Peerless Peasant

Chapter 242 Shocked

Chapter 242 Shocked
In the hall of Xuanlei Tianzong, two middle-aged people looked at me and I looked at you, both of them had shocked expressions on their faces.

Zheng Tianlei spoke first, looked at the other middle-aged man, and said solemnly, "Brother Zhao, you mean, this kind of thing happened in your sect, many disciples passed out for no reason, and then fell into a deep sleep Among them, you didn't lie to me."

"Hey." The person Zheng Tianlei called Brother Zhao sighed and said, "Brother Tianlei, do you think it is necessary for me to lie to you about such a thing?"

"This. This." Zheng Tianlei hesitated and said, "There is really no need for this! Brother Zhao, I didn't expect such a thing to happen in your sect. What is going on! Against our two sects."

Zhao Changxing, the lord of the Scarlet Cloud Sect, has half a foot into the realm of life and death, and his strength is considered very strong in the realm of cultivating immortals.

Shaking his head, Zhao Changxing said, "Brother Tianlei! I don't know about this matter, and I can't do anything! These days, our Scarlet Cloud Sect has been panic-stricken. If I find the murderer Whoever it is, I will definitely peel him and cramp him."

"Hey." Zheng Tianlei also sighed and said, "Why am I not! I want to tear him into pieces, but there is nothing I can do about it."

"Brother Tianlei." Zhao Changxing said with a serious face, "Tell me, which sect, or who is it, has such a deep hatred with your two sects, that it is so cruel to us."

Zheng Tianlei shook his head and said, "I don't know. After Elder Xuan's analysis just now, there are two possibilities. One possibility is that this matter was done by internal thieves. This possibility is very low, because the secretive methods recruited from these disciples From the looks of it, that person's strength is very strong, but there are only a few people with such strength in the school, and they are very familiar with each other. They are impossible. There is another possibility that the strength of the other party is very strong. Powerful, so powerful that it exceeds our cognition, but in the entire world of cultivating immortals, there is only one person with such strength, but it is impossible for him to do such a thing."

"Besides, it's not necessary if it's not a deep hatred, so neither of these two possibilities is possible. I just thought that combining these two possibilities, although the opponent's strength is strong, it's not the one that we can't deal with. In addition to the situation, there is also the support of the traitor, and the secretive first paragraph is imposed on these disciples, I think it is very likely that this is the case."

Speaking of this, Zheng Tianlei showed a cautious expression on his face, and said, "Now seeing Brother Zhao, this situation has also happened to your Scarlet Cloud Sect, I just thought, things are definitely not that simple, there must be something wrong with it telltale secret."

Zhao Changxing nodded and said, "What Brother Tianlei said is that we have thought about your conjecture before."

"You two sects are family friends, so I wanted to ask you to help. I didn't expect such a thing to happen in your sect. It's the same as Brother Tianlei thought. There must be some kind of conspiracy in it."

Zheng Tianlei nodded and said, "Brother Zhao, I thought it was only our sect that did such a thing, and now your sect is doing the same. Will there be other sects?"

Zhao Changxing was taken aback and said, "This is entirely possible, what should we do now."

"The most important thing for us now is to find out the black hand in the dark. As long as we find him, everything will be easy. He is in the dark now, and we don't know how strong he is, which makes us very nervous. Passive, if you know who he is, it will be easy, so the most important thing now is to find the dark hand in the dark."

"I don't know if brother Tianlei has any plans."

Zheng Tianlei shook his head and said, "No, this person is very elusive, his strength is very secretive, what kind of means he has, and what his purpose is, we don't know yet, as long as we know a little bit, we can make some countermeasures Well, the key is not knowing anything.”

Zhao Changxing nodded, and said helplessly, "Yes! Who is that bastard? What kind of conspiracy is he planning?"

At this time, Elder Xuan suddenly said, "Sect Master, Sect Master Zhao, let's analyze what he has done in the past few days and see if we can find any clues."

"Hmm." Both Zhao Changxing and Zheng Tianlei frowned, their eyes just staring at Elder Xuan, asking him to continue talking.

Elder Xuan nodded slightly and said, "Two suzerains, first of all, I have a question. I don't know if you two have noticed that the secret black hand, when he chooses the target, his strength is from low to high. At the beginning At that time, the strength of this disciple was only in the foundation building stage. If he had an enmity with our sect, there was no need for him to do such a thing, because no matter how many injuries or deaths these disciples suffered, they would still be right. The foundation of the sect has no influence."

"But why did he do that?" Elder Xuan asked. Zheng Tianlei was taken aback, and asked, "Elder Xuan, then according to your guess, why did that dark hand do this?"

