Chapter 12
When Li Hongbin came together, he saw his parents busy there, packing up things, as if they were going somewhere.

Walking over, I couldn't help asking, "Dad, Mom, what are you two doing? Are you planning to travel far away? Or are you going to move house! What are you going to do with such a big battle?" ?”

"It's like this." Li Changshun said, "Isn't my foot inconvenient for the past two years? I have nothing to do, so I made some handicrafts at home. It happened that the old village chief and his family went to the county today, so I called Take a ride, follow them to the county seat, and see if these things can be sold."

Looking at the big bag behind Li Changshun, there are some statues and some wooden toys inside. Although those wooden statues are not masterpieces, they are still carved lifelike. Li Hongbin remembers his father This manual work is not bad. Unlike those children in the city who had all kinds of toys when he was young, his toys were all made by Li Changshun himself.

On the head of the bed in his room, there are sculptures of the Chinese zodiac, which were his favorite toys when he was a child.

"Oh." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "That's it! Dad, otherwise, I have nothing to do today, so I will go with you and give you a hand."

"This is not good!" Li Changshun received "Xiaobin, you are a college student, how can you follow your father to do this kind of thing? This is not in line with your status! Besides, there are so many plants planted in the back mountain." The fruit tree needs you to take care of it, so don't follow me!"

Li Hongbin put his hand on Li Changshun's shoulder and said, "What's wrong with my identity! No matter what I do, I'm still your son! What's the matter with setting up a stall with you? As for the fruit trees in the back mountain, it's fine, basically you don't need to take care of them now." .”

Of course, there are those few little bees watching over there, nothing will happen, and besides, nothing will happen.

"Alright then!" Li Changshun said with a smile, "Pack up your things, the old village chief and his family will leave immediately."

I saw the two of them looking at a big snakeskin bag, and walked towards the old village head's house. In the whole village, the old village head and his family only had a tractor, which was bought by everyone in partnership, for the convenience of everyone Those who went to the city, because the old village head's family paid the most money and had the largest shareholding, so this tractor was placed in the old village head's house.

Usually when everyone goes to the city, several families go together, and they all go to buy some farm products.

In recent years, people in cities have advocated a healthy and green life, so their farm products are still quite popular, such as some vegetables and fruits, which are very popular.

Because the price is cheap and affordable, and it is also a pure natural green food, generally everyone will sell out of things not long after they enter the city.

Seeing Li Changshun and Li Hongbin, a middle-aged man said, "Chang Shun, here we come! You are the only one missing, you can go, huh? Xiaobin, this is you."

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Uncle Dazhi, I'll go with my dad and help him out. Anyway, there's nothing to do."

Dazhi, whose original name was Deng Dazhi, was the son of the old village chief. When he was originally given this name, he hoped that he would be a person of great wisdom in the future. Is this how people in the countryside get their names?What kind of name do you want your son or daughter to have in the future?

"Okay, you two sit down and are about to go."

I saw Deng Dazhi holding a big iron rod in his hand, shaking the tractor engine a few times vigorously, the tractor shook for a while, rattling, and a burst of black smoke came out of the engine.

Deng Dazhi shouted, "Everyone sit still, we are entering the city."

As soon as he stepped on the tractor, this tractor staggered into the city. Sitting in the car, Li Hongbin looked at the village chief, he was too backward. There was only one car in the whole village, and there was no decent one. The road on the road is full of bumps and holes, and I must change this situation.

Seeing this, Li Hongbin couldn't help thinking of a sentence, to get rich, build roads first.

In order to make the people in the village richer, it is necessary to repair the road leading to the urban area. Only when the road is repaired and accessible can there be better development.

In other places, there are cement roads and asphalt roads, but here is still a dirt road with potholes.

Come to think of it, who would want to come to a place like this?If you drive a small car inside, the life of these two small cars will be short for at least several years. If you walk, who wants to walk a distance of more than ten miles!
Therefore, the final result is that this place is getting more and more backward, and the gap with the city is getting bigger and bigger.

