Peerless Peasant

Chapter 239 Business Empire

Chapter 239 Business Empire
After walking around Xianyou Village, Mu Jinyu completely fell in love with it, the scenery here, and the people here.

If it wasn't for her special identity, being the granddaughter of Mu Yi, the head of the Mu family, she really planned to live here for a long time, but her identity prevented her from doing so, but if ten years later, she and If Mu Yi's bet wins, then there is no problem, but if his parents and grandfather are all brought here to live here, I believe they will also like it.

As she got to know Li Hongbin better, she felt more and more that Li Hongbin was very magical and mysterious.

I learned from the villagers of Xianyou Village that this existence was dilapidated a few months ago, comparable to other impoverished villages in China, but such a change took place in just a few months , Turning a dilapidated village into the prosperity it is now, like a paradise.

This is really amazing, and Mu Jinyu was deeply shocked, what kind of person is this.

Moreover, from Li Hongbin, she saw hope, and she saw the hope of winning. The bet she made with Mu Yi before was actually just a way to delay time. Although she still had some confidence in her ability, but It is very difficult to rely on her own strength, not rely on the Mu family's strength at all, and strive to create her own world. She doesn't have much confidence in herself.

But now, she sees hope, the hope of winning, and it's not just as simple as winning, she can even create a business empire.

The business empire completely surpassed the Mu family. Although she majored in human resource management, she is also very good at other aspects of knowledge. She values ​​​​the value and potential of Xianyou Village very much.

If it develops as imagined, this place will definitely become the first village in China, or even the first village in the world, a fairyland on earth.

She took over not only the general manager of Quanmin Distillery, but what Li Hongbin asked her to take over was the general manager of all the projects here, and handed over everything here to her for development. Her acknowledgment and trust in her moved her very much, and she decided that she must not let Li Hongbin down.

Li Hongbin has finished all the foundations, just waiting for them to pick the fruits.

However, in order to develop, there are still many things needed. First of all, the first thing is to have funds. Regarding this problem, Li Hongbin said directly, "Just tell me how much start-up capital you want! I will give you as much as you need. .”

Hearing such domineering words, Mu Jinyu was taken aback on the spot. Now, she has no doubts about Li Hongbin's words.

Mu Jinyu nodded and said, "Since the big boss has said so, then I'm not being polite, but I haven't calculated it yet, I will tell you after I make a preliminary estimate! Do you want to develop this village into a A paradise on earth, right! You are mainly developing agriculture, wine, I have tasted the wine brewed by Uncle Da Liang, and it tastes really good and has great potential."

"There is also fruit. The environment here is very good. The growth of those fruit trees is very good. They are completely original and natural. This is also very interesting. If this develops, it can definitely occupy China. most of the market."

"Tea, if I'm not mistaken, those few tea trees of yours are all very precious tea leaves. I don't even know one tea tree."

As for tea, she, Mu Jinyu, has a lot of research, because her grandfather Mu Yi likes to drink tea very much. The old man usually looks at his own bags of tea, which is more important than anything else. If anyone moves If you drink his tea, he will definitely fight you desperately, even if it is his own son, he will not recognize you.

However, when he walked near these tea trees, he felt that the fragrance from them was even more fragrant than his old man's tea.

She knew that these tea trees would never be so simple, and the tea tree in the middle, which looked the smallest but was full of spirituality, shocked her a little. When she walked in, Smelling the fragrance from the tea tree, she felt refreshed, as if her state of mind had been lifted all of a sudden, which shocked her a little. What kind of tea tree was this?

For her question, Li Hongbin just laughed, even if he told you what kind of tea tree it is, you would not understand it at all, and you would not understand its value.

Here, Mu Jinyu has already seen a lot of money being sent over. These tea trees are definitely a treasure. At the same time, Li Hongbin is once again infinitely mystified in her mind. She is a smart woman. Know what not to ask and what to ask.

"There are also rice in the farmland, and vegetables in the land."

Mu Jinyu sighed and said, "I really don't know what kind of place you are here. It's just too amazing. I have a feeling that I'm not in a dream, and everything I see is not real. It's just an imaginary scene."

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Is it true, you know it very well in your heart?"

