Peerless Peasant

Chapter 302 Planning

Chapter 302 Planning
This was Li Hongbin's first plan, starting from Dai Congbao and provoking a fight between the three Dai brothers and sisters.

Is the so-called snipe and clam fighting each other for the fisherman's benefit?After instigating the battle between these three people, there will be confusion among the top management of Hongyuan Winery. Once the battle between the three people officially starts, they will be divided into two factions at that time, one side supports Dai Jianhu, and the other side supports Dai Jianhu. Zhan Feng's.

As for Dai Congbao, no one takes him seriously at all, because in the eyes of everyone, he has no ability to intervene in the competition.

but?This is Li Hongbin's plan. You didn't think of it, and you didn't take him seriously. Then I will let you take a look. The person who won the final victory is the person you didn't expect. What would they think then?

In fact, it's true, this Dai Congbao really doesn't have leadership skills, and if the winery is handed over to him, I'm afraid he will lose everything in a short time.

Hearing Li Hongbin's words, Dai Congbao sighed and said, "Brother, you don't know how miserable my situation is! It is said that I am the deputy factory director, but what? My deputy factory director is just a false name." That's all, no rights at all, even a small minister, his rights are greater than mine."

Li Hongbin pretended to be a little surprised and said, "Brother, this seems a little impossible! After all, you are also a deputy factory director, so you are the vice president. In Hongyuan Distillery, there are either number two or three people. How dare they disrespect you? If anyone disrespects you, just fire them if you don’t care about your words. As the vice president, you still have this right.”

"Hey." Another long sigh, Dai Congbao drank a glass of wine and said, "Brother, you think I don't want to! But I don't have the ability, I don't have the right."

"No way!" Li Hongbin pretended to be surprised and said, "You are a dignified vice president, but you don't have the ability to fire others. What's going on? I have heard a little about your Hongyuan Distillery. It was your father who In the world that has been conquered by one hand, he alone controls almost 80.00% of the shares, which means he has absolute power. After he leaves, it is impossible for you not to get a share of the shares!"

Dai Congbao shook his head and said, "It's true. The old man didn't value me back then. When he divided the shares, I only had 15.00%. That's a pitifully small one. I even doubted whether I was his own." Yes, even my third sister Dai Zhanfeng can own 20.00% of the shares, how come I only have [-]%, I am so angry."

Li Hongbin nodded and said, "So, your elder brother Dai Jianhu owns more than 40.00% of the shares, which is more than the two of you."

"Yes." Dai Congbao nodded, and said with a hint of resentment in his eyes, "The old man is really eccentric. Why, why do they have so many shares, but I have so few? If Dai Jianhu alone I have more shares than me, I have no objection, after all, he is indeed stronger than me, but why Dai Zhanfeng also has more shares than me, I just can't figure it out."

"However." Dai Congbao continued, "That's right, the old man has never been optimistic about me, and he has only been disappointed with me."

Li Hongbin patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother, I support you. According to me, you are no worse than anyone else. They say that Dai Jianhu is great and Dai Zhanfeng is great. That's just what they say. Over the years, They have been doing things all the time, and what? They have been suppressed by them all the time, and there is no chance to show them, so how do they know that you are not good enough, so what? I think you, brother, are no worse than anyone else, but you are better than anyone else. Where they are better."

What Li Hongbin said was the truth. Of course, there are things that are better than them. They are better at playing and dissipating than them. In these two points, the two of them cannot compare.

However, if he is really allowed to go up to show his talent, it is estimated that Hongyuan Distillery will go backwards a lot. Dai Congbao has nothing to recommend him, let alone any talent.

The reason why Li Hongbin said that was to arouse his fighting spirit and provoke a struggle between the three of them.

Sure enough, when he heard Li Hongbin's words, Dai Congbao's eyes froze for a moment, as if he had gained confidence immediately, he put his hand on Li Hongbin's shoulder and said, "Brother, what you said is true, brother, I also have this ability, and I am better than them." The place."

"That's right." Li Hongbin nodded and said very cautiously, "Brother, I'm speaking the truth, I think! The Hongyuan Distillery should be in your hands."

Dai Congbao was taken aback again, his eyes flickered, he waved his hand and said, "Brother, do you think this is possible? You don't know, although the three of us are siblings, what? The two of them have never regarded me as a younger brother or an older brother." Come and see."

Li Hongbin frowned and said, "Brother, what's the situation, you are brothers and sisters!"

