Peerless Peasant

Chapter 1 Chapter Family

Chapter 1
Standing in front of the muddy mountain road, looking at the familiar village in front of him, Li Hongbin's eyes became moist.

It has been four years since I left this familiar village. Since I received the admission letter from Huaxia Agricultural University four years ago, I left my village with enthusiasm and came to Yanjing, the capital of China, with the dreams of the whole village. into their dream colleges.

Li Hongbin can be said to be the pride of the whole village. In recent decades, Li Hongbin has been the first college student in his village.

For them, that is of great significance. A college student finally came out of their village. Even going out is something worth showing off, because in a village like theirs, let alone going to college, even studying It is also a very difficult thing.

Li Hongbin's village is very poor, and his family can't afford a college student. It can be said that Li Hongbin, a college student, is funded by the whole village, because his first year's tuition fees are collected by the whole family. Only then did I get enough for his first year's tuition, because everyone is from the countryside, very simple, and the relationship between everyone is very deep. It is true that the family is in trouble, and everyone comes to help.

It was really because of this that he wanted to repay his kindness, the whole village's kindness, that's why he chose Huaxia Agricultural University.

Because his father, his ancestors were farmers for generations, and the people in their village are all farmers. He wants to go outside to learn some advanced technology, learn that kind of advanced science and technology, and return to the village to use himself knowledge, create wealth for them, and repay their kindness.

During the four years of this university, Lin Hongbin never went back to the village, because he wanted to earn money, and he didn't want his parents, relatives, and people in the village to worry about his tuition fees, so during these four years Among them, he worked several part-time jobs outside of school to earn his own living expenses. During the winter and summer vacations, he also looked for jobs outside to earn money.

Except for the tuition fee for the first year, which was collected in the village, the tuition fee and living expenses for the rest of the years were all earned by myself.

When Li Hongbin was looking at the village in a daze, he suddenly heard a familiar voice with a hint of surprise, "Well, isn't this Xiaobin?"

Li Hongbin came back to his senses, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, looked at the man standing not far from him, with a hoe on his shoulder, a rice stalk in his mouth, and a washed-up faded dress. A few pieces of mud can be vaguely seen on the torn short sleeves. He should have just returned from farm work.

Seeing this person, Li Hongbin's eyes instantly turned red, and he ran over, regardless of whether he was dirty or not, he hugged him and said excitedly, "Uncle Changgen, it's me, I'm Xiaobin, I'm back."

This middle-aged man is called Li Changgen, and he is the neighbor of Li Hongbin and his family. The relationship between the two families is very good. Although Li Changgen and Li Hongbin's father, Li Changshun, are not real brothers, they are better than real brothers. When Li Hongbin left the village, Li Changgen secretly Gave him 100 yuan.

What is the concept of 100 yuan? Maybe for some people, 100 yuan can be used as money, because they can spend tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of a piece of clothing, but this 100 yuan, in their opinion , This is their living expenses for half a month. Li Changgen is usually reluctant to buy a piece of clothing for himself. A short-sleeved shirt has been worn for seven or eight years, and he is still wearing it. But he just gave him 100 yuan so casually, which shows that he How much I love Li Hongbin.

That's why, when Li Hongbin saw him, he had this expression.

Hearing Li Hongbin's words, the middle-aged man laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, I think it looks so familiar! So it's really you! A college student."

"Yo, yo, yo." Seeing that Li Hongbin's eyes were red, Li Changgen also had tears in his eyes. He has no son, only two daughters. He has regarded Li Hongbin as his own son since he was a child. For so many years It was impossible not to miss him without seeing him.

He put down his hoe, patted Li Hongbin on the back and said, "You are already a college student, why are you still crying like a child."

Li Hongbin wiped away his tears and said, "In the eyes of Uncle Chang Gen, I will always be a child."

"Hahaha." Li Changgen laughed a few times, and said, "You still haven't changed at all! Let's go! Let's go back! Your father will be very happy to know that you are back, and your aunt, the villagers know you Everyone was very happy when they came back.”

