Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 994 Tear off the mask

Chapter 994 Tear off the mask
Feng Xi was very lonely in her heart, she was the last among the six people, so she had no chance to use that high-quality weapon, but Xiao Yu's words instantly brought her back to the unbelievable reality .

"Is this for me?"

Feng Xi looked at Xiao Yu in disbelief, she didn't understand why Xiao Yu gave her this soft whip.

She wanted to see something from Xiao Yu's face, but Xiao Yu's expression remained the same without any change.

"This soft whip is not suitable for the three of them. None of them have practiced whip-like martial arts before. From what I can see, the slight deformation of your arm bones and fingers should be caused by long-term practice of whip-like martial arts."

Xiao Yu's words stunned Feng Xi, she accidentally obtained a step of Whip Technique martial skill on the cliff of Blizzard Gate, the level is absolutely extremely high.

She was worried that the martial arts would be discovered and taken away. Even the elders in the sect and even the sect master didn't know about it, so she could only practice secretly.

For more than ten years in a row, this set of whip martial arts has been practiced by her to perfection, but she has never used it. First, she is worried that the elders in the sect will find out and ask her about the source of the martial arts. Second, she has no good weapons. , There is no soft whip in Blizzard Gate that can stand on the table.

Xiao Yu was able to see that she had practiced whipping martial arts just by observing her for a moment. How can this kind of eyesight be compared to the elders in Blizzard Sect?
"Take it!"

There was an unquestionable taste in Xiao Yu's voice, Feng Xi hurriedly picked it up with a more complicated expression.

"Thank you!"

Feng Xi lowered her head, she didn't even dare to look at Xiao Yu, she always felt ashamed in front of Xiao Yu.

The three fairies of the Hehuan faction were extremely disappointed. Although they had never practiced the whip technique, they were confident that they could display the power of the soft whip, but Xiao Yu gave it to Fengxi, who was the weakest.

Although disappointed, they dare not have the slightest dissatisfaction.

Where Xiao Yu's strength lies, he has the absolute right to speak, and these weapons are all found by Xiao Yu, and he is willing to give them to anyone, that is his freedom.

"Xiao Yu, don't you need it?"

Mu Xiaoke looked at Xiao Yu strangely and asked.

"I never use a weapon!"

Xiao Yu shook his head lightly. The heroic skills he possesses allow him to condense all kinds of weapons that are not bad at all, or even better than the magic blade, anytime and anywhere. How does he need any kind of weapon?
"Let's go, let's continue on our way and find other underground palaces as soon as possible."

Xiao Yu distributed the weapons to everyone and continued to move forward. The six people followed closely behind him without any hesitation.

Feng Xi looked at the soft whip exuding crystal brilliance in his hand, with mixed emotions in his heart, and a trace of crystal tears slipped from the corner of his eyes.

She wiped the corners of her eyes lightly, and spread it out at a high speed, not wanting to miss a single bit.She just wanted to keep up with Xiao Yu's footsteps on this road, even a little bit.

In another area of ​​Despair Island, an extremely fierce battle is erupting at the moment.

The two protagonists are Jin Shenshi and Li Yunlong, and they are fighting fiercely with their opponents at the moment.

The two people who were fighting with them were powerful, and the terrifying power erupted, causing the ground to be completely destroyed in an instant.

And that Xiao Yun who was pretending to be Zhang Qifeng was also fighting with someone naively, but the person who was fighting with him had a serious face and was completely suppressed by him.

Xiao Yun exuded the aura power unique to the Three Transformations of the Heavenly Demon, which made that person feel very strenuous, and if he was a little careless, he would be cut off by Xiao Yun.

Jin Shenshi was focused on his opponent at the moment and had no time to watch other battlefields. If not, he would definitely be able to see the strangeness of this "Zhang Qifeng".

Jin Shenshi and Li Yunlong were traveling together, but on the way they met three young masters from the Polong domain.The two parties had just met, and they immediately handed over.

"Hey, the masters of Dragon Breaking Domain are nothing more than that!"

Xiao Yun's palm shook the young man who broke the dragon field back hundreds of feet, and then sneered.

The young man clenched his teeth, feeling extremely angry in his heart. Although he was not the strongest young expert in the Dragon Breaking Domain, he was enough to enter the top five, but he had no way to do anything against Xiao Yun.

"This guy, how can he be so strong?"

The oppressive power brought by Xiao Yu made him irresistible, and he was completely passive and beaten.And he could feel that if Xiao Yun wanted to kill him, he might have already fallen here.

He didn't understand why Xiao Yun would keep his hand.


With two muffled bangs, Jin Shenshi and Li Yunlong also knocked their opponents upside down at the same time, obviously they had gained the upper hand.

The two of them looked in Xiao Yun's direction, with surprise in their eyes. Although Zhang Qifeng and the others were not familiar with it, they had heard of it.Among the Blizzard Gate, he was ranked after the three brothers of the Zhong family.

Although his ranking is second only to the three brothers of the Zhong family, his strength is far behind. Just looking at reaching the peak of the Yuanshen Realm, he is definitely not as good as those who are already at the highest level of the Yuanshen Realm.

However, "Zhang Qifeng"'s opponent is obviously a young master who has reached the peak of Yuanshen Realm and has already become very proficient, but it seems that this person has suffered from "Zhang Qifeng".

"Blizzard Gate is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!"

Jin Shenshi and Li Yunlong couldn't help thinking in their hearts.

The three people in Polongyu sensed that something was wrong, and immediately gathered in one place, focused on vigilance.

They had heard of the war of the three major domains 20 years ago. The sanctuary was the weakest and ended in a disastrous defeat. Therefore, they had contempt for the people in the sanctuary early in the morning. It's another scene.

With Jin Shenshi, Li Yunlong, and the terrifying Xiao Yun here, the three of them in the Dragon-breaking Realm are indeed already a turtle in a urn.

"How do you want to die?"

Li Yunlong took a step forward, his face was also full of violence.He was born in the Dragon Sect, and the martial arts and skills he practiced are all rigid and yang, and his temperament is naturally not gentle.

He has seen too many strong opponents in the martial arts conference. During the 20 days of returning to Shenlongzong, he has learned a lot, and his strength has improved a lot. Now he finally has the opportunity to show his skills.

"let's go!"

The three of Polongyu looked at each other, stepped back at the same time, and flickered at 100% speed. They knew that Jin Shenshi and the other three were going to kill them, but they didn't want to die yet.

"Hmph, do you still want to leave?"

Li Yunlong and Jin Shenshi both sneered and chased out at the same time, with great momentum of perseverance.

Xiao Yun stood on the spot, the human skin that was not inferior to him showed a weird smile, and then with a wave of his palm, he tore off the Qifeng's human skin mask, revealing that slightly crazy face.

"The good show is just starting now, none of you can escape!"

Xiao Yun grinned and rushed out suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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