Chapter 270
Just within a few short days, but one thing after another.

First of all, the director of the Education Bureau was sacked because of something, the director of the Finance Bureau was invited in for tea because of corruption, the director of the Local Taxation Bureau had many bad records because of his unhealthy style, and the deputy mayor, because of corruption Take bribes and be invited in.

In short, in just a few days, half of the officials in Pinghai City were invited in for tea, and they probably died.

These days, within their physique, there are a few people who are relatively upright and clean, and everyone is relatively clear. If it is normal, based on the relationship between everyone, after being invited in, through various After this kind of mediation, one more point may be sent out.

But this time, this incident reveals something different everywhere.

Even the first and second leaders of Pinghai City chose to remain silent, as if nothing had happened, their mobile phones were turned off, and they were almost absent all day long, so they guessed that this Things are out of the ordinary. Those who were invited in probably won't be able to get out.

Some people who have not been invited in are sitting at home every day like sitting on pins and needles!I can't eat well when I eat, and I can't sleep well when I sleep. I always wake up in the middle of the night.

I even dare not go to work, because I am afraid that someone will rush in suddenly and tell him what you have committed, please come with me, but it is not okay to stay at home all the time, you still have to go to work of.

At this time, many people are arranging their own funeral affairs, sending out their children, and transferring all the money in the bank card.

A few jokes were also made during this, a deputy director of the city police department has done a lot of things over the years!Don’t let others tell you what happened these days. The news is broadcast every day. Which official was brought down today, and which one was invited in tomorrow. Many of these are his good friends. has done something.

And he also knows that these things he has done, if found out, even if he does not die, he will stay in prison for the rest of his life.

How could he, who was used to living a good life, want to live that kind of life?

The past few days have been called a fright!He hides at home every day and dare not go out. Just this morning, he suddenly heard a knock on the door, which made him startled. Finally, he came, but he still couldn't help asking, "Who is it?"

Then I heard a voice from outside, saying, "I'm delivering food, please open the door."

The deputy director was taken aback. Since when did I order takeout, I immediately knew that something was wrong. I must be here to catch myself. What should I do about it!I'm dead, I'm absolutely dead, what to do, thinking about it, sweating involuntarily, and finally, when I touched the pistol on my waist, I thought of a way.

A few seconds later, there was a loud bang, which frightened the delivery man outside.

He really delivered the food, but he delivered it to the wrong party. It was delivered to the family opposite, maybe it went up a few floors!He was a little dizzy, so he knocked on the wrong door, and this happened. He immediately called the police when he heard the gunshots.

Later, the police came and rushed in to take a look, and found that the deputy director had fallen into a pool of blood. The cause of death was suicide by swallowing a gun.

The ability to bear it in my heart is too weak, there is nothing I can do about it, the pressure is really too great, these days, there are a few people who are clean outside, and now when I check it, they are not scared to death!Just a few days ago, I saw a short story about this. When those people rushed in, they were all outside saying that they were checking the water meter, or they were delivering food, or delivering couriers.

Therefore, he did not withstand the pressure for a while, and committed suicide by swallowing a gun.

After knowing this, Zhong Shoujing couldn't help smiling, and at the same time sighed, a life is gone like this, why bother if I knew it today?At the same time, when I think about myself, I really want to thank Li Hongbin. If it wasn't for him, I would inevitably end up like this when the time comes.

Looking at the documents under his hand, Zhong Shoujing was shocked!

Although I had corruption in the past, it wasn't considered very corrupt, and I knew a lot about it, but I didn't expect that when I thoroughly investigated it today, I found that the problem was so serious.

A director of the Finance Bureau actually has hundreds of millions of assets in a secret bank card account. Where did the money come from?Unknown.

A director of the local tax bureau, several luxurious villas, and famous cars, all of which have unknown origins, and the tens of millions of funds in the bank account, all of which came from He?How much is his salary, bonuses, and subsidies for a director in total, probably not even a tenth of it.

That Huang Zhongxiang actually took care of five or six lovers outside, and each of them has a villa. He is really rich!

There is also a president of the city bank who also has a huge amount of property. After a thorough investigation, the bank has a lot of bad debts and several loans. I don’t know whether it has not been repaid or what. What a loss to the country and the people!
Waiting for a lot of situations, watching these, Zhong Shoujing couldn't bear to continue watching, the more thrilling it was!

At first, I thought that the system in Pinghai City was not very corrupt, which was fine, but when I went through a thorough investigation, the result was something I couldn't accept!If the total amount of money these people greedy adds up, there are billions.

