Peerless Peasant

Chapter 336 Moved

Chapter 336 Moved
He saw a dagger shining with black light stabbing at Li Hongbin's heart.

I didn't expect such a sudden attack. A girl who looks so kind would attack Li Hongbin. This is completely unexpected, and the first move is a deadly move. First, from the position of the striker, she stabs at the heart. If stabbed, it is definitely dead, and the oil on this dagger is highly poisonous.

Even if he is a top expert, he will be killed immediately if he is hit by this knife. The most important thing is that this knife came unexpectedly, and he did not expect it at all.

"Ah, husband, be careful." Seeing this scene, Leng Fei yelled, and without thinking, she stood in front of Li Hongbin, ready to block the knife with her own body.

Seeing Leng Fei's actions, the girl named Irene was also surprised, she didn't expect her to do this.

Li Hongbin was also taken aback. He didn't expect that Leng Fei would do this. Li Hongbin was very touched when he blocked the knife with his own body. With a light pull, he pulled Leng Fei aside, and said, "Feifei, if Let you block this knife for me, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

When the knife was about to stab him, the woman named Irene stopped her movements here, and the difference between the tip of the knife and Li Hongbin's body was only a tenth of a millimeter.

If you go one step further, this knife will stab into Li Hongbin's body. As for the consequences, you don't need to think about it. Li Hongbin will not die. The dagger in it is an ordinary soldier, but Li Hongbin's body is that of a fairy.

As for the poison on the dagger, it couldn't do any harm to Li Hongbin's body.

Therefore, even if she was stabbed by her, Li Hongbin is fine, but Leng Fei is different, she is a mortal body, if she is stabbed, even if Li Hongbin is here, she will still suffer some skin trauma, but This is not something that Li Hongbin can allow to happen.

The next moment, Li Hongbin's two fingers had clamped her blade, twisted it around, flicked his fingers, and directly knocked Irene back several steps.

"Silly girl." Li Hongbin looked at Leng Fei lovingly and said, "Feifei, why are you so stupid! Don't even think about it, if you are stabbed by this knife, you will die."

"I didn't think about anything at the time. I thought it would be fine as long as you have nothing to do." Leng Fei said, patted Leng Fei's head, hugged her in her arms and said, "Feifei, you silly girl, don't be here next time Stupid, they can't hurt me, remember, the next time you encounter such a situation, your first reaction is not to block the knife for me, but to hide behind me, understand?"

Leng Fei pouted and said, "Oh, I see."

But she said that's what she said, but she didn't think so in her heart. If she encountered such a situation next time, she would definitely do the same again, standing in front of Li Hongbin and protecting her from all the damage.

Because Leng Fei already knew that she was completely and hopelessly in love with Li Hongbin, and he was everything to her, as long as he was fine.


Over there, Irene fell to the ground, and suddenly said with confused eyes, "What happened, why am I lying on the ground, Mr. Li, what happened, um, when did I hold a knife in my hand. "

"You." Leng Fei rushed over and was about to slap her, saying, "You're still here to pretend I'm confused."

Leng Fei has never been so angry like now, just because she almost hurt Li Hongbin just now, she still had a little affection for this girl, but now?All I have in my heart is anger towards Irene, and I just want to tear her into pieces.

"Wait a minute." Li Hongbin pulled Leng Fei back and said, "Feifei, you blamed her wrongly, she really doesn't know anything."

Leng Fei glared at Li Hongbin with a trace of displeasure on her face and said, "Isn't it because you think someone else is a beautiful woman, so you softened your heart! Seeing you like this, one day you will die on that woman's bed. "

Although she said so, but this Irene is said to be a beauty, but there is still a gap between her and her. She doesn't believe that Li Hongbin will take a fancy to her.

Since Li Hongbin said so, there is a reason for him.

"What happened." Irene couldn't help asking, "Mr. Li, what happened? I was fine just now. Why did I suddenly land on the ground? Also, why did my hands suddenly feel so much bigger?" A knife, and your wife still treats me like this, did something happen just now?"

Leng Fei said coldly, "Just now, you suddenly took this knife in your hand and came to assassinate my husband."

Although she believed Li Hongbin's words, she was still very upset with this Irene, so she spoke so sarcasticly.

"What." Irene was shocked, and said incredulously, "How is this possible? How could I attack Mr. Li? It's impossible. Why should I attack him?"

"I don't know." Leng Fei said, "If my husband hadn't reacted in time, he might have died by your knife now."

