Peerless Peasant

Chapter 351 Making things difficult for the Paladin

Chapter 351 Making things difficult for the Paladin

This matter finally came to an end, and in the end, Naya's tears were obtained by a mysterious person.

Of course, everyone has seen the scene that day. Naya's tears were obtained by that mysterious big hand, and that big hand came and went without a trace. The tears were taken away, and the rest of the people gritted their teeth in hatred.

They spent so much effort, but got nothing.

So everyone speculated who owned that mysterious big hand, and who had the ability to take away Naya's tears in full view?Thinking left and right, racking my brains, I just can't think of who might get Naya's tears.

In the end, it can only be said that it was obtained by the mysterious person.

What they don't know is that the tear of Naya obtained by the mysterious master is fake, it's just a fairy crystal, the real tear of Naya is still at the bottom of the lake of lovers, where it continues to play its role, The man who guards the monster clan that was a disaster to the world back then.

As for Leng Fei and Li Hongbin, after this was just done, the two continued to wander around Europe, and they had nothing to do anyway.

Moreover, it was hard to be alone with Li Hongbin, so we should seize this opportunity, enjoy the two-person world, and continue wandering around during the day, just to turn around all of Europe. Well?That is naturally to do those very happy things.

During this period, a very interesting thing happened, which was related to Li Hongbin's curse.

When Li Hongbin brought Leng Fei to visit the Holy See, he wanted to meet the beautiful Holy Lady. It is rumored that she is the most beautiful woman here. Is it true that everyone has a love for beauty?It was just to take a look, but because our lord saint had important things to do, he went out, so Li Hongbin could say that his trip was in vain, and he didn't see the saint.

The reason why the saint is not here is because a traitor appeared in the Holy See, and the saint took the paladin to chase the traitor.

Therefore, Li Hongbin was naturally very upset about that traitor. It was you bastard who made me run for nothing and didn't see the saint, so he cursed him there and told him to escape here. Come to the front of Li Hongbin, so that Li Hongbin can clean him up, let out a sigh of relief, it's you bastard who kept me from seeing the beautiful saint, and made my trip for nothing.

Who is Li Hongbin? He is a god.

His curse was very effective. Sure enough, on the day when the incident of Naya's tears ended, the holy lady of the Holy See rushed into the vicinity of the Lake of Lovers with her Paladin troops, because the traitor fled to Here it comes.

I don't know if it was some kind of arrangement, but because of Li Hongbin's curse, that person's fate was changed and he escaped here.

It was also because a lot of major events had happened here recently, and it was very lively. He wanted to escape the pursuit of the Holy See, so he went to the lively place, so he ran to Lover's Lake.

As for what the result will be, it is not known.

One thing was already doomed, this person fell into Li Hongbin's hands.

Because the saint of the Holy See is a big person, she attracts attention wherever she goes. Once here, it immediately caused a lot of sensation. They all wanted to see the saint of the Holy See. Some people did it because Simply want to see the beauty, some people admire the saint, so come and see, some people, because they have already counted the saint in their hearts, want to see this real person.

As expected, she is worthy of being the saint of the Holy See, the most beautiful woman, she is indeed beautiful, Li Hongbin couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat when he saw it.

They are on par with Leng Fei, Xu Qingxue and other beauties, and they each have their own characteristics. Leng Fei and the others are traditional Chinese beauty, while Her Majesty the Holy Maiden is the classical beauty of the West. She is wearing a white dress. It looks so holy that people can't help but feel a sense of blasphemy.

However, the saintess of the Holy See is very proud. No matter who she sees, she will glance at him coldly, and then stop looking at him.

In addition to disdain in her eyes, she has no other feelings. It seems that no one is in her eyes. This makes Li Hongbin very upset. Who do you think you are!Isn't it just that you look a little more beautiful and have a good identity, so you are very powerful?How dare you look down on me, I don't know how many times more noble I am than you.

Even the great pope in your Holy See has to kneel in front of me respectfully.

As for the angels with a few pairs of wings, archangels, archangels, power angels, and seraphs, these are all little bastards. One day, I will be unhappy. I will kill the Holy See and kill him. Angel, get him some angelic hearts, and see how arrogant you are.

Originally?Li Hongbin came to see this holy woman with infinitely beautiful longings, and hoped that she would be a good person, like Goddess Naya.

However, this result made Li Hongbin a little bit disappointed, but he had already thought of this possibility before that, after all, he had met the holy son of the Holy See before, but he had become a pure angelic heart Already, it was refined into Leng Fei's body.

