Peerless Peasant

Chapter 296 Conspiracy

Chapter 296 Conspiracy
Dai Jianhu couldn't be more clear about his younger brother's personality.

He is addicted to gambling, and has reached a point where there is no cure. This time, he will not gamble no matter what he said this time. If he gambles again, you can do whatever you want with him. At that time I thought he would repent, believed him, and never gambled again, but what?It may not be many days before he can be seen again in any casino.

If he won the bet, it was like a drug addiction. He couldn't help it. If he didn't touch a hand of cards and throw a few dice, he would feel uncomfortable all over.

Dai Congbao belongs to this kind of person. He was a good boy before the age of fifteen or sixteen. For some unknown reason, he was addicted to gambling. Since then, he has been unable to extricate himself. If he does not gamble for a day, he will feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable. .

Moreover, he gambled whenever he gambled, and there were not many people who would not gamble these days, but his luck was good, and he had never won.

I don't know if it's because of luck or other artificial reasons. This is not very clear, only those who gambled with him know.

As Dai Jianhu said before, he has lost hundreds of millions of dollars in gambling over the years, so you can imagine how much he gambled. It is no wonder that Dai Jianhu is so angry. It was very uncomfortable. If it wasn't for such a younger brother, he would have been kicked away a long time ago.

There are three brothers and sisters in the Dai family, the eldest is Dai Jianhu, the second is Dai Congbao, and the younger sister is Dai Zhanfeng.

Of the three brothers and sisters, the eldest Dai Jianhu is the general manager of Hongyuan Distillery, and the second is a deputy factory director in name, but what?However, he has never been in charge of the Hongyuan winery. All the work is done by Dai Jianhu and Dai Zhanfeng. Dai Zhanfeng is the head of the sales department in Hongyuan. Sales are the lifeblood of a company and a company. , Therefore, only hold him in your own hands, or in the hands of someone you trust.

However, Dai Congbao didn’t say anything about these three brothers and sisters. Everyone in Hongyuan Distillery knew what kind of person he was, and they didn’t take him seriously. He was just born in a better family with a little money. Had I been born in another family, I would have never known what would have happened.

The third child, Dai Zhanfeng and Dai Jianhu, seem to be very harmonious, but in reality?That was open and secret fighting.

Dai Zhanfeng belongs to the type of strong woman. She still has some opinions about the old man giving Dai Jianhu the position of general manager, because she is very confident in herself, and her ability is not inferior to Dai Jianhu. In some respects he is even better than Dai Jianhu.

but?Those of the older generation have a bit of a patriarchal concept, even if they know that she doesn't want Dai Jianhuqiang, they still let him be the general manager.

so what?Although Dai Zhanfeng didn't have any opinion on the surface, but in his heart?But he was always thinking about taking over the position of general manager, what qualifications does Dai Jianhu have to be the general manager.

He has been in office for so many years, and he has not seen any new developments brought to the company, and he has been standing still.

This is a fatal weakness of their Hongyuan Distillery. The high-level people are fighting openly and secretly, thinking about how to maximize their own interests, and Dai Jianhu is also very clear about his little sister's mind, so he is watching all the time. Looking at her, as for Dai Congbao, he directly ignored him. In his eyes, Dai Congbao was a waste, a useless waste.

Once this weakness is caught by others, and then there is some trick to provoke a battle between the three, it will be a fatal blow to Hongyuan Winery.

This point is also the point that Li Hongbin values, and this entry point is Dai Congbao, because he is the least noticeable, and the two brothers and sisters of the Dai family do not take him seriously, and they have never regarded him as a competitor in their hearts. Opponents can use him to deliver a fatal blow when necessary.

Dai Jianhu, who was already angry in his heart, became even more angry after Dai Congbao made such a fuss, and he recovered after venting for a while.

Looking at the assistant beside him, he said, "Xiao Deng, tell me what we should do now."

The assistant named Xiao Deng frowned and said, "Mr. Dai, it's hard to do now. In my opinion, the only way is to continue to put pressure on them. They are all young people, young people, and they are inevitably a little youthful." It's full, and I want to make a career by myself, and the first batch of wine before also gave them a very big taste, so even if something happens now, they think they should be able to handle it come over."

"How do you exert pressure?" Dai Jianhu asked, "Although they are young people, they are a little young and vigorous, but if it is just Mu Jinyu, I am completely sure that I can suppress him, but the key is the latter. That boss, he gave me a very mysterious feeling, I couldn't see through him, and he gave me a very dangerous feeling, which is an instinct I have had for many years."

Xiao Deng frowned and said, "President Dai, is that young man really so powerful?"

