Peerless Peasant

Chapter 142 Legend

Chapter 142 Legend
The scene just now really shocked Tang Xin.

She stayed on the ground well before, but after a while, she appeared at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. If you fall down, you will definitely fall to a dead body.

But fortunately, with Li Hongbin by his side, she had a safe place to rely on, so she wasn't so afraid, but she was still very shocked.

Once again, I heard Li Hongbin jokingly say that he is a god. This time, Tang Xin did not have the slightest doubt. Li Hongbin is really a god. So many amazing abilities.

At this moment, Tang Xin seemed to have figured everything out.

No wonder Li Hongbin is so miraculous, as if he knows everything, as if everything cannot escape his eyes, no wonder he has such a strong strength, no matter what it is, he can be calm, as if he didn't let go. Same in heart.

Now, all of this makes sense, he is a fairy, he is really the legendary fairy.

However, how is this possible? Doesn't that only appear in legends?Living in the imagination of others, how can it appear in reality?What's going on with all this? Could it be that the myths and stories I've heard since I was a child are not legends, but really such a thing.

Seeing Tang Xin's puzzled look, Li Hongbin slowly explained to him, saying that he had obtained an inheritance from an old god. Tang Xin didn't know what the inheritance was, but the meaning probably meant something To be able to understand a little bit is to get something from that old fairy.

Then the old god gave him his mana, and he could only explain it to her in such a simple way.

"Oh." After a long time, Tang Xin nodded and said, "So that's what happened! What happened to that old fairy after that? Where did he go?"

"He's gone." Li Hongbin said with a trace of sadness on his face, "My master has gone to a place far, far away. You think that as long as he is a fairy, he can live forever! You are wrong, That's just a legend, immortals will die, as long as they reach this age, they will also die, but their life span is much, much longer than that of ordinary people."

Thinking of the God of Life again, Li Hongbin felt a trace of sadness in his heart.

After all, it was the God of Life who gave him everything and made him a god. If there was no God of Life, Li Hongbin is currently engaged in construction in Xianyou Village. Although Xianyou Village is also going to be built now, the two How far is the gap between them?

If there is no inheritance from the God of Life, it may take five or six years for Xianyou Village to reach its present state, and then develop later, all of which add up, none of which cannot be achieved in 20 years, but Now, if it wasn't for Li Hongbin who didn't want to be too shocking, it could be done in a couple of months. He wanted the people in the village to exchange for the development of the village through their own hard work, so he had to slow down a bit, and it would take two to three years. .

This is one aspect, and the other is my current status. The entire world of cultivating immortals must obey my orders. In the secular world, I also have the title of honorary leader of the dragon clan. If it is not for the god of life, all this is just a dream That's all.

Although the time of contact with the God of Life was extremely short, he was the person Li Hongbin was most grateful to.

It's a pity that he is no longer there, he has vanished into thin air, and there is no chance of reincarnation. Thinking of this, Li Hongbin's heart is filled with infinite sadness. Tang Xin also naturally knows what it means to go to a far away place. He leaned against Li Hongbin's body.

"Xin'er, are you not afraid now?" Li Hongbin asked, "Yes, yes." Tang Xin nodded. Now that she knew Li Hongbin's identity and Li Hongbin was by her side, she was not afraid at all. She was a little afraid of heights before, which is why she was so excited when she saw herself in the sky, but now, her expression is very calm, without any expression of fear.

"As long as I'm by your side, I'm not afraid no matter where I am." Tang Xin said affectionately, "Oh." Li Hongbin suddenly smiled wickedly, and said, "Yunyun, hold on tight! Xin'er, you too, hold on to me hand."

"Yeah." Tang Yunyun nodded and said, "Dad, I've already caught up."

Tang Xin hadn't understood what was going to happen, and hadn't grasped Li Hongbin tightly with her hands. Suddenly, her body flashed, and she felt a strong wind blowing towards her face. At a glance, she was flying fast in the sky.

"Ah... ah." A scream came out of Tang Xin's mouth.

"Wow! Wow!" The other person, Tang Yunyun, shouted happily, "I'm flying, I'm a little boy, I'm flying in the air, flying, flying, Dad, I'm going faster .”

Compared to Tang Xin's excitement and fear, Tang Yunyun seemed much calmer.

"Hehe." Li Hongbin stopped, and said with a smirk on his face, "Xin'er, didn't you say that you are not afraid anymore? Why did the cry just now be louder than anyone else? Such a high place, otherwise people don’t know what they will think when they hear it.”

