Peerless Peasant

Chapter 333 True Legend

Chapter 333 True Legend

As soon as he finished speaking, an aura of life and death erupted from him, rushing towards Li Hongbin and Leng Fei.

Although Elder Nas can't see through the realm of Li Hongbin and Leng Fei, he still has a little confidence in his own strength. After all, he is an old monster who has cultivated for so many years. I don't know how many battles he has now. This is the strength of the pinnacle of life and death.

Therefore, even if he couldn't see through the strength of Li Hongbin and Leng Fei, he still believed that these two were definitely not his opponents.

The aura of the peak of the life and death realm and his killing intent merged into one, oppressing Li Hongbin. He knew that among the two, Li Hongbin was the main one. As long as Li Hongbin was restrained, it was equivalent to restraining them. Two people, I have to say that this Elder Nas is very powerful, and his ideas are also very good.

But this time, he was obviously going to suffer a little setback.

I saw the aura of Elder Nas, and as soon as it touched Li Hongbin's body, it disappeared without a trace, as if nothing happened. This surprised Elder Nas, what happened, what happened, Why does it seem that this Huaxia boy in front of him doesn't seem to exist at all, although he can see his people here, but in his own feeling, there is nothing in front of him, which makes Elder Nas very surprised.

"Elder Nas, you are actually very smart." Li Hongbin said, "You said that you don't want to be an enemy of us Chinese people. It would be very unwise to attack us now. I only want Naya's tears, and about Naya's tears." The information about the goddess, and the ancient prophecy, in fact, we can still be good friends."

"Actually, I also want to be friends with you Chinese powerhouses." Elder Nas said, "However, under the current situation, that is impossible."

"Why is it impossible?" Li Hongbin asked, "If it's something else, I can give him to you, but Naya's Tears is something our Alliance of Gods must get, and it is absolutely impossible for others to get it , you are also here for Naya's tears, so, the strong in China, it is impossible for us to be friends."

"Okay!" Li Hongbin said helplessly, "Elder Nas, I hope you don't regret your decision."

"Come on! The strong man in China, let me see your strength. They say that China is a very magical place. I have always wanted to meet the strong man in China and make friends with him. They launched an attack on China back then. At that time, our Alliance of Gods did not participate, come on! Let me see Huaxia's methods!"

Shaking his hand, Li Hongbin said, "Elder Nas, you should do it first! Once I make a move, you will have no chance to do so."

Hearing Li Hongbin's words, no matter how good-tempered Elder Nas was, he was a little angry, because what Li Hongbin said was a naked contempt for him, as if he didn't take him seriously, angry Said, "China powerhouse, you are too arrogant."

"It's not that I'm being too arrogant, but that this is the truth, Elder Nas, make a move! Otherwise, you really won't have a chance to make a move."

"You are too arrogant." Elder Nass said angrily, "In this case, Huaxia boy, you take the move!"

Elder Nas slapped the table with his right hand, and slapped Li Hongbin over. Li Hongbin stood there calmly, with a smile on his face, and put his hands down, blocking Leng Fei behind him. , Facing the palm of Elder Nas, he neither dodged nor dodged.

Elder Nas was taken aback, this kid is really too arrogant, he dared to receive his palm like this, are all Chinese people so arrogant?
This palm just hit Li Hongbin's body, and immediately, the palm strength emanating from the palm of Elder Nas dissipated invisible like this, which surprised Elder Nas, although this palm himself He only used [-]% of his strength. Although he was angry in his heart, he still didn't kill him.

But with this palm, it was as if he had hit a cloud of air, and the strength of this palm dissipated for no reason.

This made Elder Nas very surprised. What's going on? Could it be that the person standing in front of him is not a person, but a phantom?This is definitely a living person, so how is this possible.

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Elder Nas, I'll give you another chance now, we shouldn't be enemies."

Shaking his head, Elder Nas said, "Actually, I don't want to be your enemy, but from the moment you have thoughts about Naya's tears, we have no possibility of becoming friends. Tears are determined to be obtained, and anyone who hinders us from obtaining Naya's tears is our enemy."

"Okay." Li Hongbin nodded and said, "In this case, Elder Nas, I have no choice but to offend you, but I won't do anything to you."

I saw Li Hongbin slowly raise his right hand. Suddenly, Elder Nas was startled. He clenched his fist with his right hand, quickly condensed his fist, and turned around and punched him, because at the moment Li Hongbin made a move, he felt that he was behind him. Suddenly a shadow flashed by, and he shot without hesitation.