Mu Jinyu really doesn't know what to say, have you ever seen a pumpkin as big as a foot basin?What about bigger ones?Have you ever seen a carrot as thick as an arm?Ever seen a giant pepper?Have you ever seen a winter melon that is bigger than a person?Mu Jinyu has never seen such vegetables, but they can be seen everywhere in the land of Xianyou Village.

Originally, I thought it was just a little scary in appearance, and the taste must not be very good.

But after trying it once, Mu Jinyu found that she couldn't eat anything else anymore. It was so delicious that she ate her usual three meals in one meal. Never had such a delicious meal.

He couldn't help but looked at Li Hongbin complainingly and said, "It's you!"

Li Hongbin said very strangely, "Jinyu, what's wrong, it's me! Is there something wrong with me?"

Mu Jinyu said unhappily, "I found that since I ate the food here, I can no longer eat other things. How will I live in the future! I am afraid I will starve to death. If I starve to death What to do, you have lost a general manager."

After hearing this, Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Don't worry! Why are you starving to death? Can you live here in the future? Then you can eat such delicious meals every day."

It is purely original, and it has been irrigated with fairy spirit and baptized by the tree of life. How could it not be delicious?Moreover, the more you eat, the better your body will become, and the more you eat, the younger and more beautiful you will be, and your body will gradually become the same innate body as a baby. This kind of treatment was only available in the fairy world back then. You can enjoy this kind of life. I have to say that this is an honor for her, Mu Jinyu.

This is also Li Hongbin's plan, to let the bodies of the whole village change unconsciously and become innate bodies, and then teach them how to practice martial arts.

If things go on like this, no matter how poor a person's physique is, if he washes his body with fairy energy every day, he will become very powerful, until finally Xianyou Village will become a real paradise on earth. This is Li Hongbin's ultimate goal.

However, only he knows this goal, and he will not tell others yet.

"Jinyu, I believe you have already understood the value of Xianyou Village! Let me tell you about my plan. Within half a year, I will make him prosperous completely. Whether you have the strength , you have seen, after that, turn this place into a resort, that piece of open land behind the mountain, I plan to build a resort there.”

"Holiday resort." Mu Jinyu said, "It will definitely be very popular, and it will definitely be overwhelmed by then."

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "You also know? Although I want everyone to live here, it is impossible. After all, the space is limited? And this place is still under development. It is the best way to open this resort. The main purpose is to make money."

"So? I decided, what is the fee? But it won't be low, 100 million a month, what do you think?"

"Pfft." Mu Jinyu was startled, looked at Li Hongbin in disbelief and said, "My big boss, you are not crazy! Don't tell me you are so short of money, 100 million a month, you really are too crazy."

Li Hongbin said indifferently, "Sincerely, this place is just like this now, and it will only get better and better in the future. Let me ask you, it may be that they are provided with such a good environment and such good food here." What they couldn’t enjoy in their whole life before, 100 million, is it very expensive?”

After Li Hongbin's analysis, Mu Jinyu nodded after thinking about it, and said, "It really makes a little sense!"

"Let me ask you again, let you spend 100 million to live here for a month, would you like it?"

Mu Jinyu said without hesitation, "I am willing."

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "That's it, if you are willing, then there is no problem, but this is still a matter for the future, so why not rush it now?"

Mu Jinyu jokingly said, "Boss, you won't take my money too!"

"What's the matter? You are now a member of our village, so you can choose the place at will."

"That's good." Mu Jinyu said, "Boss, I have a small request, can you agree to me?"

"What request, as long as I can agree, I will definitely agree."

"That's it. That's it." Mu Jinyu said hesitantly, "I want to bring my parents and my grandfather to live here in the future, is it possible? You won't take their money! Our family doesn't have so many money."

"No problem, but there is one thing that must be followed, that is, after they are here, they will no longer be someone who is powerful outside, but a very ordinary person, as long as they can do this, there will be no problem."

"No problem, my parents and grandpa are very good people."

"Well, that's fine. In addition to building a resort, I also want to build a nursing home. If possible in the future, I also plan to build a school and a hospital. By the way, you are not a graduate of MIT. What? Are there any classmates who have a good relationship with you! You also know that we are short of talents here now."

Mu Jinyu's eyes lit up, and he said, "Boss, there is no problem at all, just leave it to me! Guaranteed to complete the task."

(End of this chapter)

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