Peerless Peasant

Chapter 309 The Conspiracy Comes Wave After Wave

Chapter 309 Conspiracy Comes Wave After Wave

Tang Yunyun's words really surprised Tang Xin, and then she felt very shy in her heart, and she didn't even dare to look at Tang Yunyun.

Does she know what happened? It's impossible. She's just a kid. How could she know so many things?Could it be that she, too, has a special feeling to know if Li Hongbin is here?

Seeing Tang Xin's reaction, Tang Yunyun smiled and said, "Mom, I knew it must be Dad."

"Cough cough." Cough twice to cover up the nervousness in my heart, stared at Tang Yunyun and asked, "Yunyun, how did you know that your father is here? It was already late when he came yesterday, and you were already asleep by then. I'm asleep, so I didn't bother to wake you up, how did you know."

"This is very easy!" Tang Yunyun said, "Because every time Dad comes, Mom, you will get up very late the next day. Did Mom sleep late? Our teacher said that a child who sleeps late is not a good child." , so what? A mother who sleeps late is not a good mother."

Tang Yunyun's words made Tang Xin's face turn red all of a sudden, oh my god!Why didn't I find this problem myself?

This is also normal. Normally, if you don’t do any exercise at night, you won’t feel tired in the morning, so you get up earlier. However, every time Li Hongbin comes, he has to do strenuous exercise at night , It is very normal to feel a little tired the next morning and not want to get up.

Tang Xin didn't pay much attention before, but after being told by Tang Yunyun, she immediately noticed it, as if it was really the case.

Don't let her know anything, it's not good for children.

"Yunyun." At this time, Li Hongbin came from behind, hugged Yunyun, and said, "Yunyun, what your teacher said is right, children can't sleep late, because if children sleep late, You will become stupid, but adults are different, adults are more tired, you see your mother does so many things for you every day, sometimes you are tired, so you need to rest more."

"Yeah, yum." Tang Yunyun nodded and said, "Yeah, I got it, by the way, Dad, why did you go these few days and didn't come to see me, don't you miss me?"

"Where is it! Why don't I miss you." Li Hongbin pinched Tang Yunyun's nose and said, "Yunyun is my baby girl! How could I miss her? I just have very important things to do, so , won’t I come to you immediately after I’m done with my work?”

"Yeah, yeah." Tang Yunyun nodded and said, "Okay, Dad, you should have some time these days!"

"Yes." Li Hongbin nodded and said, "Dad didn't come to accompany you these few days. I apologize to you. Where do you want to go? Or wherever you want to go, Dad will take you there."

"Okay, okay." Tang Yunyun said happily, "I'm the happiest when Dad takes me to play."

Seeing Tang Yunyun's happy smile, Tang Xin and Li Hongbin were very happy in their hearts. It seems that Tang Yunyun's laughter has a special effect that can make you feel very happy.

"By the way, Dad, our school has an event in the past few days. All the children go out for an outing together, accompanied by their parents. Originally? It would be a little inconvenient if Mom was alone. Now that Dad is here, I I want Mom and Dad to go with me, Dad, is that okay?"

He touched Tang Yunyun's head and said, "Okay! Yunyun is our little princess now, so you can do whatever you want. When will it start?"

"It's the day after tomorrow, Dad must remember, you have nothing to do the day after tomorrow!"

"No, even if there is something, it's a small thing. Being with our family Yunyun is the most important thing."

After breakfast, Li Hongbin and Tang Xin went from Tang Yunyun to kindergarten.

In the past, because Tang Xin took Tang Yunyun too seriously, as if Tang Yunyun was everything to her, the only sustenance in her life, so she always took him by her side and did not send him to kindergarten to be with her. The other children stayed together.

Because she was afraid, she was very afraid of losing Tang Yunyun, if something happened to her, she didn't know how she would survive.

So, I kept her by my side all the time, like a treasure, and was afraid that something would happen to her.

But now it is different, now with Li Hongbin, her life is full of vitality again, besides Yunyun as a daughter, he also has Li Hongbin, a man who can be said to be her husband, which made her feel at home, and she I know that it is not good to keep Yunyun by my side all the time, it will make her dependent.

Moreover, Tang Yunyun herself said that she wanted to go to kindergarten and play with other children.

Therefore, Tang Xin sent Tang Yunyun to a nearby kindergarten. At the beginning, Tang Yunyun was a little difficult to play with other children, but as everyone became familiar, she played very well with other children. alright.

