Chapter 125

At first Li Hongbin didn't think much about it, but when Xu Qingxue said that, Li Hongbin was thinking about it.

It seems that I have changed a lot since this period of time, but as Xu Qingxue said, the previous self was just a big piece of wood. Except for Xia Qingqing and Xu Qingxue, he basically had no relationship with other people of the opposite sex. Even Xu Qingxue didn't talk to her much.

Thinking about it with his current state of mind, why didn't he accept Xu Qingxue back then?Such a beautiful woman will come to your door automatically, unless you are a fool.

Now that I think about it, how stupid I was back then!Moreover, after talking with Xia Qingqing for so long, the two held hands and did nothing else. However, Xia Qingqing had hinted to Li Hongbin several times that their relationship could go further.

But what?As Xu Qingxue said, Li Hongbin's EQ was zero back then, so he didn't even know about such obvious hints.

But now?When I saw Leng Fei last time, I couldn't help molesting him. It was not just a dream, but a practical action. This is something that he would never do if he was in the past.

And regarding Tang Xin's matter, if it was her former self, she would never dare to talk to her in front of this strong woman.

What's more, now, he would say such stinking words, which he never would have done before. Thinking confidently, Li Hongbin found that he had really changed a lot during this period, especially his character. A lot has changed.

I have done all the things that I dared not do before, and now I have said all the things that I was too embarrassed to say before.

All of this happened after he received the inheritance of the God of Life. Li Hongbin remembered that he had read such a paper before, which was about human nature. It roughly said that human nature has two sides. Shown, one side is latent.

The side that is showing now is likely to be disguising myself, or forcing myself to show such a character.

And that potential side is the real character of that person, but due to many reasons, this character has been suppressed and not shown, there are many possibilities to suppress this side of character, the most likely one is one's own strength Being humble, my own ability is low, etc., there are many reasons, and I have suppressed this potential side of my personality to death.

However, once given the opportunity, that latent aspect of my personality will be slowly released.

Then your personality will slowly change, becoming the kind of person with the potential personality, and this is the real you. You are completely released and become the real yourself, so that the potential personality is completely different from the previous personality. When they are integrated together, at that time, they will be their true self.

There are two extremes in the potential character of some people, and the character that is manifested in peacetime. If this kind of person has been around for a long time, schizophrenia is formed in this way.

Obtaining the inheritance of the God of Life, he became the supreme god in the world, and slowly released Li Hongbin's latent character. He already had such strength, and he no longer had any scruples, and there was nothing to suppress and Another side of him.

Under such circumstances, the latent personality was slowly released and merged with the previous one, becoming the real Li Hongbin now.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Hongbin felt that he might be like this, the current self is the real self.

Thinking of this, Li Hongbin felt that there was a crack in the bottleneck that hindered his breakthrough. As long as he exerted a little force, he could break through the bottleneck, but Li Hongbin did not do so.

Let everything go with the flow and break through naturally, this is what Li Hongbin pursues, the way of natural life.

After talking about that matter with Tang Xin last time, the last knot in Tang Xin's heart cannot be avoided blindly. Only by facing him can she overcome him. After thinking about it for a while, Tang Xin Finally figured it out, agreed to Li Hongbin's going, and asked him to go back to the Tang family in Yanjing with her.

Li Hongbin had already made all the arrangements for this before.

In the current Tang family, Tang Zhiqiang has the highest status, because he joined the Immortal Sect and became the Shaking Light Sect. It may not be a secret among the current disciples of the Seven Star Sect, so Tang Zhiqiang should be the highest status now. of a person.

To a certain extent, he is even more honorable than the old man of the Tang family, because once he joined the immortal sect, he would no longer be called a mortal from then on.

Becoming that powerful immortal cultivator, who is even more powerful than that martial artist, in front of the immortal cultivator, what kind of god list powerhouse counts as a hack!One sneeze can kill them instantly.

Therefore, Tang Zhiqiang can now be said to be the No.1 of the Tang family.

But they didn't know that Tang Family's No.1 was not that Tang Zhiqiang, but Tang Yunyun. He Tang Zhiqiang just joined the Xianmen, but Tang Yunyun became the suzerain of the Seven Star Sect. Compared with that Tang Zhiqiang, they don't know How many times more noble.

Among the Seven Star School, Tang Zhiqiang can be said to be an ordinary disciple who cannot be an ordinary disciple.