"Hehe." Dai Congbao smiled bitterly and said, "Brothers and sisters, they never treat me as a brother and sister. Didn't they just say that I am a vice president in name, but in fact I am nothing and have no power. What the two of them did was that the two of them together emptied me, I didn't have a single person under my command, and I was the only one in the whole team."

"Whenever I make an opinion, it is directly rejected by a unanimous vote. Do you think there is still a vice president like me? The ministers and vice ministers who have a better relationship with me will all be replaced by me after the two of them came to power. Lost, the combined shares of the two of them exceed 50.00%, without the consent of others, they can be fired or transferred directly, just like that, within a short week, I became an empty shelf."

Dai Congbao was getting angrier the more he talked, the more angry he was, but he had accumulated a lot of anger over the years, and today he found a time to confide.

"Although I have no threat to the two of them, I have always been a potential threat, so I was removed from the beginning, which led to me being an empty vice president in Hongyuan Winery. , and have no rights, so what? The winery is full of people from the two of them. It is impossible for me to fire someone. As soon as I put forward this idea, it is immediately rejected by these two people. "

"The two people add up to 60.00% of Wu's shares. Once you deny me, I will be useless."

After drinking a glass of wine, he slapped the table with his right hand, and Dai Congbao said, "Brother, do you think there are still brothers and sisters who are like this? They are going to drive me out and kill me! They will not leave me a way to survive at all!"

"No way!" Li Hongbin said in surprise, "They are also your brothers and sisters! It's impossible to do something like this."

Shaking his head, Dai Congbao said, "Brothers and sisters, do you think we are brothers and sisters? Do you have brothers and sisters like them? My elder brother Dai Jianhu, every time he sees me, he either punches or kicks me, or just ignores me. As for my third younger sister, Dai Zhanfeng, every time she sees me, she either sneers at me or scolds me. Do you think they are still my brothers and sisters? Don’t I just like to gamble? Now, it’s not that you guys asked me to gamble, the winery is completely emptied by the two of you, I have nothing to do, and all of my things are not owned by you.”

Li Hongbin's expression was that he said very sympathetically, "Brother, for the sake of being brothers and sisters, they are really good."

Suddenly, Li Hongbin took his hand and said, "Since they have all done this, don't you think about what you will do? They are the first to treat you unkindly. If you do something, I think it is very serious." reasonable."

Dai Congbao was taken aback and said, "Brother, what else do you think I can do? I am now at an absolute disadvantage, and the possibility is very low."

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Brother, you must have heard a saying! The snipe and the clam fight for the fisherman's gain. Now you have no chance of defeating the two of them, but don't forget, You still have your own advantages now."

"My advantage." Dai Congbao asked puzzledly, "I have become a transparent person, what advantage can I say?"

"This is your advantage!" Li Hongbin said, "Brother, think about it, it is you who have almost become a transparent person. If you do something, others will not notice you, nor will you Will miss you."

Dai Congbao clapped his hands and said, "Brother, what you said is right! Why didn't I think of it?"

Li Hongbin said with a confident smile on his face, "Brother, there must be an uneasy relationship between your eldest brother Dai Jianhu and your third younger sister Dai Zhanfeng! The two of them have been fighting openly and secretly!"

"Yes." Dai Congbao nodded and said, "Brother, you are really a god!"

Li Hongbin smiled, what kind of god is this!Ordinary people can imagine it, and the matter of the three brothers and sisters of the Dai family can be understood by anyone with a heart, which is not difficult.

"Hehe, it's just a trivial matter. You can figure it out when you think about it." Li Hongbin said, "The two of them have been guarding against each other all the time. Where is Dai Jianhu? Just thinking about how to hold Dai Zhanfeng's hand while holding on to his position as the general manager." What about Dai Zhanfeng? He also wanted to take over the position of general manager, so these two people must have confronted many times over the years, but what? They have always only confronted secretly, and there is no How big it is, every time there is a small fight, and then both sides turn off."

Dai Jianhu nodded, looked at Li Hongbin in more surprise and said, "Brother, in ancient times there was Zhuge Liang who knew things like a god, but now you are better than Zhuge Liang, brother."

Li Hongbin smiled, and continued, "After so many years of accumulation, the two of them must have reached a certain level. They are just waiting for a fuse to completely motivate these two people and let them fight thoroughly."

He blinked at Dai Congbao and said, "Brother, tell me, if the two of them completely broke out and fought, who would win in the end?"

Dai Congbao showed a surprised expression. When the two fought, it wasn't him who benefited in the end!

"Brother, what shall I do then?" Dai Congbao asked
(End of this chapter)

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