Chapter 140
Tang Yuan and He Min stood there in shock, their foreheads covered with sweat.

He looked at Li Hongbin with fear in his eyes. How could he know all this, and he knew it so clearly, as if he was the person involved. Even if he was investigating the events of the year, it was impossible for him to know so clearly.

How is this possible, all this is unscientific!He knew every detail so clearly, as if it happened right before his eyes.

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Tang Yuan, He Min, don't you know if you two know it now? Or if you remember, it was like this back then. I don't know who sent He Zhenxing to know Deng Qunshan and cut him off." Who made the brakes on the car, and who arranged for the big truck to go there."

Looking at the two of them, he said with a hint of coldness in his eyes, "I think you two know it very well!"

Although Tang Yuan's eyes were full of panic, he still pretended to be calm and said, "Young man, I really don't know what you are talking about. That Deng Qunshan's death has nothing to do with me."

"Hehe." Li Hongbin said with a cold smile, "Is that really the case? Tang Yuan, He Min, you two look into my eyes."

The two were stunned, and subconsciously looked into Li Hongbin's eyes. The moment they touched Li Hongbin's eyes, they saw the body tremble, and then saw their eyes lose their color, as if they were in a vegetable state. This trick, Li Hongbin has already used it, directly shocking their hearts with a powerful spirit.

"He Min." Li Hongbin said coldly, "Who arranged for He Zhenxing to contact Deng Qunshan."

He Min said with blank eyes, "It's me, I arranged for He Zhenxing to meet Deng Qunshan."

"Then who arranged for someone to cut off the brakes of Deng Qunshan's car." Li Hongbin then asked, "It was also me." He Min said blankly, "Then who arranged for that big truck."

"I arranged this." Tang Yuan said. Hearing this answer, although Tang Xin didn't want to believe it, she heard her parents' answer with her own ears and admitted that Deng Qunshan's death had a direct relationship with them. Xin felt very uncomfortable in his heart. Although he had already guessed that things would be like this, it was still a little hard to accept.

It was really my parents who killed my husband, or the man I once loved the most.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." Tang Xin hugged her head and burst into tears. She was crying so sadly, doubts were one thing in her heart, but facts were another. Her parents killed Deng Qunshan, Tang Xin had never felt so sad before.

Li Hongbin stood behind Tang Xin, stroked her back lightly, patted her back lightly, and did not speak.

He knew that this matter had been pent up in Tang Xin's heart for a long time, and now he finally found a point of release. He needed to cry bitterly, and let out all the accumulation in his heart. After this time, his knot was almost resolved. Come on!

It's just that seeing Tang Xin crying so sadly made Li Hongbin feel very uncomfortable. This time, the two people should be blamed for the crime.

It was just the two of them, Li Hongbin hadn't thought that there were such parents in this world, it was a trivial matter to tear apart his daughter's happiness, but he didn't expect them to do such a thing to murder his son-in-law.

"You, it's really you." Tang Xin cried and said, "Why did you two do this?"

"Hmph." Tang Yuan snorted coldly, and said, "That Deng Qunshan really doesn't know what to do. I asked him to leave Xin'er before this, and as long as he leaves Xin'er, I can give him everything he wants, no matter what. I can give him money or power, but he didn't know what to do, and rejected my good intentions, and, originally, he didn't have to die, as long as he didn't go back that day, he wouldn't die."

"As long as you get him drunk, and when his aphrodisiac is taking effect, you can find a few women and let them have sex with Deng Qunshan, and then let Xin'er know about it, then she will definitely be very disappointed with Deng Qunshan , when the time comes, he will know that Deng Qunshan is not good and leave him, but he didn't expect that he would leave, so I can't blame me, so."

"So you find someone to kill him." Tang Xin coaxed, "Do you still have any conscience? This is a human life!"

"Who is he? A person like him wants to marry my daughter, but he doesn't even think about who he is. Is he worthy of my daughter? Besides, he dares to refuse my offer. I can't blame me for that. "

Hearing his words, Tang Xin's heart for the entire Tang family was completely broken, and she never had any feelings for her again.

Everything in the Tang family was just a memory. After doing this kind of thing, Tang Xin was completely disappointed in her parents.

And Tang Guoyuan was also taken aback after hearing Tang Yuan's words. He didn't expect all these things to be like this. The death of Deng Qunshan was really caused by them. Death is no different, just don't know how this mysterious young man will deal with it.

However, Mr. Tang was also uneasy, because he was the one who expelled Tang Xin from the Tang family.