To put it better, he is Leng Hong's disciple, and Leng Hong is the disciple of Gong Quehong, the former master of the Yaoguang Sect. However, compared with Tang Yunyun's status, he is still a lot worse, even though Tang Yunyun is a child. , but as long as she said a word, no one in the Seven Star Sect would dare to dare, because behind Tang Yunyun, there was a powerful father, and how strong Li Hongbin was, the members of the Seven Star Sect still had fresh memories.

If they want to resist Tang Yunyun, they don't have the guts yet.

However, only Li Hongbin and Xu Qingxue knew about it.

One more thing is about Zhong Haoyun's family. Li Xiuyun told Li Hongbin before that Zhong Shoujing and Su Qin already knew they were wrong, so can you let them go temporarily?Li Hongbin didn't agree, and it was impossible to know that he was wrong in such a short few days. Moreover, even if he knew that he was wrong, he couldn't let these two people go so easily.

If you can let them go if you know they are wrong, then there will not be so many people in prison.

Let them wait for a while, and when they really know that they are wrong, they will know what to do next, instead of letting Li Xiuyun come to beg Li Hongbin. From this point, it can be seen that they have not realized their real mistake.

Li Hongbin shed a little consciousness on these two people, not only to protect their lives, but also to see if they really realized their mistakes.

After all, they will be my sister's family in the future. If something happens to them because of this, it will be bad.

Li Hongbin didn't say how long he was making them wait, he just told them to wait for a while, and Li Xiuyun didn't say either. He knew that no one could change what his little brother decided, and he was doing it for his own good. Waiting with Zhong Haoyun for a while.

For this brother-in-law, Zhong Haoyun was in awe or awe, who is this brother-in-law, it is too scary.

It was just a phone call, and he still spoke in a commanding tone. After that, not only his father stepped down, but thankfully he was not imprisoned, and everyone on his father's side was warned by the above, even his father's The backstage was almost there, too.

It was too terrifying, the energy was so terrifying, it made him feel like he didn't dare to look at Li Hongbin directly.

Before, when he didn't know his energy, he could hook up with him, call him brother, and build a relationship with him. However, after knowing that he has such abilities, he no longer has such thoughts. He knows that he and this brother-in-law have no relationship at all. People who are not at the same level cannot get along with him.

After staying at home for two days, I explained to Li Changshun and the others that I had some important things to do when I went out, which was about the construction of the village, and I would not come back until I went out for a few days, so I told them not to worry.

Originally, Li Changshun wanted to ask more carefully, but when he heard that it was about the construction of the village, he patted Li Hongbin on the shoulder and said, "Do it well."

Li Hongbin also nodded sharply and said, "Dad, you can rest assured, I will definitely do a good job."

Indeed, Li Hongbin wanted to do a good job, but it wasn't something important, but it could be said to be an important thing. Of course, another person was needed to do such an important thing, and that person was Tang Xin.

It is not easy or impossible for one person to do this.

In the morning, Li Hongbin set off from home, and appeared outside Tang Xin's villa in the next second. Tang Xin missed Li Hongbin very much, and Tang Yunyun was sleeping soundly. Naturally, a big fight was inevitable between the two. Really well done.

Ever since she and Li Hongbin made their relationship clear, Tang Xin put all her heart on Li Hongbin and wanted to see him all the time.

As long as you are with him, even if you don't do anything, as long as you can lie tightly in his arms, lying in this warm and safe embrace, this is the happiest thing in the world.

After more than an hour, Li Hongbin originally planned to send it again because he was really not enjoying himself, but Tang Yunyun in the other room woke up.

There is no way but to wait for the opportunity. Anyway, the two of them will stay together for the past few days. If there is a chance, tidy up the messy sheets on the bed and spray the air freshener, because in this air, There is a strange smell.

Li Hongbin went to take care of Tang Yunyun, and Tang Xin took advantage of this time to put on a little makeup.

Seeing Li Hongbin, Tang Yunyun was naturally very happy.

When the three of them felt the airport, it was already past nine o'clock in the morning. Tang Xin had already booked a few tickets to Yanjing a few days ago.

Tang Yunyun was still wondering, why didn't her father fly with her?It's still so troublesome to fly. If you fly, you will arrive in a short time, which is much faster than now. Li Hongbin can only tell her that this is a secret between him and her, and you can't show this secret in front of others.

Just when several people boarded the plane, Li Hongbin frowned suddenly, stared at several people, with a trace of doubt in his eyes

(End of this chapter)

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