Peerless Peasant

Chapter 38 The Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 38 The Wheel of Fortune
Seeing Li Hongbin staring at her like this again, Tang Xin lost all composure.

Although it was not that no one stared at her before, but staring at her at such a close distance made her very uncomfortable. Holding the pillow in her hand, she threw it at Li Hongbin's body, and said coldly "What are you looking at? If you are looking, I will dig out all your eyeballs."

Li Hongbin looked very serious, and said without any jokes, "Sister Tang Xin, what did you do?"

"What's going on, what's wrong with me." Tang Xin asked very puzzled.

"Hey!" Li Hongbin sighed and said, "Woman! You are a trouble, and you are a big trouble. To be honest, have you offended many people?"

Tang Xin said with a very puzzled expression, "How can I offend anyone! It's just me and Yunyun, an orphan and widow, who can we offend! I said, what's going on with you! Don't mess with a Like a stick."

Li Hongbin said unhappily, "What do you mean by acting like a magic stick? Please be careful when you speak. Well, I won't bother with you so much. The fierceness has also been reduced a lot, but it has not been completely eliminated, which means that you still have troubles, although they are small troubles, but they are enough to bother you."

Tang Xin said indifferently, "Small troubles are small troubles, as long as no one dies, it's fine. Haven't our mothers and daughters had less troubles these years?"

"Sister Tang Xin, did you do something outrageous? God wants to punish you like this."

"What can I do to anger people!" Tang Xin said very unhappy, "Although I am not a good person, and I haven't done many good things, I can guarantee that I have never done anything bad. As for why God would do this? For me, I don’t know about this, maybe it’s my life.”

"You are still quite optimistic! Yes, I will simply help people to the end and tell you your birthday."

"What are you doing?" Tang Xin looked at Li Hongbin very vigilantly, and said, "Why do you want my birthday horoscope? You wouldn't use my birthday horoscope to curse me!"

"Please, where did you learn from? Don't believe the bloody plots on TV. They are all fictitious. Haven't you seen them say that it is purely fictional? I am helping you by telling your birthday one time."

Tang Xin glanced at Li Hongbin vigilantly, and told her the date of birth, as well as the exact hour.

"Okay, now give me your hand."

"Why?" Tang Xin looked at Li Hongbin warily again.

For this, Li Hongbin is completely speechless, this woman's vigilance is really too heavy!Asking her a little secret is such a big reaction.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, and I won't take advantage of you. I'm telling you, I don't mind taking advantage of you."

"You, you." Tang Xin pointed at Li Hongbin with a hint of anger. Although she didn't care, she was still a little upset when she heard Li Hongbin say that she was not a rarity, but she still stretched out her hand in the end.

When Li Hongbin's palm touched hers, she clearly felt her body tremble and wanted to shrink back, but in the end she didn't.

Li Hongbin smiled, what exactly has this woman experienced, she is so defensive towards other people, it can even be said to be a kind of hostility, except for her relatives and most trusted people, other people, In her heart, the first reaction was a bad person or an enemy.

Looking at her palms, he sandwiched her palms with both hands, and said softly, "Sister Tang Xin, close your eyes and don't think about anything."

At this moment, she felt a warm force coming from between Li Hongbin's hands, and it flowed all over her body in an instant. She felt warm all over her body, as if she had returned to a familiar embrace. I can't help but relax my whole body, lying in this embrace, I don't think about anything, I just want to lie like this.

"Tang Xin, female, was born on the day of Dingyou month and Yiyou day in the year of Bingyin. Heaven and earth are lawless, six paths of reincarnation, and the wheel of destiny opens."

Right after Li Hongbin opened the word, behind Tang Xin, a huge illusory roulette suddenly opened, and illusory figures and illusory scenes emerged from it. This is Tang Xin's past and future.

At this time, in Tang Xin's mind, from the moment he was born, it was like a movie playing, replaying scene after scene, and many things that Tang Xin could forget before were played one by one. When it came out, it was so clear, all the past events, as if they happened the moment before.

