Peerless Peasant

Chapter 107 The position of the suzerain

Chapter 107 The position of the suzerain
The so-called sacrifice to heaven is just a ceremony, praying to heaven for something.

However, this ceremony is a little bit complicated, especially in ancient times, this ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven is a very important ceremony, and it is necessary to have a pious heart, a heart of incomparable awe of heaven and earth, and sincerely go to heaven. prayer.

Before the great generals in ancient times went out every time, they had to hold a ceremony to sacrifice to the sky, praying like a god.

More importantly, they hope to be blessed by the heavens. For example, if your opening ceremony is permitted and approved by the heavens, then your sect can continue to develop.

If God does not allow your sect to appear, then your sect cannot appear in the world.

If you insist on opening a sect, then your sect will not be able to support it for long, because you have not received the approval of the heavens, and you have not received the blessing of luck, so the sect will not last long. , but it does exist, the stronger the luck of a sect, the greater its development potential.

But only with the sect approved by the heavens, his luck will become stronger and stronger.

Once he loses the blessing of the heavens, or when the heavens are not taking advantage of your sect, his luck will slowly drain until all the luck is gone. At this time, it is this sect when perishing.

However, after the robbery in ancient times, they became less and less pious about this ritual of offering sacrifices to heaven, and they did not attach so much importance to it.

The main reason is that although they have reverence for heaven and immortals in their hearts, they do not have that pious heart. The main reason is that during the catastrophe, there was a fault phenomenon, and they did not Know what the sacrifice to heaven is going to do.

But it doesn't matter anymore, anyway, the immortals in the sky have long since perished, and there are no immortals anymore.

Even if you pray something down there, no one can hear it, because they are all dead, and it is useless to say it. In the ancient era of cultivating immortals, the most important thing for a few days was to communicate with the immortals in the sky and ask them to bless you sect, and these immortals basically flew from this sect.

I heard the seven great suzerains talking there with a very loud voice and a very respectful expression.

That is to say, some of their seven major sects, according to the will of the heavens, re-established the Seven Stars Sect, hoping to get the approval of the heavens, and hope that the heavens will bless their Seven Stars Sect, just some such words, and they talked for about half an hour!It's a little annoying for Li Hongbin to say, but this is a necessary procedure.

Finally, when the seven suzerains kicked the ground with their right feet, held the sword in their right hand, pointed at the sky, and a ray of sword light rushed upwards, the ceremony was finally over.

"Okay." Li Hongbin stood on the stage and said softly, "After the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, there will be no more seven major sects. In the world of cultivating immortals, there will only be the Seven Star Sect. As for the rules of those sects, I won't say much. You are all very clear in your hearts, there is a very important thing below, that is, who will assume the position of suzerain?"

Li Hongbin's words had fallen, the seven suzerains, you look at me, I look at you, they all feel that this suzerain should be held by me.

Is it because the hearts of the seven sects are at odds, and none of the suzerains will accept each other?If possible, let you be the suzerain!He is willing to obey your orders, but other people don't know. Therefore, in this case, even if they intend to close the Seven Star Gate, they are powerless!
There is no one who is highly respected and convinced by everyone to be the suzerain.

It is possible that he obeys you on the surface, but comes secretly and trips you up again. This is very bad. Unity and unity of people are the first conditions for a sect to become strong. , even if your sect is strong, there will always be a point where this sect will weaken.

"How?" Li Hongbin asked, "This problem is quite serious. There must be someone to be the suzerain!"

Li Hongbin looked at these people with a smile, and suddenly pointed to a person and said, "Your name is Shangguan Qinghai, isn't it! I think you are not bad, how about letting you be the suzerain of this Seven Star Sect? None of you speak , What do you think of this proposal?"

"This." Gong Quehong hesitated, and said, "I have no opinion, as for them, I don't know."

Looking at him like this, you can tell that he is not convinced, but Li Hongbin said that he should be the suzerain. He doesn't have the courage to refute Li Hongbin's words, because Li Hongbin is too powerful, and his words are imperial edicts to Gong Quehong. Did not dare to resist at all.

As for Shangguan Qinghai, he is very happy, let me be the suzerain, that's a good relationship!
Li Hongbin shook his head and said, "I'm just asking for your opinions. Can I express any personal thoughts? I won't blame you, but the premise is that your opinions must be correct and be able to convince others. "

"I don't agree." Immediately, a person stood up and said loudly.

"Oh." Li Hongbin narrowed his eyes and looked at him, and said, "Your name is Tie Zhongqiu! Why don't you accept it? Do you think you are better than Shangguan Qinghai? Are you more suitable to be the suzerain than him?"

"No." Tie Zhongqiu said, "If you want to be the lord of the Seven Star Sect and want to convince the public, you must be the strongest among the few of us, but his Shangguan Qinghai's strength is not bad, but he is not the strongest. Yes, Big Brother Haoyun is the strongest, if Big Brother Haoyun is the suzerain, I will be convinced."

