Peerless Peasant

Chapter 130 Ruthless

Chapter 130 Ruthless

Tang Xiong's strikes were really uncommonly ruthless. This punch and kick broke several of Tang Haofeng's inner bones.

Are the two still cousins?But from these two people, there is no brotherhood at all. This is the disciple of the big family. Such a scene is not only in the Tang family, but basically exists in other big families.

Not only does this kind of thing exist, there are even more serious things. In order to compete for property, both parents and brothers can be killed.

Tang Xiong was directly slapped by Li Hongbin before. He didn't expect that this person has such strength, and what he didn't expect was that he dared to slap himself. Doesn't he know where this is?This is in the Tang family, and he dared to beat him, the eldest son of the Tang family, he didn't want to live!

Not only that, but he dared to step on himself, but when Li Hongbin said he wanted to kill him, he felt the disappointment, and he was shocked. He hated this person so much that he dared to kill himself. The breath of death was very real, and at that moment he felt a wave of fear.

The source of this fear was actually Li Hongbin, so after Li Hongbin kicked him away, he left without saying anything.

Looking at Tang Haofeng who was lying on the ground coughing up blood, the only people in the Tang family who were close to Tang Xin, for Tang Xin's sake, they helped him once, got down, put one hand on his back, facing The two beauties said, "Xin'er, Ruxue, leave it to me! Tang Haofeng is fine."

"Brother-in-law, Haofeng was so badly injured that he vomited blood, he has to be sent to the hospital quickly, he..."

When she said this, Tang Xin pulled her away, took Tang Ruxue's hand and said, "Sister, don't worry, Hong Bin will be fine if he says Haofeng is fine."

Tang Ruxue wanted to say something, but seeing Tang Xin's reassuring eyes, she chose to trust Tang Xin, but she became more and more curious about who her brother-in-law was. The natural smile on his face, the statue he gave him casually, and his formidable strength, Tang Xiong, among the younger generations of the Tang family, is second only to Tang Zhiqiang in skill, but in his hands , completely incapable of resisting.

This brother-in-law is becoming more and more mysterious and powerful, and more importantly, he cares about his sister very much, especially the previous sentence.

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel lucky for my sister. I can find such an excellent and loving man. No wonder my sister looks so happy. But at the same time, in Tang Ruxue's heart, there is a strange feeling. If I can meet such a man man, that would be great!

Tang Haofeng sat on the ground with a painful face, but when Li Hongbin put his hand on his back, a ray of life force came in.

The painful feeling disappeared in an instant, replaced by an itching feeling, and at the same time, it made people feel very warm, like a mother's embrace, the original painful expression was gone, replaced by an expression of enjoyment .

Seeing this scene, Tang Xin was not surprised at all. Back then, her situation was much more serious than Tang Haofeng's, and she could get back together in a very short time, but Tang Ruxue was very surprised. What was the situation? On TV, are those martial arts masters healing people?Could it be that brother-in-law is a master of martial arts?

Tang Haofeng was only slightly injured, so naturally there was nothing wrong with him, and he saw a faint green light emitting from Tang Haofeng's body.

Patted Tang Haofeng on the shoulder, pulled him up, and said, "There is no problem, your body is fine, but within a week, it is best not to use force, otherwise, the wound will recur."

"Okay, really healed." Tang Haofeng stood up, jumped a few times and said, "I'm really healed, sister Xin, my injury is healed, I'm fine."

Tang Xin glared at him and said, "You can tell just by looking at you like this, but don't get too excited. It won't be good until the wound recurs after the next excitement. Haofeng, how did you do it? I can hold my breath, but now, why did I become so impulsive, and started fighting with Tang Xiong."

"That's right." Tang Ruxue also said, "Are you stupid? Knowing that you are not Tang Xiong's opponent, you still fight him. Are you looking for death or something?"

"I. I." Tang Haofeng lowered his head, as if he was a child who had done something wrong, and said slightly, "But I was so angry just now, I couldn't hold back for a while before I did it. At that time, I didn't think about anything, just I just wanted to beat him hard."

"Tell me." Tang Xin rapped him on the head a few times and said, "Even if you want to beat him hard, you still have to beat him! What's going on?"

"This. This." Tang Haofeng recounted what happened here before because of a moment. He was practicing boxing here, but Tang Xiong walked in directly and scolded him. contempt, and then what happened later.

After listening to his words, Tang Ruxue went straight down, hit Tang Haofeng on the head, and said fiercely, "Haofeng, you are stupid! You believe what he said, even I don't believe it, Lin Ru is mine!" Junior girl, what kind of person is she, I know very well, she will never get together with Tang Xiong, you are still Xiaoru's boyfriend, I don't even believe you, you really are I am so disappointed, Tang Xiong obviously wanted to irritate you by doing this, let you do it first, and then he would have an excuse to hit you, you said you usually listen to the aura, how could you become so stupid, if not Brother-in-law, you will be loaded today."

