Peerless Peasant

Chapter 177 Suppression of Blood Asura

Chapter 177 Suppression of Blood Asura
An aura of dominance erupted from Xue Shura's body.

It seems that he is the only Blood Shura in the whole world, and he wants to dominate the whole world. In an instant, his figure is raised countless times, like a towering giant, supporting the world with one hand, stepping on the ground with two feet, and standing on the ground with his right hand. His feet kicked hard on the ground.

The phantom glared at Li Hongbin and said, "God of Life, if you don't let me live, I won't let you have a good time either."

"Asura Batian Palm."

The Demon Sealing Tower was trembling non-stop, as if Blood Shura couldn't be sealed, and he was about to explode from it. Countless black air overflowed from the Demon Sealing Tower, and the figure of Blood Shura was continuously solidified. His strength is constantly increasing, his blood is getting stronger and stronger, and his power is getting stronger and stronger.

"Not good." Elder Five Elements and Elder Feng Mo were shocked after seeing this scene. They never thought that the power of this demon is so powerful that they are completely beyond their ability to resist. In front of such power, they seem to be How insignificant!With this palm, even ten of them are not enough to kill!
With this palm, it seems that the whole world will submit to his palm, and the whole sky will be broken by him.

"Should die!" Xue Shura coaxed, "God of life, you immortal, die for me!"

Li Hongbin stood in the void with a calm face, looked at the palm with a sneer on his face, and said slightly, "The power of the second level of immortality, blood Shura, you are not the blood Shura back then, what else do I have?" So scary."

With a loud "Drink.", the same powerful aura, supreme and incomparable, emanated from Li Hongbin.

"Blood Shura, what can a mere Shura Batian Palm do to me? Let me break you."

"Life and death are boundless."

One palm down, this is a palm full of death air, the air of death has confused the whole world, as if seeing the end of the world, seeing the end of oneself, the people of the dragon guards below are feeling the breath of death When you are angry, it is as if you have seen the god of death and then waved like yourself.

One palm and Blood Shura's palm met together, and the air of death eroded Blood Shura's palm in an instant.

Everything has death, and this palm will exterminate all living beings. Li Hongbin is the god of life and at the same time, he is also the god of death. He controls your life, and at the same time controls your death. When will you die? , when you die.

Blood Shura's blood palm was instantly corroded of vitality, withered in an instant, and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

"Bang." Thinking slightly, Li Hongbin hit the phantom of Blood Shura with his palm, causing his body to stagger for a while, and the phantom of thousands of feet was directly crushed by this palm. It's back to the previous Bailaizhang appearance, and it's a lot more illusory again.

Blood Shura said a little bit unwillingly, "Damn it, really damn it! If it wasn't for this broken tower that sealed my power, the mere God of Life, how would I be afraid of you."

"Hahahaha." Li Hongbin looked up to the sky and laughed a few times, and said, "Blood Demon, you are so ridiculous. Even if you have recovered the power of the peak in ancient times, how can you be your own opponent? Don't forget, you were only a god in the first place!" At the second level, the delusion has turned the sky."

"You. You." Xue Shura said angrily, "God of life, you old man, you have the guts to let me out of the tower, I want to fight you."

"The aggressive method." Li Hongbin said playfully, "Blood Demon, your trick is useless. Even if you are released, you are not my opponent. I haven't used my god's magic weapon yet, and you are my god." Opponent, if I use the divine weapon, I can instantly kill you with one move."

"You, you, don't underestimate this demon god, if you have the guts, let me out and fight."

"Hehe, let you out! Don't even think about it. If you think about such a good thing in your next life, if you do something wrong, you will have to pay the price. Let you out. If you let you run away, don't you do it again?" Common people, so, you just stay inside."

"Ahhh." Xue Shura raised his head to the sky and coaxed wildly, "I'm not dead, let me out, I'm going to fight you, I'm going to kill you."


The Demon Sealing Tower trembled again, this time the trembling was stronger than before. The Vientiane Demon Sealing Formation arranged above the Demon Sealing Tower turned into nothingness in an instant, and the chains tied to the Demon Sealing Tower, Hundreds of pieces were broken in an instant.

"Bang, bang, bang."

Hearing a burst of sound, the chain was directly shattered into pieces, the ground was shaking non-stop, and cracks, with the Demon Sealing Tower as the center, spread out in all directions, extending tens of kilometers. The members of the dragon guards below couldn't even stand upright.

Under this powerful momentum, both of them couldn't control their bodies a little bit.

"This...this." Long Haotian said in surprise, "What level of battle is this? What kind of thing is that demon? It has such a powerful strength. My God! Fortunately, he was relatively honest before. If he also came like this If you do it for a while, it is estimated that my Dragon Guardian Clan will not be able to withstand his torment at all."