Gradually, the video stopped when Tang Xin had a car accident, but it stopped for a while, and then started to play again. It was Tang Xin's future life, but what is strange is that in this video, Except for Tang Xin herself who is clear, her impression of others is very, very vague, because the future is unpredictable and full of endless changes.

Even if you see your future through the wheel of fortune, it is still vague.

But even so, in Tang Xin's later life, a figure appeared from time to time. This figure was even more special, and even more blurred than him. It was precisely because of this that he knew that he often appeared , it was this person who entered Tang Xin's life. At this moment, the corner of Li Hongbin's mouth slightly said, "The wheel of fortune, come loose."

The huge roulette behind Tang Xin dissipated in an instant and turned into nothingness. Li Hongbin opened his eyes, and he could see that his eyes were very complicated, full of helplessness and shock, and said with a wry smile, "No way! What a coincidence, his grandma's, what is this called!"

Why did Li Hongbin say that?Tang Xin didn't know who that figure was?Wouldn't Li Hongbin know?That figure was himself, and Li Hongbin was very familiar with him, that's right, that illusory figure was him.

Looking at Tang Xin again, Li Hongbin couldn't help being startled, and said in shock, "Damn, no! God, aren't you trying to play me to death?"

Why was Li Hongbin so shocked?Because, he saw on Tang Xin's body, there was a faint red thread tied to her hand, and the other end of the red thread was tied to his own hand, what's the matter!So Li Hongbin was very shocked.

What is this red line means that there is a marriage between the two of them.

This kind of thing, although it seems to sound very illusory, but it exists.

In this sea of ​​people slowly, God has already determined who your other half is. The red line on these two people has been determined from the very beginning, but what about Li Hongbin now?It was very helpless, but the red thread between him and Tang Xin was tied from now on.

And in this Theory of Destiny, that figure is himself.

Li Hongbin couldn't say anything about this result, so let's admit it!Anyway, Tang Xin can be considered a big beauty. Although she already has a child, she doesn't mind it. After all, Tang Yunyun is a pretty good girl.

"You. You." Tang Xin looked at Li Hongbin with complicated eyes, and said, "You have seen it all."

"En." Li Hongbin nodded, and said with a trace of apology on his face, "Actually, I don't want to, after all, it's immoral to keep all your secrets closed, but this is the first time I've used this method." , I'm sorry, I didn't expect your past to be so difficult, so bitter, you are a strong woman."

Tang Xin looked at Li Hongbin and said, "Can you give me a hug?"

"Ah." Li Hongbin said slightly surprised, "Sister Tang Xin, what did you say? I heard you right! Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad person?"

Tang Xin shook her head and said, "Don't get me wrong, I just want you to give me a hug, is that okay?"

"Of course there is no problem with this. For this kind of request, if you need it in the future, please call me at any time."

As he said that, Li Hongbin stretched out his hands naturally, and hugged Tang Xin in his arms. Tang Xin's body trembled slightly, and she raised her hands slightly, putting them on Li Hongbin's back, and gently hugged Tang Xin. Li Hongbin, the two just hugged each other without saying anything.

After seeing everything Tang Xin had done before, Li Hongbin felt bad. He sympathized with this woman. Her life was difficult.

Patted her on the back and said, "You shouldn't live in the pain of the past, the past has passed, and you don't force yourself to forget, some things can't be forgotten, and you shouldn't choose to forget, heartbroken Then forget, unless your heart is dead, but your heart is not dead, you still have Yunyun in your heart, so you won’t die, everything has passed, it’s very tiring to immerse yourself in the past, you’re already tired It’s been a few years, if it continues like this, it will collapse sooner or later.”

After listening to Li Hongbin's words, Tang Xin's heart trembled, yes!I need a new life, and I can't be immersed in the sadness of the past.

Lying in Li Hongbin's arms, she felt very warm and comfortable. She didn't need to think about anything at this moment, she just wanted to lie down like this.

"Hehehehe." At this moment, a burst of laughter came. Tang Yunyun woke up at some time and was lying on the bed, staring at Li Hongbin and Tang Xin with two big eyes, with a smile on her face. A happy smile said, "Okay! Okay! Big brother and mother are wrapped together, and I want to hug too."

(End of this chapter)

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