"No, no, no." Irene shook her head and said, "How could I assassinate Mr. Li? It's impossible."

"This was originally impossible." Li Hongbin said, "Miss Irene, I can't blame you for this incident, because it was not your intention to assassinate me, but someone controlled your body, and it is precisely because of this, Only then can you get close to me, otherwise, you will be discovered by me before you reach my side."

"Someone controlled my body." Irene said in surprise, "How is this possible? How could someone control my body?"

Nodding his head, Li Hongbin said, "This is entirely possible. There is a special kind of human beings called supernatural beings, and among these supernatural beings, there is also a special kind of supernatural beings called spiritual supernatural beings." Ability, this kind of ability is not very strong, but their ability is indeed very huge. Among the same level, almost no one is the opponent of the spiritual ability. Their most common attack moves are control others."

At this moment, Leng Fei finally understood why Li Hongbin said it wasn't her, she didn't know anything, if so, she really didn't know anything.

After listening to Li Hongbin's words, Irene looked at Li Hongbin in surprise, obviously she didn't believe what he said, no matter how you listened to it, it sounded like you were listening to a story. Aren't there supernatural beings in movies?Isn't the X-Men movie from a few years ago very popular?Inside are all aliens.

Don't these people not only exist in movies, but also in real life.

Leng Fei said angrily, "Husband, who is going to do something to you? Is it that Elder Nas? I know that old man is not a good person. He does one thing to the face and the other to the other, and says he won't do anything to you in person. It is really despicable for someone to assassinate you, next time you see him, you must make him look good."

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Feifei, you misunderstood again. It's not Elder Nass, so he is indeed not bad."


Elder Nas, who was sorting out the information in the Alliance of Gods, suddenly yawned, and then a puzzled expression appeared on his face. This is all right, why did he yawn suddenly?This is something that has never happened before.

"Is there someone here?" Elder Nas said, "It seems that Huaxia has such a talk! If you yawn, someone may be scolding you."

"It must be like this." Elder Nas said, "I don't know if that bastard scolded me there. If I find out, I must give you a good meal. I won't go to you now. It’s really troublesome! However, the more you study it, the more interesting it will be.”

Ever since I saw how powerful Li Hongbin is, and learned from his predecessors, there is a magical country called Huaxia in the far east, where the strong are the real strong, and each of them is a very powerful existence , they are far from their opponents, and it is really because of this that people from the Alliance of Gods did not participate in the conspiracy against China back then.

Because one of Elder Nas's ancestors once came to China and was shocked by the powerful strength of the Chinese immortal cultivators.

Unexpectedly, there are such a group of powerful masters in this world, who can destroy their alliance of gods by random one, which shocked them very much, but this is the fact, so when they come back, they will be even more powerful. The descendants of the family said this, and they must make good friends with Huaxia in the future.

Elder Nas had some doubts before, but after seeing Li Hongbin's formidable strength, he no longer has any doubts.

Moreover, I have recently begun to study Chinese culture, hoping to learn something from it.

Li Hongbin didn't know that Elder Nas had such a change because of his affairs, and when he saw Li Hongbin do it there, he said to Irene, "Miss Irene, it's very normal if you don't believe it, but, you immediately will believe it."

Suddenly, Li Hongbin flashed, and his figure disappeared in front of Irene.

"Ah." Irene yelled, looking at the place where Li Hongbin disappeared with surprised eyes and said, "Where did Mr. Li go?"

On the opposite side of Lover's Lake, a foreigner wearing a pair of sunglasses and a confident smile on his face was sitting there calmly. Suddenly, a hand was placed on his shoulder, which surprised him. When he reacted, he found that he was no longer in the original place, but appeared on the opposite side of Lover's Lake.

Surprised in my heart, I couldn't help looking up, and saw Li Hongbin looking at me with a smile on his face.

He immediately pretended to be very frightened and said, "You, you, who are you, and what are you going to do to me?"

Li Hongbin ignored him, but said to Irene, "Miss Irene, don't you know this person?"

Irene stared at this person closely, kept scratching the back of her head, thinking hard, suddenly, her eyes lit up, and said, "He... He, I remember, I bumped into him when I came here just now. One click, and knocked off his sunglasses."

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "That's it. At that time, he already left a spiritual imprint on your body."

Seeing his expression stunned, he said in fear, "You, you, what are you talking about."

Li Hongbin said coldly, "Why did you kill me?"

(End of this chapter)

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