Peerless Peasant

Chapter 209 Killing Intent

Chapter 209 Killing Intent

Originally, everything was fine and harmonious, but after Li Hongbin said these two words, something went wrong.

Li Hongbin felt that he was enveloped by a powerful killing intent. The source of this killing intent was really the evil king Shi Haotian. Instead of the laughing and joking look before, he looked at Li Hongbin with a gloomy expression and said with a strong killing intent. "Give me a reason not to kill you."

Seeing this scene, Leng Yunshan was taken aback, it could be that Xie Wang is in a bad mood and wants to kill someone!Leng Heng was also taken aback, he also had a certain understanding of the evil king.

Only Leng Fei, she has a calm face, but she knows what kind of strength Li Hongbin has, all these scum in the martial arts, all added together, will definitely not be able to withstand Li Hongbin's palm, and this evil king, Although he is very famous and powerful in the martial arts, if he wants to kill Li Hongbin, it is tantamount to wishful thinking.

Li Hongbin looked very calm, smiled and said, "It's ridiculous to give you a reason not to kill me, why should I give you a reason?"

The killing intent continuously erupted from Xie Wang's body. The killing intent was so powerful that Leng Yunshan and the others beside the two were shocked. What kind of killing intent was it that made him feel a little The trembling, fear, is the fear of this killing intent.

I heard Xie Wang say coldly, "If that's the case, then go to die! Xie Wang's palm."

When this palm came over, the imposing manner that was like overwhelming mountains and seas, just a single momentum, shocked Leng Yunshan and others away. It can be seen that the strength of the evil king Shi Haotian is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. This aura shook away the warriors who were at the peak of the mid-Yuangang Realm, and even the strongest fighters on the list of gods did not have this strength.

"This." Leng Yunshan said in shock, "What kind of strength is this, how strong is this evil king, and who is he?"

"Fei'er." Leng Heng asked, "Fei'er, is Hong Bin okay?"

Leng Fei smiled confidently and said, "Let's not talk about a little evil king, even if he is ten times stronger than him, he can't help Li Hongbin, his strength is beyond what you can imagine. It may have surpassed our level and entered another level."

"Entered another level." Leng Yunshan and Leng Heng said in shock, "Yes." Leng Fei nodded and said, "This is what Li Hongbin himself told me. He said that he is not at the same level as us. , well, grandpa, dad, you don't have to worry, the evil king can't touch Li Hongbin."

Just like what Leng Fei said, Li Hongbin stood there very calmly when the Xie Wang slapped him.

With a confident smile on his face, he said, "Your name is Shi Haotian, the evil king, right? Your strength is not bad. The power of this palm has been condensed, and it has reached the peak of the Yin-Yang realm, touching the edge of the realm of life and death. That's right. It's still a little too weak, let's go!"

I saw Li Hongbin slowly raise his right hand, and when the palm came, he waved it lightly, and the power of Xie Wang's palm disappeared in smoke.

"What." Seeing that his palm was so easily broken by Li Hongbin, Xie Wang was very shocked. With his own [-]% skill, no one in the entire martial arts world could stop it. Yes, I didn't expect him to block his palm so easily.

"Who are you? Are you from the world of cultivating immortals?" Xie Wang said coldly. Li Hongbin shook his head and said, "If you want to treat me as a person from the world of cultivating immortals, it's fine. Didn't you just say you wanted to kill me? This level of strength can't kill me, show off all your strength! Otherwise, you will be the one who dies."

"How courageous." Xie Wang said coldly, "Since you want to seek death, then no one can blame you."

"Evil King Crescent Moon Slash."

It was the move against Chen Haohai just now, but this move was quite different from the previous one. The previous move was made by his strength in the late stage of the One Yuan Gang Realm, and it was made with the true energy of his inner family. But this move now, but he used the strength of the life and death realm, and sent it out with the spirit of the fairy.

I don't know how many times the power has to be hit. Originally, this is the technique of the world of cultivating immortals. If it is issued with the moves of a warrior, the power will drop a lot.

This sword stabbed towards Li Hongbin, and the tip of the sword pointed straight at Li Hongbin, not him, but his soul. This sword locked on Li Hongbin like this, and the powerful sword energy rushed straight.

Li Hongbin smiled, raised his right hand, and stepped forward, the sword energy stopped there instantly.

"Scatter." The word came out of Li Hongbin's mouth, and he saw this round of black waning moon disintegrating in an instant, turning into nothingness, and vanishing into thin air. It was the same as the previous palm strength, as if it had never existed before. Same thing happened.

"Too weak." Li Hongbin said disdainfully, "I said, show off your strength! Otherwise, you will die."

"Hmph! How dare you look down on me. I, the evil king, have never stepped on others. No one has ever stepped on me. You dare to look down on me. You are doomed. I will kill you, kill you, and die!" Go! The evil king, Yinyue Slash."