"I. I." Being scolded by Tang Ruxue, Tang Haofeng was stunned, and said embarrassedly, "I was so angry when I heard him say that just now, so..."

"Okay, okay." Tang Xin said, "Haofeng, you have to remember this lesson and don't be so impulsive next time. Since that girl named Lin Ru is your girlfriend, you should believe She, if she is really the kind of girl Tang Xiong said, then you don't need to be angry with her, because it's not worth it and it's unnecessary."

Tang Haofeng lowered his head and said slightly, "Sister Ruxue, Sister Xin, I was wrong."

"Okay." Tang Xin said, "Just know you made a mistake, and you must remember it in the future, don't be so impulsive."

"Really." Tang Ruxue said, "Boy Haofeng, why don't you thank brother-in-law, if it weren't for brother-in-law, you would not only be doomed to be humiliated by Tang Xiong today, but also go to the hospital for a period of time."

Looking at Li Hongbin standing in front of him with a smile on his face, Tang Haofeng said, "He is brother-in-law."

In Tang Ruxue's heart, Li Hongbin has become an infinite hero. When Tang Haofeng mentioned Li Hongbin in front of Tang Haofeng, she said it very proudly, "Yes, he is my sister's husband, Yunyun's father, and your brother-in-law. , if it wasn't for him, you would be disabled today."

"Plop." With a sound, Tang Haofeng knelt directly in front of Li Hongbin and said loudly, "Please brother-in-law accept me as a disciple."

"This. This." This surprised Li Hongbin. He didn't expect his brother-in-law to make such a move. Tang Haofeng's body has no potential to rest. It can only reach the level of Tiangang Realm.

However, if Li Hongbin wants him to become a master, there is still a way, but in this case, his retreat will be blocked directly.

Li Hongbin shook his head and said, "Tang Haofeng, you'd better get up! I won't accept you as an apprentice."

"This, this." Tang Haofeng's complexion suddenly turned pale, and he said, "Brother-in-law, I am willing to work hard, as long as I become your master, I will not hesitate to pay no matter how high the price is."

"Hongbin." Tang Xin couldn't bear to see Li Hongbin reject Tang Haofeng again, and said, "Hongbin, why don't you help Haofeng!"

"Hey!" Li Hongbin sighed and said, "Let me finish talking first, I won't accept you as an apprentice, but it's okay to teach you a half-movement, a word may hit you, you haven't Qualified to be my apprentice."

He is really not qualified, even a master like Zi Tianhong is not qualified to be Li Hongbin's apprentice.

Although Zi Tianhong has always called Li Hongbin his master, but Li Hongbin has never recognized him as an apprentice in his heart. The matter of accepting an apprentice must be taken seriously, not because his sincerity is enough, but if he has a destiny with you, he must be accepted as a disciple. Apprentice, because of Li Hongbin's God of Life, once he accepts his apprentice, this karma will continue forever, and the karma of the two will be entangled.

That's why, Li Hongbin has never personally acknowledged Zi Tianhong's apprentice.

"Really." Tang Haofeng said excitedly, "Brother-in-law, you are really willing to teach me."

"I promised to be true." Li Hongbin raised his hand to him and said, "You should get up quickly! But I won't teach you for the time being. Let me ask you one thing. Do you want to become a teacher in a short time? Martial arts masters still hope to cultivate through their own hard work, continue to strengthen, and finally become a master. The difference between the two is that the former is not difficult, and it is very easy, but you will stop here for a lifetime. What about the latter? ?The natural process of becoming a master is very difficult, and it takes countless sweat and hard work, but your future is in your own hands.”

Tang Haofeng said for a while, "Brother-in-law, I choose the latter."

Li Hongbin smiled, and said cautiously, "Did you choose well? Once you choose, you can't regret it. If you choose the former, I can make you a master in a short time. Are you sure you want to choose the latter?"

"Yes." Tang Haofeng nodded and said, "I will choose the latter."

However, he was thinking in his heart, this must be my brother-in-law testing me and becoming a strong man on the list of gods within a period of time. How is this possible? What Li Hongbin said was the truth.

"Okay, very good." Li Hongbin nodded and said, "I hope you don't regret it when the time comes. After the things here are over, I will take you to a place."

"Thank you, brother-in-law." Tang Haofeng said excitedly, looking at Li Hongbin adoringly, in just a few minutes, Li Hongbin had completely conquered him, and Tang Ruxue, she also had staring eyes Looking at Li Hongbin, Tang Xin looked at Li Hongbin proudly, this is my man.

(End of this chapter)

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