the last moment, a secret technique broke out, dividing his own primordial spirit into four, and hiding it in his own place. In the four underground palaces built, they fell into a deep sleep at the same time.

Batian God of War didn't know about this secretary, otherwise he would have wiped out all these remnant souls long ago, but in this world, there is still Langya Evil Beast who knows this secret.

If these four remnant souls are gathered together and awakened, King Langya can be brought back to life and regain consciousness.

Langya Evil Beast also had this purpose in mind, so it chose to retreat in the battle with Xiao Yu.

In his opinion, Xiao Yu is indeed powerful, but if he can wake up King Langya, Xiao Yu will definitely not be his opponent. At that time, Xiao Yu can only let them eat. No one can stop them anymore.

With such a sweet dream in his heart, his speed suddenly accelerated.

The other three places of Langya Underground Palace are on Despair Island, and it is the only one who knows the specific location and can directly sense and go there.

Unfortunately, some things don't go his way.


The Langya evil beast flashed across the ground, but a circle of cards suddenly appeared in front of him.


When the card appeared, Langya Evil Beast immediately felt a wave that made his heart palpitate, and that wave gave him a sense of familiarity.

"This is."

Langya Evil Beast's eyes are wide open, it has already realized something.

"Run so fast, where do you want to go?"

An indifferent joking sound came from the card, and Xiao Yu suddenly got out of it.

"how is this possible?"

Langya Evil Beast looked at Xiao Yu who suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, his pupils constricted suddenly.He really couldn't figure out how Xiao Yu suddenly caught up with him.

He can be sure that Xiao Yu has never pursued from behind, if so, it must be able to feel some fluctuations.

But now Xiao Yu actually appeared in front of his eyes, blocking his way forward.

"How could you be here?"

Langya Evil Beast pointed at Xiao Yu, its voice trembled slightly, and an indescribable coolness surged in its heart.

At this moment, it is seriously injured, but Xiao Yu is invincible. When the two meet, it is obvious who will win.

"I know you are surprised. As for the reason, you don't need to know anymore!" Xiao Yu said indifferently, "If I, Xiao Yu, decide to kill someone, even if he travels all over the world, he will never be able to escape."

Xiao Yu's voice was calm, but there was no way to doubt it, at least the Langya Evil Beast had no doubts at the moment.

Being able to suddenly move in front of it like a ghost, this kind of thing can't be done even by King Langya and Tyrant God of War.

"I know you want to escape to accomplish something, but unfortunately, you have no chance!"

Xiao Yu stretched out one hand, and then slowly closed his five fingers together.


The crisp ringing from between the knuckles was like the bells of hell at this moment, hitting the heart of Langya Evil Beast, making it suddenly full of despair.

Before encountering the Batian God of War, it had traversed the world for hundreds of years, but it was the first time it felt such fear.

Even when he was sealed by Batian God of War back then, he never felt this way.

Xiao Yu is more ruthless than the Batian God of War back then!
(End of this chapter)

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