"Yes." Dai Jianhu nodded and said, "My intuition tells me that that young man is very powerful. If he hadn't just developed, if he had a winery as big as ours, I might not even be his opponent."

Now Xiao Deng was shocked and said, "Mr. Dai, it's not him. He makes me feel very ordinary! It's no different."

"Yes, that's it, very ordinary." Dai Jianhu said, "The more ordinary a person is, the more extraordinary he is. If a person like him hadn't seen Mu Jinyu call him the big boss, he would still have the respect in his eyes." , A person like him is unobtrusive wherever he goes, but the more he is, the more dangerous he is."

Xiao Deng nodded and said, "In this case, if we want to buy Quanmin Winery, the first person we have to deal with is that young man."

"Yes." Dai Jianhu nodded and said, "As long as he is knocked down, it is very easy to buy Quanmin Winery. I have investigated the information of Quanmin Winery, and in the entire winery, only Mu Jinyu returned It’s okay, everyone else has no fighting power, and now there is one more him, because we didn’t do enough work before, and didn’t get all the information about the Quanmin Winery.”

"By the way, Xiao Deng, you said to continue to apply pressure, but you should talk about how to apply pressure."

A conspiratorial smile appeared on Xiao Deng's face and he said, "Mr. Dai, now Quanmin Distillery and Queen's Linquan are on top of the wind, and all the media and some people are staring at it. This matter is still under investigation, although it is said that it is still under investigation, but what? The direction of all the spearheads is directed at the Quanmin Winery, which is a good thing for us."

"As long as you find out that there is something substandard in the imperial spring wine made by Quanmin Distillery, or something is not up to standard, or there is a problem in that link, and what's more, when they produce wine, it directly leads to In order to produce poisoned wine, what do you think they will do."

Dai Jianhu said coldly, "There is no place to die, and their winery was destroyed just like that, but is this possible? Didn't we read it before?"

Xiao Deng sneered and said, "Isn't this before? When we went to see it? But that was just before, so much time has passed, and many things may happen during this."

Dai Jianhu looked at Xiao Deng, and suddenly smiled and said, "Xiao Deng, not bad, you know what I'm thinking, hahaha."

"Hahaha." Xiao Deng laughed a few times, and said, "Before this, I have arranged for Han Feng and Liu Xin to go to Quanmin Winery to do something. The people in the factory, how to deal with it, at that time, Quanmin Winery will not only obediently listen to our arrangements."

Dai Jianhu glanced at Xiao Deng appreciatively and said, "Xiao Deng, only you can come up with such a plan. Based on my arrangement for you, your plan may be more than that. You have always been two-pronged. What's the plan?"

Xiao Deng smiled and said, "Since one person can be poisoned by drinking, it is very normal for one person to appear and two to appear."

Dai Jianhu stared again and said, "Okay, okay, very good, if one person has an accident, you may only think that he is just a coincidence, if there are more people in the accident, then you don't think so, it must be from Quanmin Winery There is a problem with the wine, but Xiao Deng, how should we arrange this?"

Xiao Deng smiled confidently and said, "Mr. Dai, do we need to arrange this? They were poisoned because they drank poisoned alcohol. What should we arrange!"

"Yeah! Hahaha, what does it have to do with us?"

Said, Dai Jianhu also laughed, the first person may need them to arrange, but after such an incident, everyone's attention is on Quanmin Winery, wondering if it is their wine If something really went wrong, they shouldn't have any problems if there is no problem. However, if someone else has an accident, and they are also drinking imperial Linquan wine, this is the problem of Quanmin Winery.

At that time, they will think in their consciousness that this must be the problem of Quanmin Winery, and they will not think about other things.

Moreover, if at this time, it is revealed that the Quanmin Distillery has any problems in the production of wine, all these problems are sandwiched together, and it is impossible for the Quanmin Distillery not to collapse.

It has to be said that this little Deng is just a talent, and he is a dog-headed military strategist who can come up with such a strategy!

Looking at Xiao Deng, Dai Jianhu was very satisfied. If it wasn't for him, his position would not be as secure as it is now.

"Hehe, I have to say that this is a good strategy. The premise is that if only you know it, it will be bad if others know it."

At this time, outside the Hongyuan Winery, Li Hongbin showed a sneer on his face. There is no doubt that Li Hongbin knew about the chances of these two people, but Li Hongbin didn't take it too seriously, because all of this, in the end If so, I don't know what happened.

At this moment, Dai Congbao came out of the room with an excited expression on his face, and a smile appeared on Li Hongbin's face when he saw him.

(End of this chapter)

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