Because Mr. Tang had arranged a marriage for her before, at that time Tang Xin was about to graduate, and she and Deng Qunshan were already inseparable, so how could she obey the family arrangement?So he resolutely opposed the old man's arrangement.

The old man was naturally very angry. He was unambiguous at home, and no one dared to object to his decision.

He had to arrange it like this, and Tang Xin would rather die than obey, so the final result was that Mr. Tang became furious and issued an ultimatum. If Tang Xin refused, then he would no longer be part of the Tang family from now on. Everyone already knows the final result.

It's just that Mr. Tang didn't know that person was Deng Qunshan at that time, he just knew that there was such a person.

Therefore, he feels a little uneasy now. He doesn't know what this mysterious young man is thinking. He didn't expect that the woman who was expelled from the Tang family at the beginning found such a good man. Everyone in the Tang family was kicked out of breath.

If he hadn't done these things to Tang Xin back then, wouldn't he be the son-in-law of the Tang family now?Mr. Tang couldn't help thinking about it.

But now, all this is obviously impossible. As long as the two of them don't hate the Tang family, it will be fine. He doesn't expect anything else, and he doesn't expect Li Hongbin to protect their Tang family in the future.

While patting her on the back, Li Hongbin said, "Cry! Cry to your heart's content! After crying, everything will be fine, and everything is over."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whom Tang Yunyun was crying to her heart's content. When she woke up, she didn't know why her mother was crying so sadly, she just knew that seeing her mother cry made her feel uncomfortable, and she wanted to cry too.

"Woooooo." The two mother and daughter hugged each other and cried loudly, finally venting everything in their hearts, Tang Xin's crying gradually subsided.

She raised her head and wiped away her tears. Her eyes were slightly red and swollen. Li Hongbin felt heartache when she saw it. He couldn't help but reached out and stroked her face. Until her red and swollen eyes slowly subsided.

"Hongbin, am I ugly now?" Tang Xin asked, "No." Li Hongbin quickly shook his head and said, "Xin'er has always been the most beautiful in my heart, how can I be ugly?"

"You're the only one with a sweet mouth." Tang Xin couldn't help but glared at Li Hongbin, but she was very happy to see his expression.

Yunyun pinched Tang Xin's nose with one hand and said, "Mom stopped crying, mom smiled, Yunyun is so happy, as long as mom is happy, Yunyun is happy, and when mom cries, Yunyun feels bad."

Tang Xin hugged Tang Yunyun in her arms very touched, and said happily, "Mom won't make Yunyun feel bad in the future, I will make you happy and happy all the time, and our family will be happy together."

"Okay, okay." Tang Yunyun said happily, "I want to be with my parents forever."

Li Hongbin snapped his fingers, and saw Tang Yuan and He Min's bodies tremble, and their eyes returned to their previous brilliance. They looked around with a trace of confusion, stared at Li Hongbin and said, "Boy, what did you say to me just now?" What have you done."

Li Hongbin said indifferently, "I have nothing, and what can I do? Everyone has seen that I have done nothing, but you two?"

Tang Yuan said loudly, "What's wrong with the two of us, boy, what did you do to me?"

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "I just told you two to tell the truth. I didn't expect you to be such a person. You don't deserve to be careful parents."

"Boy." Tang Yuan said loudly, "Boy, what did you do to me?"

Li Hongbin ignored him, and asked Tang Xin, "Xin'er, how are you going to deal with this matter, no matter what you do, I will support you."

"Forget it!" Tang Xin waved her hand and said, "Let's let the past go with the wind! I, Tang Xin, am no longer a member of the Tang family. I have nothing to do with the Tang family. If we meet again in the future, I will be just a stranger."

"Sister Xin." Hearing this, Tang Ruxue couldn't help but yelled anxiously, and said, "Sister, then we will..."

She didn't go on talking, she couldn't say it, she really didn't expect that what happened back then was like this, her parents were too much, it was really abominable to do such a thing, how could they What about my sister?

Tang Xin smiled, reached out and touched Tang Ruxue's head and said, "Ruxue, I just said that I have nothing to do with the Tang family, but you are still my younger sister, and Haofeng is still my younger brother. As for the others, if you can If you are friends, you can still be friends."

"That's good, that's good." Tang Ruxue patted her chest and said, "That's good, I thought sister, you don't want me anymore?"

"Little fool, how could I not want you anymore? Well, the matter of coming this time has been settled, I don't want to stay here anymore, Hong Bin, let's go!"

"Okay! Ruxue, if you want to come to see your sister, you can come anytime, and Haofeng will contact you in a few days."

After speaking, Li Hongbin and Tang Xin led Tang Yunyun in the middle, and walked out of the Tang family slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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