"Hmph." Tang Xin hummed and stared at Li Hongbin, thumped his chest a few times with her small fist, and said, "You fly so fast before I'm ready, you can let me Aren't you afraid? Hmph! It's you, making me look so embarrassed, I'm not done with you."

"Okay!" Li Hongbin said helplessly, "Xin'er, I was wrong, why not admit my mistake?"

"Okay! For the sake of your sincere confession, I will let you go this time. If you scare me like this next time, I will never end with you."

"There will be no next time, absolutely no next time, it would be bad if it frightens our hearts."

"Hmph, good to know, remember to fly slower later."

Li Hongbin pointed to the bottom and said, "First take a look at where this place is. Are you sure you want to continue flying, or go in and sit down?"

"En." Tang Xin was taken aback, and looked along Li Hongbin's fingers, just a moment, where did she come from now?It was on the top of her villa. Tang Xin was very surprised. Even if it took an hour or two to fly from Pinghai City, Yanjing City, it took only two or three minutes to fly from Yanjing City. Back to Pinghai City, this is really amazing.

"No." Tang Xin said, "Miss, haven't you had enough fun yet? I can't just let you go like this. I heard that the Great Wall can be seen even at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. I want to know if this is true. Yes, take me to have a look."

Li Hongbin lowered his head, stretched out his right hand to Tang Xin and said, "I obey, Your Lady Queen, you can do whatever you say."

"Xiao Lizi, come, take me, the Queen, to open the Great Wall in the sky."

Li Hongbin very cooperatively said, "Cha, I'll take you there, little one."

Sitting on Li Hongbin's shoulder, Tang Yunyun patted Li Hongbin's back and said, "My princess is going too."

"Okay." Li Hongbin said helplessly, these two people are really born actors!Entering the play so quickly, and acting so similarly, helplessly, one sat on the shoulder, hugged the other, and flew back to Yanjing again, circled around Yanjing, and the Great Wall Wherever they were, Li Hongbin took the two of them to fly aside.

Tang Yunyun didn't understand anything, as long as it was fun, he would be happy, as long as she was happy, Tang Xin and Li Hongbin would be happy.

An hour later, Tang Xin finally felt a little tired. Originally, Li Hongbin wanted to send her back to the villa in Pinghai City, but Tang Xin said that she bought a round-trip ticket, although she was rich. , but it cannot be wasted.

This made Li Hongbin quite speechless. Is this called waste?Could have gone straight back.

However, this is a waste and a waste of time. This was proposed by Tang Xin, and Li Hongbin has no choice but to play with her, and Tang Xin doesn't want to come to Yanjing after all. I went back so early, and there are some former old classmates in Yanjing who I haven't seen for several years. Taking this opportunity, I want to get together with them.

Finally, a room was booked in a five-star hotel in Yanjing City.

"Xin'er, you and Yunyun are going to sleep first. I still have some things to deal with, but I'll be back later." Li Hongbin said, "Hongbin." Tang Xin rushed over and hugged her with both hands. Li Hongbin's waist and the soft mass on his chest pressed hard on Li Hongbin's back, which made Li Hongbin feel great in his heart!Tang Xin said softly, "Hong Bin, you don't want me anymore!"

"Fool." Li Hongbin turned around, hugged Tang Xin in his arms, hung her nose and said, "Little fool, how could I not want you? I said, you Tang Xin is my woman, you just She will always be my woman."


If it was before, Tang Xin would not be so worried that Li Hongbin would leave her, but now that she knows Li Hongbin's identity, he is a god, and she is just a mortal, and she is far from worthy of Li Hongbin, a woman who is more beautiful than herself in this world , that's too much.

Moreover, the more important thing is that I already have children, and my most precious thing is not left to Li Hongbin.

In the past, she still hoped to rely on her body to keep Li Hongbin by her side, but now, she didn't have any confidence at all. With Li Hongbin's ability, what kind of woman would she really want?

Therefore, she felt a strong sense of crisis.

"Don't worry." Li Hongbin put his arms around her waist and said, "Why don't I want you anymore? Don't think too much about it. You, Tang Xin, belong to me, Li Hongbin, for the rest of your life."

After kissing Tang Xin hard on the face, she left, leaving Tang Xin with a flushed face.

Li Hongbin has something important, and it's not just the matter of those supernatural beings.

(End of this chapter)

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