Lin Hongbin moved his right index finger forward a little and touched Elder Nas's fist, and Elder Nas' movements stopped there quickly.

"I have to say that Elder Nas's strength is very good, and his reaction ability is also very strong. He can react so quickly. However, the perception of strength cannot be compensated by these things."

Just when Li Hongbin finished speaking, suddenly, a huge force burst out from his fingertips.

"Bang." With a sound, Elder Nas's body was bounced back and hit the wall, causing the entire secret room to shake. However, the strange thing is that Elder Nas was fine.

Seeing this scene, Li Hongbin said, "Okay, okay, this move is really good, and eighty-eighths of my strength hit the wall, it's amazing!"

"Ahem." Elder Nas coughed twice, and looked at Li Hongbin cautiously. If he hadn't diverted a large part of his strength from the blow just now, he might have been injured. He stayed and said, "It's so powerful, it really deserves to be a strong man from the mysterious China, it's really powerful."

Li Hongbin said again, "In this case, Elder Nas, should you consider my proposal just now?"

Elder Nas said with certainty in his eyes, "There is no need to consider this matter, unless you are willing to give up Naya's tears, otherwise, then there is no need to consider it. Nothing can stop us from resurrecting the Lord God, even if we lose our own lives." No hesitation."

"Okay! Since Elder Nas is really stubborn, there is no need for me to continue talking, so I can only offend."

As he said that, he saw Li Hongbin pointing out with a finger. This finger seemed to be very slow, but in fact it was almost unbelievable, and it touched Elder Nas's forehead in one click.

"My life is over." Elder Nas couldn't help saying in his heart, and couldn't help closing his eyes.

But after a long time, as if nothing happened, I was still here, not dead yet, I couldn't help but opened my eyes, looked at it, and said, "Well, why am I not dead yet."

I saw Li Hongbin looking at him with a smile on his face and saying, "I said, the words you just said should have saved your life, and I will not kill you."

Elder Nas asked nervously, "What do you want to do?"

"Actually, before I came, I only had two purposes, one was to get Naya's tears, and the other was to learn about the goddess Naya, but now, I have two other goals that I want to know What is the prophecy, and who is your God Lord."

Elder Nas said very firmly, "You'd better kill me!"

This is really a bit embarrassing for Li Hongbin. If Elder Nas acted like a villain before, Li Hongbin would not have to be so embarrassing. He can do whatever he wants. The key is that Elder Nas is not a bad person. Moreover, Li Hongbin couldn't bear to feel disgusted with what he said before, so he couldn't bear to deal with Elder Nas.

"Elder Nas, I really don't want to do anything to you, okay! Let me do one thing at a time, and tell me everything you know about Goddess Naya! The records of the goddess must be much more vivid than the so-called myth outside, and they are more accurate and credible."

"This." Elder Nas hesitated and said, "Okay! This is not a top-secret matter, so it's okay to tell you."

"Actually, the rumors outside are not true." Elder Nas said, "However, one of them is right. Goddess Naya died for the sake of the world. Their actions have caused chaos in the world, and these demons are so powerful that no one can match them, Goddess Naya can't bear the suffering of the people in the world."

"But Goddess Naya is extremely kind, even if it is a monster with blood on her hands, she can't bear to kill it."

"However, these monsters are all scheming and extremely cunning. They know that Goddess Naya will not kill them, so they are even more unscrupulous. They even want to get rid of Goddess Naya, a serious worry."

"Because as long as Goddess Naya is around, these monsters will not be able to unify the whole world, because Goddess Naya will never allow them to do so, so to achieve their goal, Goddess Naya must be eliminated, so , they came up with a poisonous plan to get rid of Goddess Naya."

"What kind of poisonous plan." Li Hongbin couldn't help asking, he couldn't help but feel wronged for the goddess in his heart, he was so stupid, how could there be such a stupid god?

"He and them." Elder Nas said excitedly, "They pretended to change their minds and changed their minds. They were willing to follow Goddess Naya and listen to her teachings. Of course, they were very happy with Goddess Naya, so they agreed. demands of these people."

"It really lures wolves into the house!" Li Hongbin couldn't help but said, "Don't Goddess Naya know what these people are thinking?"

"I don't know about that." Elder Nas said, "Maybe I know that Goddess Naya hopes to influence them through her sincerity, but these monsters are transformed by the evil spirit of the world, how could they change their ways? I just wanted to paralyze Goddess Naya, and then find an opportunity to attack Goddess Naya, and finally, they found the opportunity again."

(End of this chapter)

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