But this is not completely without benefits. While developing in the city, they also lost a lot of things, the simplest one, a good natural environment, the city is far inferior to the countryside, the simplest Yes, the air quality, the air in the countryside is what it is, taking a deep breath is refreshing, while in the big cities, there are all kinds of exhaust gas everywhere.

Li Hongbin has a plan in his heart, to build his hometown into a modern village, a paradise on earth, a place that everyone yearns for.

The road was bumpy, and after more than an hour, the tractor finally drove into the urban area, but finally stopped outside the gate of the urban area, because motor vehicles like tractors are not allowed to appear in the urban area. Because it damages the image of the city.

When they got out of the car, except for Li Hongbin, the faces of the others were a little ugly.

Because of the bumps along the road, everyone's stomach was full of ups and downs. Someone once joked that if people with stones were allowed to take this car, it would be cured by medicine. If it weren't for endurance If they were very strong, they would almost spit it out. Seeing this situation, Li Hongbin waved his right hand lightly, sending a trace of fairy energy into everyone's body, and the overwhelming feeling in the stomach disappeared immediately.

"Yeah." Li Changshun suddenly said in surprise, "What's going on, the disgusting feeling disappeared immediately."

A villager said, "Lao Li, me too! Before, every time I took a car, I had to relax for half an hour before recovering. How come I recovered so quickly today? It's a little unbelievable. You are a college student with a lot of knowledge. Please explain it to me." .”

Li Hongbin said, "Will you get used to it after a lot of times? You have done this many times, maybe your body has adapted, so you recovered so quickly."

The man nodded, patted Li Hongbin on the shoulder and said, "Sure enough, he is a college student, but he knows more than we do. Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going to sell potatoes. I hope I can sell these potatoes before dark." A big bag of potatoes is sold."

In this way, everyone did their own things, but they all agreed that before five o'clock in the afternoon, everyone would gather here regardless of whether they had finished shopping or not.

In a fairly densely populated place, Li Changshun took off the snakeskin bag on his back, took out the wooden sculptures inside and placed them on the ground, arranged them one by one, and sat next to each other. He doesn't mind if the ground is dirty or not.

He began to yell, "Everyone, come and take a look. The handmade statues are very beautiful and very cheap. They only cost one dollar each."

"Dad." Li Hongbin on the side couldn't help but said, "Dad, it's cheap for you! One yuan is too cheap. You can only carve less than ten pieces in one day. For this one yuan One, it's too cheap."

"Is it cheap?" Li Changshun asked rhetorically, "I still think this one yuan is too expensive?"

Li Hongbin shook his head and said, "Dad, don't you know that the more purely handmade it is now, the more expensive it is. This is the creation of your sweat and soul. The finishing technique is no worse than those masters. In my opinion! It costs at least 50 yuan each, do you know what kind of master, how much does he pay for such a statue?"

Li Changshun stretched out a finger and said, "One hundred."

Li Hongbin shook his head and said, "One hundred, isn't that enough for people to get between their teeth? Ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million are all possible, even 100 million are possible."

"Oh my god!" Li Changshun couldn't help but said in surprise, "Xiaobin, how is this possible, he is just a piece of wood, how could it be so expensive."

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "It was originally a piece of wood, but after being manipulated by these masters and artists, it is no longer a piece of wood, but a work of art. Therefore, our things cannot be sold. so cheap."

"This...this." Li Changshun said uncertainly, "Xiaobin, can this work?"

"How about that." Li Hongbin said with a confident smile on his face, "Dad, give this thing to me to sell, and you can just watch from the sidelines. If you earn money then, just share it with me."

"Okay." Li Changshun said very straightforwardly, "Just look at our Xiaobin's ability."

Li Hongbin didn't care about his image, he just sat next to him and started playing with these statues without shouting, just sitting like this, this made Li Changshun on the side anxious, but Li Hongbin waved his hand to give him a reassurance eyes.

"Young man, how do you sell this statue?" At this moment, an old man stood in front of Li Hongbin and said with a smile on his face.

Li Hongbin looked at him and said, "You just want to ask the price or you want to buy it sincerely."

The old man's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "I really want to buy it."

"Okay, 1 yuan each, you can pick whatever you want."

"What." It wasn't the old man who was shocked, but Li Changshun. His body trembled and he almost fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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