Peerless Peasant

Chapter 374 Contempt

Chapter 374 Contempt
You are a farmer in the field. To put it bluntly, you are just a bumpkin and a bumpkin.

It can only be that I don't know what kind of great luck I have had to meet a top-notch beauty like Dai Zhanfeng, let alone get her favor. I really don't know what is so good about this bumpkin. Why did Zhan Feng fall in love with him?

And looking at her, it seemed that she cared about him very much, almost asking for his opinion on everything.

This made Leng Hao very angry and jealous. Even when she was with him back then, she had never seen her like this. Could it be because this kid was young, but Li Hongbin was quite young? looks, but it looks like a good match with Dai Zhanfeng, because the two seem to be about the same age.

What Li Hongbin said was absolutely true. How many acres of land he planted, how much land he planted.

But you don't want to think about what is planted in that place. It is the legendary fairy fruit, which can only be eaten by immortals, and the tea, which is something that ordinary people will never taste. No matter how much you spend, it will be useless. The value of that thing cannot be measured by money. If you are an ordinary person, even if you are better, it is just a few dollars more?

This person named Leng Hao may have a little money in his family, a little power and power, but in front of Li Hongbin, that is simply not enough to look at.

Not even a single hair of Li Hongbin can compare to it. If it is compared to money, I will get it for tens of billions, and I will kill you if I smash it. If it is compared to power and power, as long as Li Hongbin says a word, the Dragon Emperor will lead his dragon team You follow behind Li Hongbin and obey his orders. Even if you have the best strength in the secular world, you can still be bigger than the dragon group. You really want to go against the sky.

From the moment Leng Hao started to despise Li Hongbin and looked down on Li Hongbin, his tragic fate was already doomed.

It’s not good to despise someone, but you want to despise a god. It’s not good to look down on someone, but you want to look down on a god, a god who is infinitely stronger and nobler than him. This is not courting death, but what it is.

But fortunately, Li Hongbin is a relatively kind god, and he didn't care about Leng Hao's contemptuous eyes, as if I was a farmer and I was proud.

But there is something wrong with Dai Zhanfeng. If Li Hongbin hadn't pulled her, I'm afraid she would have gone up and slapped Leng Hao a few times. If you dare to look down on my man, I will fight you. Even if you have any relationship with me, she That is more important than what Li Hongbin thinks is more important than herself.

But at the same time, he was also sneering, laughing at Leng Hao's ignorance, a person who can easily spend tens of billions of funds, would he be an ordinary person?

Li Hongbin said indifferently, "Dude, where do you work? How is the company's treatment?"

"Me!" Leng Hao said with a smile, "I'm not very good. I'm a manager of a department in one of the top 400 companies in the world's top [-]. As for the salary? It's not bad at all. There are around [-] million a year."

Looking at him like that, he is very humble, but this modesty is not really modest. One can tell at a glance that he is obviously showing off in front of Li Hongbin.

Look at you, as a farmer, how much money can you make in a year, even if you are exhausted to death, it will not exceed 400 to [-] yuan a year. My salary this year is only [-] to [-] million. so much money.

Let you know the gap between you and me, you are in the sky and the other is in the ground.

Originally, he thought that Li Hongbin would show a hint of envy, and looked at him with staring eyes, lamenting that his salary was so much higher than his, but to his disappointment, he did not see this expression on Li Hongbin's face.

I saw Li Hongbin nodded and said, "Dude, you are really not doing well! But you can barely get by."

"Three to four million." Speaking of this, Li Hongbin frowned and said, "It's only a little money a year, it's really a little little! Isn't it enough for me to plug my teeth?"

Leng Hao was taken aback for a moment, he must have heard correctly!This country bumpkin actually let him say such a thing, he actually said that three or four million a year is not enough, it is not enough for him to stick his teeth, is he crazy, this is three or four million, not three or four hundred, he thought he was who!Isn't he just a country bumpkin?
The clothes on his body, from top to bottom, don't add up to more than 1000 yuan, and it's very likely that Dai Zhanfeng bought him.

When he heard Li Hongbin say that he was a farmer, he wondered if Li Hongbin was a little boy who had been raised by Zhan Feng?The more I think about it, the more I realize that this is a possibility. Otherwise, how could someone with Dai Zhanfeng's identity like Li Hongbin?And between the two, it is simply impossible to communicate with each other.

Therefore, there is only one possibility, this young man is Dai Zhanfeng's little boy.

After all, she is also a woman and has certain needs, but what about Li Hongbin?Upright and young, when he was 23 or [-] years old, he was full of youth and vitality, and he was full of energy, and the young people in the countryside generally had very good abilities in that area.

