Chapter 161
Guarding such a beautiful woman, she is still a virgin five or six years later, then there are only two possibilities.

Su Ruoxuan's husband is impotent, otherwise this cannot be explained clearly!Guarding such a sexy, charming and charming girl, and feeling his own conscience, Li Hongbin must not be able to bear it, let alone endure it for five or six years, even for a day or two, or, Her husband is gay.

What's more, this person is her wife, a legal husband and wife, which is even more unbearable.

But unexpectedly, Su Ruoxuan is still a virgin, so there is only one possibility, her husband is impotent, and another possibility is that her husband is gay, apart from these two possibilities, Li Hongbin can't think of other possibilities up.

"Hey!" Li Hongbin sighed in his heart, such a beautiful woman married such a man, I really don't know how she has lived these past few years.

But think about it, Su Ruoxuan is really a good woman, her husband is in this situation, she can still endure loneliness, not go out to find any fun, and keep her innocent body, such a woman must be a good woman, but Pity.

Do you want to help yourself?Let her enjoy the fun of being a woman?

Can you just think about it?He quickly shook his head and dismissed the idea. He knew that although such a woman seemed to be very open in her speech and manner, the more she was, the more reserved she was.

Don't look at her as if she has been on the battlefield, but she is still a soldier who has never been on the battlefield?

When she did this, she must have wanted to conceal her status as a virgin. She looks so beautiful. If others knew that she was still a virgin, she had never experienced that kind of life. I don't know what others would think of her. .

Thinking of this, Li Hongbin has a way to deal with her, he can finally win the round, and stop being suppressed by this woman.

Murong Qingxue can understand that she is an iceberg, she cultivates too much in the way of forgetting feelings, and she will not be interested in men, unless a man appears one day in the Tao and takes her Dao heart, although Li Hongbin is confident that she has such a heart. She has the ability, but she will not do this. Once her Dao heart is broken, her cultivation will be destroyed, and she will become a useless person from then on.

The Dao of Taishang Wangqing is different from the Dao of Wuqing. The highest state of Dao of Wuqing is that the Tao is ruthless but has emotion, while the Dao of Taishang Wangqing is completely forgetting love.

There is an essential difference between the two, so, for the sake of Murong Qingxue's cultivation, it is better not to do such a thing.

As for that Qin Xiaohan, although this girl is older than herself, her EQ is probably still in high school. Others don't even know what love is, so forget it. As for Su Ruoxuan and her The bet, I only intend it to be a joke.

But if Su Ruoxuan loses, let her be his concubine, this can still be considered.

However, these are just thoughts. If I really want to do it, I guess Li Hongbin will not do it very well, because once he accepts this woman, he will be responsible for her for the rest of his life. Maybe you can handle it, but it's too much, let's forget it!
Suddenly, Su Ruoxuan came over and whispered in Li Hongbin's ear, "little brother Li Hongbin, what are you thinking about?"

Li Hongbin smiled confidently. Now it's my turn to turn defeat into victory. He smiled mysteriously and whispered in Su Ruoxuan's ear, "I'm really thinking about one thing. A virgin, that really got me curious."

"You. You." Su Ruoxuan was taken aback, a flash of panic flashed in her eyes, and she was about to say how did you know, but she quickly recovered, stared into Li Hongbin's eyes, smiled and said, "You are a bad boy, why is this so?" Maybe, do you think I still look like a virgin?"

As he spoke, he breathed hot air on Li Hongbin's neck, Li Hongbin shook his head and said, "Sister Su, you are still not a virgin, you can't escape my eyes."

"You. You." Seeing Li Hongbin's playful smile, Su Ruoxuan trembled, as if nothing about herself could escape Li Hongbin's eyes, she couldn't help being taken aback, but then she showed a smile again, Said, "In this case, how about my sister giving you my first time?"

"Ahem." Li Hong coughed twice, but she didn't expect the woman to react so quickly, and she was still a little tender.

"Let's forget about it!" Li Hongbin said, "Cut." Su Ruoxuan glared at Li Hongbin, and said, "Your brother who is lustful but not courageous, sister, I give it to you from the bottom of my heart. How about it?"

"Hehe, um, um, sister Su, the weather is really nice today."

"Hahaha." Su Ruoxuan smiled and said, "little brother Li Hongbin, you are so funny, okay, sister will stop teasing you."

Tang Xin on the side saw Su Ruoxuan laughing, and couldn't help asking, "Sister Su, what are you two talking about? Seeing you smiling so happily."

"What are we talking about?" Su Ruoxuan smiled and said, "I'm asking Li Hongbin's little brother, how long can he last on the bed, and can he satisfy you! But seeing your happy face, I guess Li Hongbin's little brother is as good as you." The aspect is very strong, my sister, I really want to try, how capable he is."