So, Li Hongbin decided to play tricks on this holy woman, why are you so arrogant, how arrogant are you pretending to be in front of me.

Aren't you here to hunt down traitors?If you don't hunt down the traitor, you haven't completed the mission, so you can't go back, right?This is very good!Now the person you want to hunt is caught in my hands, it depends on you what to do, come and beg me!

Li Hongbin thought so, unless the saint came to beg him in person, otherwise, he would not hand over that person to the Holy See.

Why leave it to you!It took me a lot of effort to catch this person, why should I hand it over to you? In fact, no matter how much effort was wasted, I just sat there and waited for that person to automatically send it up. The blame can only be blamed on that person's unlucky luck. He was unlucky and sent it to Li Hongbin automatically.

Crossing Erlang's legs, holding Leng Fei in his arms with one hand, looking at the paladin in front, Li Hongbin said, "Why, do you want me to hand this person over to you?"

Paladins are very proud, but they have their proud capital, they have powerful strength, and they are also paladins of the Holy See. In Europe, the Holy See can be said to be the most powerful force on the surface. Those who dare to provoke, so they have the capital of arrogance.

However, this is just a little bit of arrogance in front of others. In front of Li Hongbin, they don't have the capital to be arrogant at all.

Li Hongbin will not believe their way at all, the more arrogant you are in front of me, the more I will hate you, I just can't understand people like you, are you amazing?If you have the skills, let's discuss and learn from each other. If you can beat me, you will naturally have the capital to be proud.

He raised his head and chest, looked at Li Hongbin with a hint of disdain in his eyes, and said, "Give us the man in your hand, he is a traitor to our Holy See."

What he said was taken for granted, as if Li Hongbin would definitely hand him over, and there was a hint of command in his tone, as if Li Hongbin was his servant, and he had to do what he was asked to do.

"Leave it to you." Li Hongbin smiled slightly, indifferent to the paladin's performance, and said, "Why? I took a lot of effort to catch this man. You don't know, he once I stole something from me. It was worth tens of millions. I haven't taken it from him yet, so I handed him over to you. It's not worth it! Who will pay for my tens of millions of losses? Give me, you pay me back."

"You." Hearing Li Hongbin's words, the paladin became a little angry. He looked at Li Hongbin and said, "It's your honor to be able to work for my Holy See. This person is a traitor that my Holy See has hunted down for a long time. If you are going to be executed, you hand it over to me immediately."

"Hehe." Li Hongbin said with a smile, "You hand it over if you say it! Wouldn't that be shameless? I mean, if I don't hand it over, what can you do to me? I haven't recovered yet The loss I lost, I will not give him to you."

"You." The paladin said angrily, "Boy, you are courting death."

"Hehe, I'm looking for death, what's the point of this? I'm fine, I didn't do anything, why did I look for death? Besides, who can make me die? Even if your Holy See is powerful, can you just sentence people to death?" No way!" Li Hongbin said playfully that he wanted to embarrass the paladins of the Holy See, because he couldn't understand their behavior, as if it was only natural for others to do things for them.

The paladin said, "Boy, for the sake of being a Chinese, I will give you another chance to hand over our criminals from the Holy See. Otherwise, even if you are a Chinese, you will be punished for harboring our criminals from the Holy See." Yes, my lord is merciful, as long as you admit your mistakes sincerely, he will forgive you, hand over the sinner!"

The reason why he didn't act immediately was because Li Hongbin was from Huaxia. Although the Holy See was arrogant, he still had a little fear of Huaxia. If other people dared to do this, they would have already taken action to force others.

Their tenet is that everything we do is right, what the Lord tells us to do, and what we do is righteous.

Anyone who hinders us from doing things is a sinner and will be punished.

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled casually and said, "I don't think he did anything bad. Did you wrong him? No matter how he looks, he doesn't look like a bad person. I think you wronged him."

"Boy, you're doing the right thing with our Holy See sincerely, right?"

"What's the matter? It's obviously because you and I are in trouble. He stole my things. I haven't recovered them yet. I'll talk about them when I get back the things I lost. However, if your lady saint comes in person If so, I may still consider it, regardless of my fault, and give this person to you."

"Bold." The paladin said angrily, "You dare to blaspheme the purest saint of my Holy See, you are courting death."

"How did I blaspheme her? Firstly, I didn't moleste her, and secondly, I didn't rape her, so why did I blaspheme her, but she is quite beautiful, if she lays herself on my bed, maybe I can't help it. "

"You, you, you are courting death."

Suddenly an angry voice came.

(End of this chapter)

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