Peerless Peasant

Chapter 113 Obedience

Chapter 113 Obedience
If you want to convince you and obey your words, you must have absolute strength to make him obey.

Before saying this, Li Hongbin had already thought that there would definitely be people who would not accept him, and that's right, whoever is a cultivator is not proud and arrogant, and he is free and easy, basically doing whatever he wants, now Suddenly someone came to restrict their actions and told them that there were some things they couldn't do.

Although these things are very simple and easy to do, they are always a little bit unconvinced.

I don't want someone above to control them. In this situation, the only way is to show your own strength and use absolute overwhelming strength to make him fear you from the bottom of his heart, so that he will obey you .

Originally, Li Hongbin didn't want to use such a method. After all, relying on violence to achieve his goal was not what Li Hongbin wanted.

But in this case, if you want to make these people obey your regulations in a short period of time, you have to use iron and blood methods to make them obey. alright.

He stepped on that person, looked at him, and said coldly, "I want to kill you now, what do you think, can I kill you?"

Will he kill himself, yes, he will kill himself, this is the first thing that comes to mind in that person's mind, because he feels the breath of death from Li Hongbin, as if the god of death has come to him, and he will kill himself at any time. Life is reaped.

Why does he feel this way?Don't forget Li Hongbin's identity, the god of life, the other side of life is death, so at the same time as the god of life, Li Hongbin is also the god of death, he controls your life, and at the same time controls your death, think You can die whenever you want.

Isn't this the god of death?The slight breath of death exuded made this person tremble as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"No, no." Suddenly, the man realized that he could speak, and said tremblingly, "No. No, you can't kill me."

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled, looked at him like a fool, and said, "Why can't I kill you? You said it yourself before. As long as you have this strength, you can do whatever you want. Now I With this strength, if I want to kill you, I can kill you, why don't you say so?"

"No no, you can't kill me, the two are completely different." The man said in fear, "Joke, what's the difference, it's the same, you think you have strength, you can do whatever you want, you can do whatever you want I can do whatever I want, and I can ignore other people and ordinary people, now that I am stronger than you, I can do whatever I want."

"So..." Li Hongbin had a secretive smile on his face.

"You die for me!"

Grabbing his body with his right hand from the air, suddenly, a faint light emanated from that person's body, and an illusory figure was caught out from his body by Li Hongbin's grasping, and then gently With a pinch, the whole person is like a mirror, fragmented.

Seeing this scene, the people present undoubtedly took a breath of air.

What was that illusory figure just now? As a cultivator, I am very familiar with it. It is the soul of a person, the root of a person, but he just grabbed it and smashed it to pieces. What kind of person is this person? people?

At the first moment, he seemed to have a little hippie smile, but at the next moment, he suddenly violently killed people.

Moreover, looking at his appearance, it seemed that he didn't feel a little bit when he killed someone, as if he wasn't killing a person.

Looking at this, cold sweat broke out on the back of the person, and everyone present could clearly feel that that person had no breath, and his soul had dissipated from this world. In other words, , he has been wiped out, and he has no chance of reincarnation.

As cultivators of immortality, they believe in the reincarnation of the soul and reincarnation. People will be reincarnated after death.

But now, just because that person uttered a word against Li Hongbin, he directly ended up in ashes. Thinking about it, he felt horrible, and what made them feel even more terrifying was his strength. There is no resistance at all in the hand, and it will be wiped out in ashes as soon as it is grabbed.

"Hehe." Li Hongbin clapped his hands and said, "Now, does anyone have anything to say, or wants to disobey my words?"

Swept by Li Hongbin's glance, there were still many people who wanted to say something, but they kept it in their hearts and didn't dare to say it, because the fate of the person in front was deeply imprinted in their minds. They don't want to seek death.

"Okay." Li Hongbin said with a smile on his face, "Since you all have no objections, you must follow my rules in the future."

"Among you immortal cultivators, among the sects of cultivating immortals, no matter what you do, even if you are killed or maimed, whoever kills who today, which sect destroys that sect, these things, I will not care about you Yes, whatever you want, what was in the past is what it is now."

"However, once someone appears in the secular world, in front of ordinary people, you must put away all your means of cultivating immortals. If who? Did something that hurt ordinary people, then you will only have one end , die, or don’t you want to be in the secular world? I’ll let you be a real ordinary person.”

