Peerless Peasant

Chapter 367 Who Smiles Finally

Chapter 367 Who Smiles Finally

Two seals with big seals were pasted on the gate of Quanmin Winery under the work of law enforcement officers from the Industry and Commerce Bureau.

This means that since then, the Quanmin Winery has been closed and can no longer produce wine. Once wine is produced in this name, it will be an illegal act, and you will have to pay legal responsibility, which is a very serious matter. .

Good manners looked at Li Hongbin proudly, weren't you arrogant just now?Aren't you proud?Let's see how arrogant and proud you are still.

As long as my seal is still on the gate of your factory, your factory will be abolished from now on, I see what you can do, just go against your previous attitude, even if you come to ask me, I will not agree, from now on In Pinghai City, there is no such factory as the Quanmin Winery, and there is no such thing as imperial Linquan wine anymore.

This is the end of your arrogance before, boy, you are a little too young to fight with me, you are still a young man after all.

Since they walked into Xianyou Village, without saying anything, they directly said that someone reported that there was a problem with the safety of the Quanmin Distillery. People are poisoned by drinking the wine produced by your winery.

After the verification above, it was indeed the case. For this, Quanmin Winery was seized, and his trademark and company name were cancelled.

Then, under the order of the good-tempered director, several people came over with two seals, closed the gate of Quanmin Winery, and then glued the seals on top with a cross.

From the beginning to the end, Li Hongbin didn't show a trace of uneasiness on his face, only a calm and sneer.

As for the others, because Li Hongbin explained to them before, there is nothing wrong with them, just post it, and it will be torn off in a short time. They are very clear about their own things, of course they know very well, knowing that there is nothing wrong with him.

Therefore, if Li Hongbin made such a guarantee, they would have nothing to worry about. Regarding Li Hongbin's words, they can be said to have reached a point of blind belief. As long as Li Hongbin said something, they would believe it. Even if Li Hongbin said, Tomorrow, if the big bosses from the central government come to visit their village, they will believe it.

Seeing Li Hongbin's appearance, he couldn't help but be taken aback, his expression was still so calm.

I see that you are calm on the surface, but you are already very disturbed in your heart. Your factory is closed and your source of income is cut off. It depends on what you do. Not only do I want this, I also want to make you have nowhere to go Let you know what will happen if you offend me.

As for the police in the city to investigate, he has nothing to be afraid of, because Quanmin Distillery has already had a big problem, and it has already gone to the city.

It attracted the attention of several leaders, and they all said that this matter should be dealt with severely, and those unscrupulous businessmen must not be tolerated, and let them know that there is a price to pay for earning money against their conscience.

That's why he dared to do this. The leaders in the city had issued orders, so why should he be afraid.

What's more, even Secretary Zhong, who is now jealous and vengeful, has given an order that such a thing has happened within the scope of this city. We must investigate and find out the truth, and we must not let those lawless businessmen go.

With Secretary Zhong's words, they were even more proud. Since he, the boss, said he did this, he must be severely punished.

Now that Zhong Shoujing is in Pinghai City, he can be said to be the real leader, with great power!There is no administrator who is not afraid of him. When they hear that Zhong Shoujing is coming, everyone is scared to death, afraid that some of their own evidence will be in his hands. These days, people in this range are clean. I'm afraid not many.

As for the red envelope that Dai Jianhu invited him to dinner and gave him, that was just incidental, and he was supposed to deal with the Quanmin Winery.

"Cough cough." Hao Fengqi coughed twice, and said, "The sealing up of your Quanmin winery is just one of the punishments for you, because there is a big problem with the Linquan wine produced by your Quanmin winery. Some citizens were poisoned after drinking your wine, and you must be held accountable for this incident."

Haofengqi then said, "So, we must give you a severe punishment. After a joint attack from the bureau, like your Quanmin Winery, you will be fined 500 million yuan."

"Five million." Li Hongbin said coldly, "Good atmosphere, Director, you are really a lion! I am afraid that if the 500 million fine is issued, it will end up in someone's pocket! I am talking." , Director Hao, be a man! You have to do your duty and don’t get too complacent."

Hearing this, Hao Fengqi was furious. It was originally said by me, but now he said it, and the target was himself.

This is a good atmosphere, how can we not be angry, and immediately pointed to Li Hongbin and said, "Mr. Li, this is just the handling of our industry and commerce bureau, and the punishment of your winery by the health bureau, and these things you have done have already involved The safety of other people’s lives is subject to criminal responsibility, and I’m afraid Village Chief Li and several winery managers will be sent to jail by then.”