Elder Xuan said, "I have a guess. This person was seriously injured. Although his method was secretive, his strength was not enough to deal with those disciples with high strength. However, he didn't know what kind of secret method he used to recover. One's own strength, or improving his strength, as it continues, his strength can already deal with those powerful disciples, even the masters of the sect."

Hearing Elder Xuan's words, both Zheng Tianlei and Zhao Changxing nodded, apparently a little bit in agreement with Elder Xuan's words.

"However." Zhao Changxing said, "Elder Xuan, I have checked myself several times. It seems that the disciples who were recruited did not lack anything. There is no loss, and the soul remains very intact, if the dark hand in the dark uses them to restore his strength, how can this be explained."

Zheng Tianlei frowned and said, "That's right! Elder Xuan, if the black hand behind the scenes uses them to practice kung fu, it's impossible for them to have nothing to do."

Elder Xuan frowned and said, "This is really what I'm puzzled about. Judging from the recruitment of these people, it is very likely that it is the dark hands who practiced martial arts, but there is nothing wrong with their bodies and souls. Can you guarantee that it is not?"

Zhao Changxing asked in confusion, "Elder Xuan, why did you say that?"

"Look." Elder Xuan analyzed, "First of all, their situation is very mysterious. We have never seen it before. There are many kinds of mysterious spells in the world that we don't know. What's more, what you just said In other words, these disciples have no problems at all. Are there really no problems at all? If there is no problem with their bodies and souls, why are they all falling into a deep sleep? No matter what method they use, they cannot wake them up. "

The two suzerains were taken aback again, obviously agreeing with Elder Xuan's words a little bit.

Elder Xuan said, "Our understanding of this world is still too little, and there is still a lot waiting for us to understand. A very simple, yin-yang dual cultivation between men and women is the most common in the world of immortality. This is a way for you to cultivate. The method of speeding up is beneficial to both parties, and there is no harm, can we also consider those disciples who have been recruited to be in this situation?"

"What's more, it is absolutely impossible for them to have no physical problems. There must be something missing that caused them to become what they are now."

"And that person's cultivation method may need this thing?"

"After all, we still know too little."

Hearing this, the two of them were taken aback again, and they already believed Elder Xuan's words with [-]% confidence.

Zheng Tianlei couldn't help saying, "Elder Xuan, if you say so, that dark hand in the dark is probably not our opponent, and it's very likely that he came here to restore his strength, but only our two sects." Unlucky to meet him."

Elder Xuan nodded and said, "This is just my conjecture. No one knows what the real situation is."

"However, we can start from this point. There is one more thing, have you noticed that every time this black hand makes a move, the next day will be quiet, and he will not do anything at all until the third day. Doing it, quieting down on the fourth day, doing it on the fifth day."

"The one-day rest in the middle may be digesting what he got, which makes this conjecture even more certain."

"As it happens, today is his rest time."

"Elder Xuan, what shall we do then?" Zhao Changxing asked, obviously he believed Elder Xuan's words.

Elder Xuan shook his head and said, "At the beginning, he was looking for disciples in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and then it was the Enlightenment Stage. The disciples who were recruited from the first two days to yesterday have already reached the strength of the Yin-Yang Realm. Became his target."

"He has already reached this strength, so the only thing we can do now is to gather all the disciples above the middle stage of the Yin-Yang realm together. I don't believe that so many people together can't stop any dark hand."

"There are so many of us together, even if he wants to strike, he probably won't be able to strike. Judging from the targets he attacked before, they all did it when they were alone. With so many of us together, It's not easy for him to do anything, once someone is tricked, we can react quickly, so that we can capture that person in the first time."

"Okay." Zheng Tianlei clapped his big hands and said, "Elder Xuan is worthy of being my military advisor! Let's do it like this."

Zhao Changxing also slapped his hands together and said, "Elder Xuan, the matter that I was at a loss for, after your analysis, it became organized in an instant. I admire it. If there is no Elder Xuan, I really don't know how to deal with it. Brother Tianlei , you have a good strategist! Go back and gather all the people from the Scarlet Cloud Sect to fight against the enemy together."

Zheng Tianlei smiled smugly, Elder Xuan is the Zhuge military advisor of our Xuanlei Tianzong.

At this time, a black shadow suddenly stood somewhere in the hall. It is strange that many masters present did not notice his existence, but saw a smile on his face and said, "Stupid, gather together!" , It's the stupidest way I've ever seen, but isn't it great? Hahaha."

(End of this chapter)

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