Peerless Peasant

Chapter 219 Resolved

Chapter 219 Resolved
At this point, even if the matter is almost resolved satisfactorily.

Sure enough, just as Li Hongbin said, the next day, Zhong Shoujing received a notice from above to reinstate him. As for the reason, the people above can make up whatever they want, and Zhong Shoujing himself knows it. It was Li Xiuyun's younger brother who let him go.

Not only did he have no resentment towards Li Hongbin in his heart, but he was also a little grateful to him.

If it weren't for Li Hongbin, he might not be aware of his mistakes, and he would continue to make mistakes until something went wrong at the end. It was Li Hongbin who made him realize his mistakes with this iron-blooded method. A grateful one.

At the same time, he also knew that his daughter-in-law's family was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, especially her younger brother, who was really too powerful.

However, fortunately, all this is over, he did not do anything to himself, and learned from the words brought back by his son that he has forgiven himself, and if he does well in the future, his position may not be more than Now this one may be even higher.

Regarding this, he did not have the slightest doubt, but regarding Li Hongbin's identity, he was very curious about who he was.

A certificate made the city's special brigade completely obey his orders, a phone call made him get off the top of the political and legal officials, and even the people from the National Security Bureau obeyed his orders. Such energy, I really dare not to imagine.

Regarding the matter of Zhong Shoujing, there was also a big storm in the city.

When Zhong Shoujing was investigated at the beginning, many people were worried and speculated about what happened. The dignified political and legal officials brought him to investigate without any news. Could it be that there was something big going on above.

This makes many people feel frightened every day!I am afraid that one day I will hear a sudden sound from outside to check the water meter.

However, what surprised them was that the higher authorities seemed to only target Zhong Shoujing. After he was arrested, there was no news, and there was no further action.

This made them have to think about whether Zhong Shoujing offended some important person and was secretly dropped.

Unexpectedly, after more than a month, Zhong Shoujing reappeared in front of them, and nothing happened in front of them. However, those who are a little familiar with him will find that the current Zhong Shoujing is the same as more than a month ago. Zhong Shoujing is completely different.

Especially when it comes to dealing with people, in the past, there was always a hint of bureaucracy in his words, especially when he was with his subordinates or other ordinary people, he always had a sense of superiority and superiority, but now, there is no such thing at all. This kind of feeling, he treats people kindly, and speaks in a very kind tone. When talking to you, he is like a good friend. This is his change now.

Seeing his changes, Li Hongbin was very pleased, it's not too late to make up for it!
Some people had a better relationship with Zhong Shoujing in the past, but that kind of relationship was better, the relationship within the constitution, what handles do you have about me, and what do I have about you, so I came to ask him what happened during this time up.

Regarding these questions, Zhong Shoujing smiled, and told them the truth, "I was taken over by the superiors for investigation."

Hearing this, these people were taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Old Zhong, what has been checked by the higher authorities, you didn't tell us all!"

Zhong Shoujing shook his head and said, "Let me tell you the truth! In fact, the people above all know the things we have done these years. We thought we did it very well. We did it very secretly and did not disclose it. As everyone knows, the people above know it and have sufficient evidence, but he doesn't want to touch you yet, everything we have is in their hands, and they know everything."

"No." Someone said in surprise, "Old Zhong, you are joking with us! Are you so magical?"

Zhong Shoujing smiled and said, "As for whether you believe it or not, I don't know. Anyway, I believe it. When I was arrested, they didn't ask me anything. They just told me about the things I had done before. Come out, every detail is very detailed, as if they have experienced it personally, including the things we did together, they all know, so don't have any chances, they don't know. "

"It's not that they don't know, it's that they don't want to touch you yet. If they wanted to touch you, they would have been sent to the [-]th floor of hell."

Hearing Zhong Shoujing's words, several people couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and said with fear in their hearts, "Old Zhong, you are not joking with us! This sounds so mysterious! I always feel a little impossible."

Regarding this, Zhong Shoujing smiled and said, "I've said it all, whether you believe it or not, I believe it, and I advise you to stop! Otherwise, you will regret it too late."

"Old Zhong." Someone asked again, "Then how did you get out? Could it be that the higher-ups let you go just like that?"

Hearing this, Zhong Shoujing decided to tell a lie and said, "Do you really want to know how I got out?"