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled disdainfully, and said, "I don't need Director Hao to worry about this."

"There is one thing I want to ask." Li Hongbin said, "Excuse me, Director Hao, have you guys from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau come to investigate carefully, and where did your evidence come from? I really want to know, on what grounds do you As soon as it came, it was immediately seized."

"Hmph! Do you still need evidence? The people lying in the city hospital who fell into a coma after drinking the wine produced by your winery are the evidence, let alone someone who reported you and brought out your The winery added toxic substances in the process of producing wine."

"There are all the witnesses and evidence." Haofeng said proudly, "You unscrupulous manufacturers should be banned."

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled again, and said, "Then, let me ask you a question, how can you say with certainty that they were poisoned and unconscious because they drank the wine made by our winery? The industry is very developed, maybe he just drank the wine produced by a pirated manufacturer, and it has nothing to do with our Quanmin Winery's half a dime."

"Have you done any research on this? I don't think so!"

"I think these are things you imposed on our winery without careful investigation."

"Why didn't there be an investigation?" said Haofeng angrily, "Boy, you will never die until you reach the Yellow River, right! The most poisonous substance that poisoned those people came from your Quanmin winery. Someone once secretly produced it from your winery. When drinking, I brought back a part of the original solution, analyzed it, and finally concluded that these most poisonous substances are the same kind of poison as those poisoned, this is the ironclad evidence, the ironclad evidence is like a mountain, put it here, boy, what else can you say. "

"Hehe, it's really ridiculous." Li Hongbin said disdainfully, "I have to say that the people in your industry and commerce bureau are very incompetent. If you can find something, I say you are wasting the country here." Food, with the money given to you by the state, you are doing something like this."

Li Hongbin said coldly, "You haven't done any investigation from the beginning to the end. What you said is all from this certain person. The evidence in your hand was given to you by others. Is what I said right?" .”

"Boy, what do you mean." Good manners said loudly, "Boy, don't slander me here."

"Did I slander you?" Li Hongbin said, "I'm just stating the facts. Good manners, Director, I had a better drink with Dai Jianhu last night! Originally, you wanted to build a bathing center to get comfortable, but you thought about it outside recently. It’s not very stable, so I didn’t go there.”

Good atmosphere was shocked immediately, because what Li Hongbin said was true, he had indeed had dinner with Dai Jianhu last night.

Seeing his appearance, Li Hongbin went on to say, "Director, Dai Jianhu is really generous! Just throw out a 200 million red envelope like this. 200 million is a big amount. Let me calculate it for you. Your salary It is 200 a month, including bonuses and various benefits. After a year, you should be able to have 40! [-] million, but you have to work for [-] years. For you, it is really a fortune huge sum of money."

"Boy, what are you talking about." Haofeng said nervously, "If you talk nonsense, I will sue you for defamation."

"Hehe, then you can go and sue!" Li Hongbin said indifferently, "I just don't know who will go wrong at that time, oh! And that piece of jade seems to be very good, I know Director Hao, you like jade very much, At home, there are many large and small jade stones. Some are cheap and some are expensive. The cheap ones cost 90 yuan a piece, and the expensive ones? That’s worth hundreds of thousands of yuan. What a luxury! I really don’t know these jade stones Where did it come from."

"You. You." Hao Fengqi was a little flustered now, and a little frightened in the panic.

Because what Li Hongbin said are all facts, but how does this kid know, these things are only known to him and his closest people, if he let others know, he is definitely dead, if these things reach Zhong Shoujing's ears Here, my life is over.

"What about me?" Li Hongbin said, "There is also that villa in the western suburbs, but it is not cheap, at least two or three million. This is the cost price, and it is absolutely unaffordable with your salary. There is a big problem, but the most enviable thing is that Director Hao is so kind and raised his niece there. Although she is not her own niece, she is still your niece. Director Hao, not bad !"

"You. You." The good atmosphere is really scared now.

How does this kid know? Every time I go there, I go there in the middle of the night. No one knows at all. Also, how does Li Hongbin know everything? The relationship between her and himself is so clear. who is it.

"Village Chief Li." Good manners said with a tinge of flattery on his face, "Village Chief Li, we can have a good talk."

"Yeah! You can have a good talk, but it's not you talking to me, but you talking to him."

Li Hongbin pointed to the front.

(End of this chapter)

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