Peerless Peasant

Chapter 315 Forget the Past

Chapter 315 Forget the Past
Originally?Dai Zhanfeng hated other men so much that he didn't even want to take another look.

Especially she knows what kind of person Dai Congbao is. The red is close to the ink, and the black is black. Whoever is in constant contact with him and who calls him brothers and sisters, you can know when you think about it.

So, she just rejected him straight away. This is the kind of person she hates the most in her heart.

But just when she heard Li Hongbin's words, suddenly, for some reason, hearing this man's voice, she didn't feel any disgust in her heart, and even liked hearing this voice a little bit. When it came, it was like a spring breeze Brushing over it warmed her heart.

This made Dai Zhanfeng very surprised. He couldn't remember how long he hadn't felt this way, as if he had never felt this way before.

It is a simple sentence, which makes people feel very comfortable.

This is something that has never happened before. She has always been very disgusted with men in her heart. If it is not for some necessary occasions, she wants to shake hands with others and say a few more words. She doesn't even want to see other men. Her aversion to men has reached this point.

But one thing to be thankful for is that even at this level, she did not take the path of homosexuality, which is a blessing in misfortune.

Turning around, I saw Li Hongbin's smiling face. It's not very handsome, but it's very comfortable to look at, especially his smile. Seeing the smile on his face is like seeing hope, yes Life is full of hope, and all the unhappiness in my heart is gone.

Li Hongbin's smiling face was firmly imprinted in her heart.

This smile made her feel very comfortable, and made her feel as if the whole world was filled with warmth. Not only did she not have the slightest loathing for him, but she also wanted to get closer to him.

What's going on here, Dai Zhanfeng asked himself in surprise.

Don't I hate men?Why now I don't hate him at all, what's going on.

"Hello." Dai Zhanfeng stretched out his right hand by accident, and the cold breath before was gone from his face. When he looked at Li Hongbin, his eyes became much softer. Compared with before, he looked completely different. He said, "Hi, what's your name, please."

Li Hongbin held her hand lightly and said, "Hi Miss Dai Zhanfeng, my name is Li Hongbin."

Seeing this scene, he surprised Dai Congbao next to him. He was very surprised. He knew how his younger sister disliked men. He knew from hearing her words before that this time it was impossible. ice.

But because of Li Hongbin's words and a smile, everything changed in an instant.

She even made her extend her right hand actively. This is something he has never encountered before. It’s not bad if she didn’t give you a slap, and she also actively extended her hand to shake your hand. From Dai Congbao’s eyes, What a shock that was.

While being shocked, he sighed again, this brother is really not an ordinary person, he is a bullshit, and he is powerful.

"This, this, this." Seeing the two of them like this, Dai Congbao was overjoyed. The two of them were having fun, so he couldn't help saying, "Brother, you go chat with my third sister, I won't bother you here, have a good chat ah!"

After speaking, he left with a bright smile, and when he left, he turned around and squeezed Li Hongbin's beauty, the meaning was obvious, take her down.

Holding her right hand by Li Hongbin, she felt that this big hand was very warm, which made her heart that had been frozen all this time tremble uncontrollably. If she could hold this pair of warm big hands, it must be a very important thing. happy thing.

Thinking of this, Dai Zhanfeng couldn't help shaking his head, oh my god!How could I think of such embarrassing things.

The faces on both sides blushed slightly, and he quickly pulled his hands back.

Seeing her shy look, Li Hongbin was stunned for a moment. The previous Dai Zhanfeng was cold and arrogant, but now Dai Zhanfeng is shy and looks even more beautiful. This mature woman is attractive!Can't help but ask, "Miss Dai, what's wrong with you."

"Ah." Dai Zhanfeng slightly exclaimed, and said, "It's nothing."

What happened to me today, where did my previous calmness go, why did it become completely messed up, my mind was full of Li Hongbin's smile and the thoughts just now, the more I thought about it, the more shy I felt.

Li Hongbin took a step forward, touched Dai Zhanfeng's forehead and said, "Miss Dai, what's wrong with you, are you okay! I see that your face is so red, is it because you are not feeling well?"

Dai Zhanfeng's body trembled, pushed Li Hongbin's hand away, took two steps back, and said, "I'm fine, I made you worry, I just thought of something else, by the way, don't call me Miss Dai anymore .”

"Oh, yes." Li Hongbin nodded and said, "I don't call you Miss Dai, so what should I call you?"

"You can call me Fengling! This is my nickname."