"Oh." Li Hongbin stared at the person named Yang Haoyun, nodded and said, "However, his strength is not bad. He has already reached the peak of the Yin-Yang realm, and he will be able to reach the life-death realm in a few steps. Shangguan Qinghai, that Tie Zhongqiu said The strongest one should be the suzerain, and Yang Haoyun is the strongest, do you have any opinion on this?"

"This. This." Shangguan Qinghai hesitated and said, "Who is the strongest, you will only know who has fought."

But when he said this, he didn't have any confidence in his heart. Obviously, his strength was a little bit worse than Yang Haoyun's. If he was stronger than him, he might just show his sword and have a competition between the two, but now , His tone was a little emboldened.

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled, shook his head and said, "Look at you guys, you don't agree with him being the suzerain, and you don't agree with that being the suzerain. How did you decide who would be the suzerain in the ancient Seven Star Sect?" Yes, in that case, you won't have any opinions!"

"Senior." Shangguan Qinghai said, "The ancient Seven Star Sect's rules, whoever can get the approval of the Seven Star Sacred Sword will be the next Sect Master."

"Oh, there is such a thing." Li Hongbin said pretending not to know, how could he not know?This rule was set by Lord Beidou Xing. In fact, each suzerain said that it was determined by the Seven Stars Holy Sword. In fact, he was allowed to choose it, because the Seven Stars Holy Sword was created by him.

It is also because of this that the Seven Star Sect was so powerful in ancient times through the selection of the suzerain by Lord Big Dipper himself.

Because the top and bottom are united, there is no opinion on the suzerain, and the suzerain personally selected by Lord Big Dipper must have both ability and political integrity, possess leadership qualities, and have the ability to bring the sect to prosperity.

It's just that the Seven Stars Sacred Sword was destroyed during the Great Tribulation of Ancient Times, which caused the Seven Stars Sect to disperse into the later Seven Great Sects.

"Okay." Li Hongbin pointed with his right hand, and the seven-star holy sword in front flew out, landed in front of these people, and said, "What kind of sword is this? You are all very familiar with it! Since it is impossible to determine who to let The only way to be the suzerain is to rely on this method, whoever can get the approval of the Seven Star Sect will be the suzerain of the Seven Star Sect."

"This. This." Seeing the Seven-Star Sacred Sword in front of them, several people were very excited. This is the treasure of their Seven-Star Sect. The sword made by Zu Bei Dou Xingjun himself can only be used with his approval, otherwise, if he does not get his approval, he cannot use it at all and cannot exert his power.

Several people said in shock, "This is the Seven-Star Holy Sword. This is really the Seven-Star Holy Sword. Just like in the legend, the Seven-Star Holy Sword is full of star power. Even I can feel the majestic star power inside. I am frightened, I am afraid that as long as there is a sword light, I will be wiped out, just like in the legend."

Yang Haoyun asked, "Dare to ask seniors, how can we obtain the approval of the Seven Star Sword."

"It's very simple!" Li Hongbin said, "It's not that simple! This is an artifact. An artifact has its own consciousness, and it's not someone he approves of. Let alone using it, you might not even let you touch it. Now, as long as anyone of you can pull up the Seven Stars Holy Sword, it will be considered as his approval, who will come first?"

"I'll come first." The man named Ji Chunhua said, his strength is the weakest, he has no chance, and it's not his turn to be the suzerain.

Holding the hilt of the sword with his right hand, with a stroke of luck, he lifted it up vigorously. He used all his strength, but the sword stuck on the ground without any movement.

"Hey!" Ji Chunhua said with a long sigh, "It seems that I am not destined to be the suzerain of the Seven Stars Sect, you guys go and try it!"

The next one, Chen Shihai, is the suzerain of Tianji Sect. Seeing Ji Chunhua's failure, he felt a lot of pressure. He took a step forward, held his hands on the hilt of his sword, and raised it up, but there was no movement , Slowly with luck, his strength became stronger and stronger, but the Seven-Star Holy Sword seemed to weigh ten thousand tons, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull it out.

"Hey!" There was another long sigh, and he walked to Ji Chunhua's side with a slightly lonely expression.

The next one is called Li Zhongdao, who is the suzerain of the Yuheng Sect. The result is the same as the previous two. When they did not shake the Seven Star Sword and did not see anyone going up to try it, Yang Haoyun and Shangguan Qinghai were very nervous. First, if they pull out the Seven-Star Holy Sword, they will be the suzerain in the future, and the ancestor's precepts must not be forgotten!
But after seeing each of them fail, the stone in my heart was finally put down.

Finally at the end, only Yang Haoyun and Shangguan Qinghai were left. They looked at each other and said at the same time, "You go first."

(End of this chapter)

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