Thinking of this, Leng Hao became even more jealous and angry, and secretly cursed in his heart, Dai Zhanfeng, a small builder, is a bitch.

At the beginning, she looked like a pure girl, pure and clean, but she didn't expect to become like this now. When she thought of such a top-notch woman being pushed under her body and sprinted by a country bumpkin, his heart was full of anger.

Hearing Li Hongbin's words now, it is very likely that he put it on, Dai Zhanfeng asked him to put it on, in order to belittle himself.

As soon as he figured this out, Leng Hao felt contempt and disdain in his heart.

He looked at Li Hongbin with a smile on his face and said, "I don't know how your yearly income is, little brother? How much money can you afford for your expenses a year?"

Li Hongbin shook his head and said, "I don't know about the annual income. Anyway, I haven't calculated it, and I can't figure it out. There are many zeros in the end. I always calculate my money on a daily basis." Let’s just talk about a while ago! I traveled to Europe once and spent 2000 million, and I went to Las Vegas, the most famous casino in the world, and lost tens of millions, but these are all Little money."

"Also." Li Hongbin said enthusiastically, "Some time ago, a bastard showed off in front of me and drove a sports car called Lan Guini, which cost tens of millions. He stole my limelight from the front, but I was that fire, rushed up with a few hoes and smashed his car to pieces, and finally wrote a check for 2000 million, and threw it in his face, and he suddenly said nothing Dare to say it."

"So." Li Hongbin said seriously, "I really don't know how much I spend a year, but the money I spend this month already exceeds [-] million."

Hearing Li Hongbin's words, Leng Hao wanted to laugh, wanted to laugh out loud, this hillbilly really lied and didn't write drafts, he really can brag, you will die if you don't brag?Even if you want to blow it, you have to be more realistic.

You are typically making a fool of yourself here, and you have [-] million a month. You really think that your family runs the Huaxia People's Bank and makes money.

Even the son of Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, would not spend as much money as you.

Please, even if you want to blow it, it is more realistic, it is too big.

Even if he beat him to death, he wouldn't believe it, but Dai Zhanfeng absolutely believed Li Hongbin's words. , Hundreds of millions of money can really be ignored.

"Hahaha." Leng Hao laughed a few times and said, "I really can't see it, the little brother is hiding something! I don't know if your family runs a bank."

Li Hongbin was taken aback, and said, "How do you know! Our family runs a bank."

"Cough cough cough."

When these words came out, Leng Hao was taken aback, coughed twice uncontrollably, and looked at Li Hongbin with even more disdain, you country bumpkin really dare to say anything!Your family runs a bank, and I said our family built the earth?
Leng Hao looked at Li Hongbin, shook his head, then looked at Dai Zhanfeng and said, "Fengling, I have to say, you found a good man."

Dai Zhanfeng held Li Hongbin's arm with both hands, and said, "That's natural, Hongbin is the best man in the world, being with him is the happiest thing in my life." Then his face turned cold "Leng Hao, the name Feng Ling is not something you can call, please call me by my name."

Now Leng Hao is completely speechless, it's fine that you're abnormal, but I didn't expect you to be abnormal too.

He was speechless. What kind of medicine did this woman Dai Zhanfeng take? How could she be so devoted to this kid?Could it be because of his strong ability in that area that Dai Zhanfeng couldn't stop and couldn't lose him.

My ability is not bad either!It's not a problem to have a few girls in one night and let you reach the peak several times. I will definitely let you know how good I am.

Looking at Leng Hao, Li Hongbin said in his heart, "Boy, you dare to treat my prospective woman with such thoughts, you are dead, you are absolutely dead, you are amazing, aren't you! I will make you stronger when the time comes. "

Dai Zhanfeng said coldly, "Leng Hao, get out of the way, I don't want to see you anymore, don't block my way."

At this moment, several young people walked over from the front, and their first eyes were on Dai Zhanfeng. This is definitely a top-quality woman. If they can have something to do with her, That must be a very happy thing.

I heard one of them ask, "Leng Hao, what happened, just see you come here."

"It's nothing, I just met an old classmate, but she doesn't want to see me at all." Leng Hao said. A young man who looked like he was only 20 years old stood up and put his hand on Leng Hao's shoulder and said, "Who dares not to see you, I Xu Qinghai went to deal with him, who dare not give my brother face!"

"Xu Qinghai." Hearing this, Li Hongbin stared at the young man, and he looked a little like him, so he couldn't help but smile.

"Boy, what are you looking at?" Xu Qinghai said to Li Hongbin, "You can also call my name? Boy, what kind of eyes do you have, you dare to look at me like that, are you looking for death?"

(End of this chapter)

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