Tang Xin said shyly, "Sister, if you want to know, why don't you try it yourself?"

She knows how powerful Li Hongbin is, and she is not his opponent at all, not enough for him to torment, but fortunately he has not only her own woman, but also other women, otherwise, she really can't handle it by herself, even though doing that kind of thing It's cool, but it depends on whether you can handle it or not.

"Hehe." Su Ruoxuan smiled and said, "You said it yourself! Li Hongbin's little brother is mine tonight."

Even Li Hongbin wasn't Su Ruoxuan's opponent, how could Tang Xin be her opponent? After just a few words, she was blushed, and Qin Xiaohan was the same. Although she didn't understand anything, she still knew a little about it. As for Murong Qingxue's words, she had an expression that hadn't changed for thousands of years.

Fortunately, they know this eldest sister very well, and they know that it is very normal to say these things from her mouth.

Su Ruoxuan clapped her hands and said, "Okay, okay, our four sisters finally got together, what's the taste of staying here all the time, why don't we have some activities!"

"Okay!" Tang Xin said, "Sister, what shall we do then?"

"How about, let's go to the bar!" Su Ruoxuan said with a look of reminiscence, "Do you still remember that time, the four of us in the dormitory drank together, drinking hard, it seemed that each of us couldn't even stand upright in the end, no , it seems that the third sister is not guilty, I remember that it seems that the third sister is not guilty, she is the one who carried us back."

Both Tang Xin and Qin Xiaohan blushed, it was their first time drinking alcohol.

It was some kind of activity held in their dormitory that time, and they won the No.1 in the school, so the four of them decided to have a carnival. I don’t know who proposed to drink. Except for Su Ruoxuan, none of the others had drunk alcohol. But they all want to try, what is the taste of wine, so many people like to drink it.

In the end, Qin Xiaohan drank from the disposable cup for half his life, and then fell to the ground unconscious. Tang Xin felt better, and became unconscious after drinking a cup. Su Ruoxuan's alcohol capacity was not bad, but seeing Murong Qingxue Her drinking capacity is also so good, so she decided to fight her to see who is better.

But unexpectedly, Murong Qingxue's sister's paper and wine were the same as boiled water, and in the end Su Ruoxuan fell unconscious and fell to the ground.

Murong Qingxue is a martial artist. Although she has never drank alcohol, there is no problem at all if she drinks a catty or two. When necessary, she can use her true energy to completely release the alcohol in her body, and she immediately wakes up. The smell of alcohol is gone, it's not like drinking plain water.

In the end, Murong Qingxue carried the three of them back one by one. Fortunately, she is a warrior, otherwise, these three girls would have slept outside.

"Drink!" Qin Xiaohan said in a low voice, "Sister, can you stop drinking!"

Su Ruoxuan stared at her and said, "Xiaohan, why, you are scared, aren't you! This is not your character! Could it be that after so many years, you still pour half a glass, isn't this just a good way to exercise your drinking capacity? Having said that, are you afraid of something, afraid of Li Hongbin's little brother, afraid of what he will do to you after you are drunk, you can rest assured about this, Li Hongbin's character is guaranteed, sister I He doesn't even want to send them automatically."

"This. This." Qin Xiaohan hesitated and said, "Okay! Drink and drink, but I can't drink much."

Su Ruoxuan stared at Li Hongbin and said, "Little brother Hongbin, how is your drinking capacity?"

Li Hongbin said, "What about my drinking capacity? If I haven't been drunk, would you believe me?"

He is really guilty of every crime. He knows his drinking capacity. Every time he is almost drunk, he will find various reasons to leave, or he will not drink, swallow it in his mouth, and then spit it out when he finds a chance, so, He basically has no crimes, and it's a bit shameless to say it. Li Hongbin knows that it's okay to drink a little wine, but it's not good to be drunk, and it's not good for your health.

"Yo, I can't tell, your drinking capacity is so good, why don't we fight it out, but your man, you need to change the way, we have one drink, you two."

"No way!" Li Hongbin said, "It's a little unfair."

"Hehe, it's not fair! Who told you to be so arrogant, you haven't committed a crime, aren't you a provocation to us? Today, four of us will deal with one of you. If you can shout all four of us, I admire you .”

"That's a little bad!"

"What's wrong, it's such a happy decision. I didn't say anything as a woman, and you are a big man who is still talking."

"Okay!" Li Hongbin said helplessly, "Then it's decided like this."

"Is this decent?" Then he whispered in Li Hongbin's ear, "If my sister is drunk, don't touch me! Otherwise, I will be angry! What are you going to do to me?" If so, why don’t you come here aboveboard? My sister allows you, but if you take advantage of others’ danger, my sister will be angry.”

"Okay, it's such a happy decision." Su Ruoxuan said, "But drinking is not very interesting. We sang and drank, and went to KTV."

(End of this chapter)

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