With his right hand raised above his head, a powerful sword intent erupted from his body. At this moment, his whole body was like a sharp sword.

The palm of the hand turned into the tip of the sword, and flew up, and a round of black moon suddenly appeared in the sky, which shocked the members of the Leng family present, what kind of strength is this, what kind of supernatural power is this, this is daytime ah!Under this supernatural power, the sky lost its color and light in an instant, leaving only darkness.


A round of black giant sword was slashed at Li Hongbin. Before the powerful sword qi was slashed, everything around it was crushed to pieces, and everyone in the Leng family was out of this range. Fortunately, Li Hongbin was protecting them, otherwise, they would have been crushed to pieces by the sword energy long ago.

"Hongbin." Leng Fei murmured in her heart. Although she had confidence in Li Hongbin, she would inevitably feel a little worried when she saw this sword.

Suddenly Li Hongbin's voice came from my mind, "Feifei, you don't have to worry, your husband and I are much stronger than him, so don't take it to heart. Since Feifei cares about me so much, you don't need to worry about it." Husband, I will reward you well tonight."

"Bah, you are shameless, who wants your reward." Leng Fei couldn't help cursing, she never thought that Li Hongbin could still joke with her at this time.

"Fei'er, what did you just say, there is nothing wrong with Xiao Li, right? My God! Who are these people! This strength is too terrifying! Even the legendary Master of Returning to the True Realm is not so powerful, right? It's too powerful." Mr. Leng couldn't help saying that if Li Hongbin hadn't teased her just now, Leng Fei wouldn't be able to make a decision, but at this moment, Li Hongbin can still tease her, so he knows his strength.

Leng Fei said confidently, "Old man, you can rest assured, Hong Bin's strength is far superior to this evil king, he is not Hong Bin's opponent, you can rest assured."

"Oh my God." Old Man Leng couldn't help sighing, "What kind of people are these people! It's simply incredible."

Over there, this round of Xie Yue was pressed down with Xie Wang's sword, and only took Li Hongbin's eyebrows. Facing this sword, Li Hongbin was still as calm as before, and stretched out a middle finger. I don't know if it was contempt Or something else, just move forward.

"Say." With a sound, Li Hongbin's middle finger met the tip of the huge sword.

In an instant, a powerful force came from Li Hongbin's middle finger, passed through Xie Wang's body, and hit the black moon behind him. It was instantly shattered, and then Xie Wang's body was blown away. out.

"Ahem." Touching his chest, Xie Wang looked at Li Hongbin in shock and said, "Who the hell are you?"

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about who I am. If you say something bad, you are not qualified to know who I am. Come on! You still have one chance. You still want to kill me with your strength. Show off your strongest strength! This is the last chance! I will make a move next time."

"You. You." Xie Wang pointed at Li Hongbin with a trembling right hand and said, "How dare you underestimate me, I will let you know how powerful I am."


"The evil king is slashed by the waning moon, the evil king is slashed by the setting sun, yin and yang are united, and the evil king is slashed by yin and yang."

"Yo." Li Hongbin frowned, and said with a smile on his face, "This move is not bad! You have reached the peak of the Life and Death Realm, even if you are a cultivator at the Heavenly Realm, you should stay away from this move. not bad."

"Is it just not bad? I'm going to kill you." Xie Wang said coldly, "But." Li Hongbin continued, "It's still a little too weak, be sure."

Li Hongbin stood on the spot, with his right hand lightly moved forward, and the two intertwined sword qi were blocked by Li Hongbin. It was the same as before, and Li Hongbin gently grasped the two sword qi. The smoke cleared.

"This, this." The evil king said in shock, "This, how is this possible, how can you have such a strong strength, even in the entire world of cultivating immortals, there are not many people who can take my sword, what are you? who?"

Li Hongbin shook his head with a smile and said, "I've said it all, you still have no right to know who I am?"

"Oh my God! This is too powerful." Leng Yunshan couldn't help sighing, "I have never lost money in my life. I have seen such a strong duel. This is the real master. What kind of strong man on the god list, Yuan Gang If you are at the peak of the Realm, you are a master at the Returning Realm, that is just a joke."

Leng Heng, and the rest of the Leng family stood there with blank eyes. The scene just now was really shocking.

Is this making a movie?Is this filming a fairy tale?How can human beings have such a powerful strength? This is too shocking, but it is true that all this happened in front of them.

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Like I said, you are not qualified to know who I am yet? You still want to kill me, and you want me to give you a reason not to kill me. Now I will turn around and ask you to give me a reason not to kill you." , I will never be soft on those who want to kill me."

Step by step, Li Hongbin walked towards Li Hongbin slowly, and a faint breath of death radiated from Li Hongbin's left hand.

A palm hit the past.

"Let me see your strongest strength!"

Feeling the power of this palm, the feeling of death, Xie Wang was already in despair, but at this moment, another breath emanated from Xie Wang's body.

(End of this chapter)

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