Billions is such a huge number. It can be said that it is the annual gross product value of Pinghai City. It should be punished for being embezzled by them.

To make Pinghai City glow with a new atmosphere, it must be rectified severely and thoroughly checked from the inside to the outside. Only in this way can Pinghai City be fully developed. Otherwise, the economic situation will still be Ranked last in the country.

Of course, Zhong Shoujing's actions also harmed the interests of many people. In just a few days, they lost a lot of money.

In this case, it is necessary to get rid of this block in front of him.

On this day, when Zhong Shoujing got off work and was about to pack up his things and go home, a person suddenly walked into his office, which made Zhong Shoujing stunned. He knew this person, and there were not many people in Pinghai City who did not know him. .

Zhong Shoujing said slightly, "The chairman of Hengfa Group is here, what's the matter?"

Hengfa Group, the second largest group in Zhonghai City, is a major taxpayer in Pinghai City, paying billions of dollars every year. The person who came here is Zhu Hengyuan, the chairman of Hengfa Group.

I saw him say with a cold face, "Secretary Zhong, I won't tell you anything. What are you going to do to let me go?"

Zhong Shoujing turned cold for a moment, looked at Zhu Hengyuan with a strange expression, and said, "Chairman Zhu, what are you talking about! What do you mean I won't let you go, we don't cross the river! We can't get there at all!" Going on the same road, where will I be next to you?"

Zhu Hengyuan was stunned and said, "Secretary Zhong, you are pretending to be confused. You want to thoroughly investigate my Hengyuan Group. What do you mean by this? Are you trying to make things difficult for me?"

"Oh." Zhong Shoujing was stunned for a moment and said, "Chairman Zhu, if you walk upright and sit upright, don't say that I have checked thoroughly, even if I checked your Hengyuan Group from the inside out, it will not matter. What's so scary, is there some shady secret in the Hengyuan Group that I'm afraid I'll find out."

"You. You." Zhu Hengyuan was taken aback, and said, "Secretary Zhong, what are you going to do to let me go."

Zhong Shoujing said with a smile, "I'm not letting you go! I'm just doing my own thing. Didn't I just say that? If you're doing a decent business and paying taxes as required, There is absolutely no need to be afraid of me coming to investigate."

"You. You." Zhu Hengyuan's face became a little angry.

He is very clear about what business Hengfa Group is doing. It has something to do with drugs. Zhu Hengyuan made his fortune from this at the beginning. Of course, if Hengyuan Group wants to develop rapidly, it still has to rely on his old capital. okay.

In the past, because he gave gifts to those people all the year round, when he came to inspect, he either notified him in advance, or he just took a look and left.

There is also Zhu Hengyuan, who is not a good thing. He was also a person who was on the road back then. If the people who came out of that road are investigated at that time, not only his very far group will have problems, but he will also Something went wrong.

During this period of time, such a big event happened in the officialdom of Pinghai City, how could he not know about it?
Moreover, I don't know where to know it. I heard that Hengfa Group is Zhong Shoujing's next target, and he must get rid of this big cancer in Pinghai City. Now he is panicked. He will never doubt this information. It is true or false, because it can be seen from what Zhong Shoujing has done recently, he is determined to do it to the end.

That's why he rushed to Zhong Shoujing's place, hoping to have a good talk with him.

It's just that I didn't expect that, seeing Zhong Shoujing's appearance, it seemed that we couldn't talk about it.

Zhong Shoujing sneered and said, "Mr. Zhu, let's open the skylight and speak honestly. I can give you a way out and donate all your Hengfa Group's money to those who need money. There are still many poor people in Pinghai City like us. In the mountainous areas, you can build roads for them, open primary schools, and those who look down on doctors, you can give them all the money.”

"How about it." Zhong Shoujing said, "As long as you take out all your money and invest in these things."

"In this way, not only will you have nothing to do, but they will also be grateful to you."

Who knew that Zhu Hengyuan snorted coldly and said, "Huh! Zhong Shoujing, there's no way, let me donate all the money, how will I live in the future."

"In this case, there is nothing to talk about." Zhong Shoujing said, "Chairman Zhu, please step aside, my family is still waiting for me to go back for dinner?"

Looking at Zhong Shoujing's back, Zhu Hengyuan revealed a fierce look in his eyes and said fiercely, "Zhong Shoujing, if this is the case, then don't blame me."

(End of this chapter)

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