At the beginning, Tang Xin was also a little worried, it could be said that she was staying there all the time.

In the next few days, seeing Tang Yunyun having fun with other children, she felt relieved. In fact, what made her feel relieved was because she knew that Li Hongbin also loved Tang Yunyun very much. If she is here, no one can hurt Tang Yunyun.

After sending Tang Yunyun to the kindergarten, Tang Xin went to work in her company, and a new day was about to begin.

The two of them made out in the car. Afterwards, Tang Xin went to her company, but where was Li Hongbin?I also have my own things to do, what are the things?

Just on this day, a few things happened, these few things are not big, because things like this happen often, but they are not small, because these few things that happened are very hot recently It is related to the national winery.

Because of the imperial spring wine, Quanmin Distillery is known to people in Pinghai City. The taste of the imperial spring wine is really good, and many people are still savoring it.

It is also because of this that Quanmin Distillery appeared in the public eye of Pinghai City. Before that, there was no company known as Quanmin Distillery. Even if something happened to him, it would not Very attentive.

But now, Quanmin Distillery is well-known and has a greater reputation. As long as you have an accident, almost all the media will stare at you.

This is how society is now. When you are not famous, no matter what happens, no one will care about it. But once you become famous, they will report on even the smallest things. It is reality.

What's going on with the Quanmin Distillery now?
The first thing is that since the last time a person had problems after drinking alcohol from Quanmin Winery, he has been unconscious until now. Up to now, several people have also experienced problems. The symptoms are the same as the previous person, and they are also in a coma. no.

And why?It is said that he also drank the royal spring wine produced by Quanmin Winery before he fell into a coma.

This made the Quanmin Distillery, which was already on the top of the Fenglangkou, once again hit the headlines, and made other people's attention once again focus on the Queen's Lingquan. There were still many people who were wondering, Is this royal spring wine poisonous?
If it is not poisonous, someone has already been poisoned. What if it is poisonous?I also drank it myself, but there was no problem at all.

But now, they have a little bit of belief that the Queen's Lingquan wine is poisonous, because this incident has aggravated their thinking.

At this time, someone suddenly broke out that when they went to inspect the Quanmin Winery, they found poisonous substances in the winery, and after inspection, these toxic substances and those people contained The poison turned out to be the same substance.

If you were still speculating before, it is now certain that the imperial Linquan wine produced by Quanmin Winery is poisonous.

Seeing the TV news, the beautiful anchor said passionately, "Now that these unscrupulous businesses can do everything for their own benefit, it is really shameful. I don't know if they have any humanity." , They actually take other people's lives and safety as a big deal, I don't know if they have a sense of guilt in their hearts."

"For such behavior, I demand that they be strongly condemned, their winery be closed, and they must pay the legal price."

Seeing what the anchor said on TV, Mu Jinyu, who had been calm before, obviously became a little restless. The source of her calmness was because Li Hongbin was there. As long as he was there, nothing would happen.

But now, Mu Jinyu has to worry a little bit, can he handle this?It would be very tricky to let her handle it.

For the time being, Mu Jinyu hasn't thought of any better countermeasures to deal with this matter.

Mu Jinyu seemed a little anxious, walking back and forth in his general manager's office, thinking about what to do this time, and what to do this time to handle this matter well.

Because everything now is unfavorable to Quanmin Winery, there is no news that is beneficial to Quanmin Winery.

At this time, Li Hongbin came in from the outside and said, "Jinyu, looking at your anxious appearance, could something serious happen? This is not like you! You are the general manager of our winery! When it comes to anything, you must first be calm, don't worry, the more nervous you are, the more you will lose your position, so the most important thing for you now is to calm down."

"My big boss." Mu Jinyu said, "Don't you know what's going on now?"

"I know." Li Hongbin nodded and said, "There was another accident, and several people passed out. As for the reason? It was because they drank the wine produced by our winery, and they found it in our winery. Toxic substances, not just these two trivial things."

"Small things." Mu Jinyu said with wide-eyed eyes, "Boss, these two are small things, so in your eyes, what kind of things are big things."

"It's important for you to calm down. If a woman does this for a long time, it's very bad for getting angry, and it's easy to get old."

"Okay!" Mu Jinyu rolled his eyes and said, "Boss, do you have any good countermeasures?"

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "That's for sure."

(End of this chapter)

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