"En, um." Li Hongbin nodded happily, and said, "After I come back this time, I won't go out again."

"En." Li Changgen glanced at Li Hongbin and said, "How can this work? You are a college student, and the inside of this corner of the mountain is not where you should stay. The outside is where you should develop."

"No." Li Hongbin shook his head and said, "Uncle Changgen, let me tell you! I want to use the knowledge I have learned to help you get rich and get us out of poverty."

"Yo." Li Changgen couldn't help but nodded, and said, "College students are worthy of being college students. Good, very good. Don't forget your roots and help everyone get rid of poverty and become rich. This difficulty is not small, and your ambition is not small. But uncle I like it, let's go, you go back first, I'll take a shower, and wait for your house to eat."

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Uncle Changgen, let's have a few drinks later!"

"That's daring!"

Li Changgen carried the hoe and hummed a little song, all the way back to his home.

Just around the corner was his home. For some reason, Li Hongbin suddenly felt that his feet became extremely heavy. Every time he took a step, he felt a mountain pressing on him, and his steps became extremely slow.

I haven't been home for four years, and I don't know what happened to my parents.

Although in the past four years, there have been letters back and forth, and occasionally a phone call back, because Li Hongbin's parents have not yet been equipped with a mobile phone, and those who want to make calls have to go to the public phone booth in the town. I don't want to go home, so I go home to see my parents, why not my parents, I hope I can go home.

Finally, with difficult steps, he turned around the corner.

I saw a middle-aged woman with a slightly darker skin. Rural women are much darker than those in the city because they have to do farm work all year round, but they do look healthier. I saw this middle-aged woman , was squatting there washing rice, because it’s time for lunch?

Looking at this person, Li Hongbin's eyes turned red again, and the tears flowed down uncontrollably. After holding back for a long time, he finally choked out a word.


This woman is Li Hongbin's mother, Xu Caicai. Hearing Li Hongbin's cry, the middle-aged woman was taken aback, stood up, and quickly turned around, only to see Li Hongbin standing behind her with tears in her eyes. The pot for washing rice hit the ground, but she didn't respond at all, and kept staring at Li Hongbin.

"Xiao Bin."


Li Hongbin took a step forward, hugged his mother in the words, and said with a choked voice, "Mom, I'm back. I'm sorry. I haven't been back these few years. I made you two elders worry."

The old mother patted Li Hongbin's back slowly with both hands. Her movements were so slow, as if she was patting a child. Maybe in her eyes, Li Hongbin was a child who hadn't grown up. head, and said slightly, "It's good to be back, it's good to be back!"

"Old lady! What's the matter, um, it's Xiaobin, you're back."

When Li Hongbin looked back, he saw his father Li Changshun coming out of the house, but when he saw him walking with a limp, when he saw Li Hongbin, he was so excited that he almost fell to the ground. Li Hongbin left in a hurry He went up, supported his old father, and asked, "Dad, what's the matter with your leg."

"Hey." The mother on the side sighed and said, "When I was collecting medicine in the mountains last year, I accidentally fell and made it like this."

Li Hongbin felt a pain in his heart, and said, "Didn't you go to the hospital?"

Li Changshun shook his head and said, "Xiaobin! It's not like you don't know, how can we value those hospitals outside! It's just a few thousand yuan, and your mother and I will spend a year, even if we live frugally. With so much money, besides, I have to save the money for you to marry a wife in the future."

"Dad." Li Hongbin couldn't help it anymore, his eyes burst out. At this moment, he is not a man, he is just a son.

"Dad." Li Hongbin stroked his father's right foot with one hand, and said firmly in his eyes, "Dad, don't worry, I will definitely heal your legs, no matter what the price is, I will make you recover. "

"Hehe." Li Changshun laughed a few times and said, "Xiaobin, it's enough for you to have this heart. I'm very happy, old lady! Hurry up and cook! Xiaobin must not have eaten yet, he must be hungry. Today is noon Let's have a good drink."

"En, um." Li Hongbin wiped away his tears and said, "I must have a good drink with my dad..."

(End of this chapter)

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