"No matter who you are? You must abide by this rule, even the No.1 Jian Wuhen in the world."

"No one has any privileges. Anyone who violates the regulations will be punished. Now, does anyone have any opinions?"

At this moment, a weak voice from below suddenly came over, "Qi.Qiqiqian.Senior, me, I have a question."

Just after this person finished speaking, everyone present looked at him like a fool, how dare you ask questions!See if the person just now is gone, and the ashes are gone, that is the end of the problem, you dare to have a problem.

You are desperate, right?Even if you want to be famous, don't make fun of your own life!
Just as he finished speaking, an old man beside him hurriedly took him over, covered his mouth with one hand and said, "Shunming, what are you talking about! Aren't you just messing around? Seniors are talking about everything." That's right, what's your problem! Shut up now."

After finishing speaking, he nodded and bowed to Li Hongbin, bent down and said respectfully, "Please forgive me, senior, don't blame him, he has no questions to ask."

"No. No." Li Hongbin waved his hand with a smile and said, "I am very human, and I convince others with virtue. If he has any problems, let him talk? If what he said is right, I am I won't blame him, well, do you have any questions to ask."

"I, I." The man named Shun Ming stammered, ignoring his master who was watching him, looked at Li Hongbin, took a last breath, and said, "Senior, what I want to ask is , if those ordinary people do something to us when we are in the secular world, can we still not show our abilities when we are facing life and death threats?"

"En." Li Hongbin nodded and frowned. Seeing this scene, Shunming's master murmured inwardly, "It's over."

"Okay, very good, you asked this question well." When everyone thought this kid was finished, Li Hongbin appeared beside him, patted his shoulder, and said with an old-fashioned look, "Young man, yes, The question you raised is good, I also neglected this question before, I have to thank you for a while, this is a reward for you, continue."

Seeing the fruit in his hand exuding a faint blue light, and the fragrance wafting from it, the man said in shock, "This is a spiritual fruit."

Next to him, when his master saw the fairy fruit, he hurriedly kicked Shunming's right foot over, made him kneel in front of Li Hongbin, and said, "Shunming, thank you senior for the reward."

Shunming immediately kowtowed to Li Hongbin a few times, and said excitedly, "Thank you for the reward, senior."

"It's okay." Li Hongbin said indifferently, "He deserves it, and there is one thing I need to remind you. This is not an ordinary spiritual fruit. Forget it, I don't know if I tell you. Hurry up and give this fruit to me." Eat it! It won't be good if this fairy spirit dissipates."

No matter what happened after he ate it, Li Hongbin returned to the previous position and said, "I have already said that I am a person who convinces people with virtue. If any of you have any questions, you can ask them. As long as they are good I will accept it, the question of the young man just now is very good."

For this sentence, it has attracted countless people's eyes. Just like you, you still convince others with virtue. Why didn't you see you convince others with virtue just now?" As for his question, if you meet in the secular world What kind of problem, if it can be solved by ordinary people's methods, you must not use the abilities of immortal cultivators, unless it is a last resort, when your life is in danger, or when you want to save people, you are allowed to temporarily use immortal methods, etc. Once the danger is over, or after saving people, you have to return to the previous state, and you can't use your ability as a cultivator until you return to the range of the world of cultivating immortals."

"You don't have any opinions on this, do you?"

Most of them nodded one after another, expressing their agreement and obeying Li Hongbin's words. Li Hongbin's previous methods have already scared those people. None of them are Li Hongbin's opponents, but the three super sects, as well as the domineering sect, absolutely The sword sect, the soul refining sect, and the two sects of alchemy and weapon refining did not show much.

They can be said to be superpowers in the world of cultivating immortals. They are superior, and only others have always obeyed their words, especially the people of the three superpowers. It is completely impossible to make them obey other people's regulations. They I can't let go of this shelf in my heart.

Although they may feel that they are not Li Hongbin's opponent, they have their own pride in their hearts.

This is a kind of pride in their hearts as super sect disciples for many years. How could they obey others?
Seeing their reactions, Li Hongbin nodded and said, "What do you sects think?"

(End of this chapter)

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