Several people nodded, wanting to know very much. They all know that if people like them are stared at by the people above and caught in, their life will be ruined and there is no hope, but Zhong Shoujing It's nothing, which makes them very curious.

Zhong Shoujing glanced at the others, and said, "For the sake of previous affection, let me reveal to you that it was the higher-ups who asked me to make amends."

"Atonement for crimes." Several people asked in confusion, "Old Zhong! What atonement for crimes!"

Zhong Shoujing smiled and said, "Stop pretending to be confused, you guys, in fact, you should be very clear in your heart what is the matter of redemption. The above think that the atmosphere in our Pinghai City is a bit bad, and we need to rectify it. There is only so much that can be said, as for the rest, you can think about it yourself."

Hearing this, several people were stunned again. The higher-ups need to rectify the situation. It is really a good strategy to start with Zhong Shoujing!
Why do they think so?Because if the people sent from above to investigate and rectify are from the outside, they will definitely be like iron buckets. They will be unanimous to the outside world and will make those people unable to start. But let Zhong Shoujing do this, then It is from the inside.

Regarding these people's affairs, Zhong Shoujing knew everything about them, knew their details, and had something to do, so he had a handle.

Therefore, if we start from this point, it is very easy to rectify the overall atmosphere of Pinghai City.

Therefore, they believed in the lie Zhong Shoujing told, and there was no need for him to tell this lie. Thinking of this, several people panicked. Is Zhong Shoujing going to take them? If so, that would be bad.

Even if they hold Zhong Shoujing's handle, it was useful in the past, but now, it is useless, because Zhong Shoujing is working for the higher authorities, even if you hand over these things, it is of no use, but Zhong Shoujing is in control of them There is a lot of evidence, if you want to engage them, you will definitely kill them one by one. It is very likely that a large part of the official positions in Pinghai City need to be replaced.

Seeing the worries of these people, Zhong Shoujing said, "Everyone, have I told you all? For the sake of the past, I remind you that you should not do things that should not be done in the future, and don't have any fluke mentality." , Just do what we are supposed to do, after all, everyone knows the basics, and that’s all I can remind you, take care of yourself, don’t make it difficult for me to do it, and make it difficult for you to do it.”

After finishing speaking, he waved his hands to several people and said with a smile, "Okay, you guys go and think about it for yourself, I'm going back."

In fact, Zhong Shoujing is not lying like this?Because Li Hongbin's original intention is to let him be a good official, lead Pinghai City well, and let Pinghai City develop. During this development process, he may encounter some obstacles, and it is inevitable that he will collide with those people and damage For their interests, they don't know what will happen when the time comes.

So, this is not a lie. As for what these people will do in the future, I don’t know. I hope they can also learn from their mistakes.

After the municipal party committee meeting, Zhong Shoujing hurried home, why?Because he has a very important thing to do today, and that is to go to Xianyou Village to apologize to Li Hongbin's parents. After all, he looked down on them back then, and he didn't even notify them of Li Xiuyun and Zhong Haoyun's wedding. Now, this apology It is necessary.

So, after the meeting of the municipal party committee, he rushed home in a hurry.

"Old Zhong." Su Qin pulled Zhong Shoujing's hand and said, "Do you think the two of them will forgive us? After all, we treated them that way."

"Mom." Zhong Haoyun patted her on the shoulder and said, "Mom, don't worry, Xiuyun's parents are very good, he won't blame you, and they have told me several times to let you Are the two elders going to their house as guests?"

"Haoyun, what you said is true, you didn't deceive me!" Su Qin said worriedly, "Mom, how dare I deceive you? Xiuyun's parents are very good, they don't care about these things."

"Xiuyun's parents won't blame us, but what about his younger brother."

When talking about Li Hongbin, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes, because the impression Li Hongbin left on her was so deep, sometimes she felt scared when she thought about it, and Zhong Shoujing was the same, what he was worried about now was not Li Xiuyun's. Parents, really Li Hongbin, he didn't know what to say when he saw Li Hongbin.

"Yes." Zhong Shoujing said, "Haoyun, what's his reaction?"

"Mom and Dad, don't worry, Hongbin has forgiven you, and, Dad, don't you think that what Hongbin did before was not only to vent his anger, but more importantly, to save you, Dad, don't you think it is Is that so?"

"So, since you have nothing to do now, it means that he is not angry with you anymore, so you can rest assured."

(End of this chapter)

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