As soon as he said this, Dai Zhanfeng regretted it, and was stunned again, what happened today, who is this person!I don't dislike him at all, and I told him my nickname in just two or three sentences.

Only people in their family knew her nickname, she had never told anyone else, but today she took the initiative to tell Li Hongbin.

"Fengling, I didn't expect you to have such a nice nickname, so you can call me Hongbin!" Li Hongbin said with a smile, "We know each other now, how about going for a walk and chatting?"

Dai Zhanfeng said, "Yes."

"Little Deng." Dai Jianhu pulled Deng Pingjun and said, "You are really powerful. Where did you find such a powerful person who can hook up with my third sister? Awesome, very powerful. I treat my third sister very well." I understand, even I can't get along so well with her, I have to say, that young man is amazing, he even talked to my third sister in just a few words."

Deng Pingjun on the side said with a embarrassed face, "Mr. Dai, the person I arranged hasn't come up yet. I don't even know who that young man is. I'm still wondering? However, I seem to have seen him and Dai Congbao together before." .”

"That trash." Dai Jianhu said disdainfully, "That trash can also know such a person."

Haven't they met Li Hongbin?Why now that Li Hongbin is here, he doesn't even know him.

This was done by Li Hongbin. He manipulated the memories of these two people, making the person they saw in Xianyou Village very blurry. He just subconsciously knew that there was such a person, but it was Can't remember what the guy looked like.

So, now that Li Hongbin was standing in front of them, they didn't know Li Hongbin.

If they remember this, it will still have a little impact on their plans.

Xiao Deng shook his head and said, "It seems that I saw these two people come in together before, and we don't know this young man, maybe he met someone outside! After all, his circle of friends is relatively large."

"Hmph, he's just a piece of trash, Xiao Deng, he was preempted by this person, what should we do now."

Deng Pingjun smiled and said, "Although it has a little impact on our plan, the impact is not big, but hasn't it also achieved a certain expected effect? ​​It's just that we arranged it before, so now? It's still the same , later we can have a good talk with this young man, the big deal is just spending a little money."

"Hehe, good idea." Dai Jianhu smiled and stared at Li Hongbin.

"Fengling, I heard that there is a woman named Dai Zhanfeng in Dai's family before. She is very remarkable, a strong woman. I have always wanted to come and see her. Now I finally got what I wanted. I met the woman in my heart. that person."

Dai Zhanfeng smiled embarrassedly and said, "It's not as good as you said, it's just blown out by others."

"No." Li Hongbin shook his head and said, "It's even better than I imagined. She is so beautiful, she is like a goddess in everyone's mind, and she is so capable."

Dai Zhanfeng said with a slightly red face, "You are lying to me! I am not as good as you say."

"Fengling, maybe you don't know how good you are! You are a goddess in my heart."

If it was normal, if someone said these words to Dai Zhanfeng, she would definitely slap her in the face and scold him as a hooligan, but now, when Li Hongbin said that, she didn't feel disgusted at all, and she was even a little happy , she didn't know what happened to herself.

Seeing her performance, Li Hongbin couldn't help feeling a little complacent, there is nothing impossible for Ben Shao to do.

Girl, didn't you reject Ben Shao before?Now I was taken aback by this young master and I, you know how powerful this young master is!Fighting with Ben Shao, you are still a little tender, now Ben Shao is giving you a hard blow!

"Hong Hongbin, is what you said true? Am I really so beautiful? But why are people afraid of me when they look at me?"

With your icy appearance, if others want to talk to you, they might be frozen into ice cubes before they get close to you.

"Fengling, there is a sentence that I don't know if I can say it."

"What are you talking about?"

"Forget the past, live a new life, blindly escape, evading reality is not good after all, only by truly facing it, life will be better."

"You. You." Dai Zhanfeng said with a little avoidance in his eyes, "Hongbin, I don't know what you are talking about."

"You know." Li Hongbin grabbed her shoulders with both hands, looked her in the eyes and said, "Fengling, you still dare not face it. If you choose to avoid it, this problem will only keep confusing you, and eventually become a Knot."


"Fengling, I'm here to help you. You don't need to be sad for so long because of a bastard. You don't have to. In the end, you are the only one who gets hurt. You are sad, but what about him? It won't be affected at all, and you will suffer in the end. It's just you."

"You want to forget him and stop yourself from thinking about him, but you can't. You only have hatred for him in your heart. You are wrong. How can you be cruel without love? If you really want to free yourself, then Don't hate him anymore, what does he have to do with you, Feng Ling, start your own life again!"

(End of this chapter)

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