Seeing this scene, the elder Wu Xing was also afraid for a while, touched the cold sweat on his forehead, and said, "Oh my God! We have been guarding such a powerful demon for so many years. Fortunately, he didn't resist much before. If it is like today If it was the same, we probably would have gone to see the ancestor of Long Teng long ago."

"That's right." Elder Feng Mo said with a pale face, "It's really terrifying, it's terrifying, it's simply not human power."

"Who the hell is that senior! He can actually compete with that demon." Long Haotian said in surprise. The person who was sent to recover the evil spirit was lucky to have this senior, otherwise, sooner or later our dragon guards would be buried in the hands of the evil spirit."


Blood Shura's body was constantly solidified, and two long and sharp fangs grew out of his mouth, which looked a little scary, and his face was very ferocious, especially the bone spur armor on his body, which looked like a thorn. A feeling of deep fear, as well as this eerie and powerful aura.

"Old and immortal, I want you to die. I want to destroy the sky, destroy the earth, destroy everything in the world, Shura destroys the palm."

A palm came over, as if penetrating everything in the world, a palm from ancient times was bound to destroy everything in the world and break the world.

Seeing this palm, Li Hongbin couldn't help but said, "Is this the unique skill of the Shura clan? It's really powerful. The Shura clan is indeed the strongest fighting race in ancient times, with the power to dominate the world."

"However, Blood Shura, if my God of Life is here today, you should stop being rampant and see how I can suppress you."

"Yin and Yang are infinite, life and death are disillusioned, heaven and earth reincarnate, and fate is impermanent."

Slap four palms in a row, one palm is stronger than the other, and one palm is more mysterious than the other. The first palm passed and collided with the blood Shura's palm print, and there was a shocking collision, and there was a burst of clattering between heaven and earth. There was a loud bang, and a black hole was created where the two chapters collided.

The space was broken, and the force of the collision of these two chapters directly shattered this piece of space.

The second palm passed and hit Xue Shura's body, penetrating through his body, then the third palm, and the fourth palm pierced through his body, Xue Shura's body almost changed became transparent, and his figure was only a few feet high.

"Ah, my deity refuses to accept it! You are an old man, taking advantage of others' danger."

Li Hongbin sneered a few times, and said, "There is no need to take advantage of others, you are not my opponent at all, Blood Shura, just stay inside!"

"The Demon Sealing Tower, town."

The word "Zhen" turned into a huge mark in an instant, suppressing the phantom of Blood Shura, and returned to the inside of the Demon Sealing Tower, and felt a strong shaking of the Demon Sealing Tower.

"Blood Demon, stop struggling, Demon Sealing Tower, give me town, town."

It was suppressed one word more, turning into a burst of golden light, and a mark was pressed on the top of the Demon Sealing Tower, and the Demon Sealing Tower was instantly quiet.

"Hoo, hoo." Li Hongbin took two deep breaths and touched the sweat on his forehead. This battle is really a little tiring!This is to say, Li Hongbin's first battle in the true sense, he showed all his strength without reservation, it can be said that he fought heartily!
In fact, the reason why Blood Shura could erupt with such a powerful force was all deliberately made by Li Hongbin.

When he first came up, he seemed to be suppressing Blood Shura, but in fact he secretly released a little bit of the seal of the Demon Sealing Tower, in order to see how strong this Blood Shura is now, that is, to print out the seal A little bit, let his strength release a little.

But he was not Li Hongbin's opponent at all. In the end, he released a little more, allowing his power to reach the third level of the Immortal Dao.

However, he was still defeated by Li Hongbin in the end. He already knew the strength of Blood Shura, and he was probably at the fifth level of the Immortal Dao. Moreover, the few palms just now had injured Blood Shura a little, and he probably needs to recover for a while .

After knowing the strength of Blood Shura, Li Hongbin can be regarded as letting go of a stone in his heart.

However, this is just a small stone, and there are several bigger stones weighing on his heart, and he doesn't know what happened to the other great demon gods.

"Ah, bastard, God of Life, you bastard, let me out quickly, let me out! I'm going to kill you."

"Hehe, just stay in it! Spend the rest of your life in it!"


Li Hongbin dragged his hands together, exuding a khaki-yellow light, and clasped his hands together.


I saw that the land that had been split apart was all joined together and restored to its original appearance.

The body turned around in the air, and landed gracefully in front of Long Haotian and the others. Now these people respected Li Hongbin immensely. Seeing his strength, they knew that he might be someone from above.

Seeing them like this, Li Hongbin said helplessly, "Don't be so restrained, I am a very casual person, let's be more casual."

"What." At this moment, Long Haotian suddenly let out a sound of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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