Chapter 392

Zhang Hong and Li Wei have been engaged in tomb robbery for many years, and they have robbed quite a few ancient tombs over the years.

Just a while ago, they did not know where they heard the news that there was an ancient tomb with a very long history in a certain village in western Hunan, which was discovered not long ago, and this news was only Very few people know, not even the people above Huaxia, which shows the closeness of the news.

Zhang Hong and Li Wei still have a little sense in the industry, and they can feel a little trouble.

After hearing the news, the two rushed over to the village of Xiangxi without any doubts. The two of them had no doubts about the authenticity of the news, because Xiangxi was a relatively mysterious place. According to legend, in ancient times, There are many dignitaries who buried themselves here after they died.

Therefore, it is very normal to find one or two ancient tombs here.

Rushing to the place where the ancient tomb was said to be found, with the experienced eyes of these two people, they can tell that the ancient tomb is a little old, at least thousands of years old. This discovery surprised these two people, It was a surprise, and I was naturally very excited.

This thousand-year-old tomb is very rare in China. In the decades of tomb robbery, they have only encountered a thousand-year-old tomb once.

At that time, these two people made a relatively small fortune, and the money they earned made the two of them disappear for several years before spending it all?The two of them are not light hands and feet. It is impossible to spend without five or six million yuan a year. This small fortune took them several years to spend, so you can imagine it.

The things in ancient tombs over a thousand years old are all very valuable antiques.

However, their activities are illegal, and there is something shameful. Even if the things obtained from the tomb are worth tens of millions, it is impossible to buy so many. At most, they will be sold to others for three or four million.

This time, they saw that the ancient tomb was older than the last one, which made them both excited and worried at the same time.

What are they worried about?I have never visited such an ancient tomb before. I don't know how the situation inside is very dangerous. Is there a lot of things in it that they don't understand. After all, the Fengshui layout in these ancient tombs, That is a very mysterious thing, if one bad word, something will happen.

These two people have a little luck in terms of Feng Shui layout, otherwise they would not dare to do tomb robbery.

Thousands of years are too far away from now. They don't know much about those things in the past, so they dare not break in directly. Although they really want to get the things inside, their own lives are still important. One bad word and something will happen.

So, they thought of a way to find one or two people who don't understand the market and hire them with high salaries to find out for themselves.

And what about Yang Hai?It was one of the people they spent 10 yuan to invite to explore the road. Yang Hai had never seen so much money. For 10 yuan, he only earned more than 2000 yuan after working outside for a month. He didn’t eat or drink for a year. It only cost more than 2 yuan. If the food, lodging and clothing are deducted, there will be only more than 1 yuan left. To him, this 10 yuan is a small sum of money, and he will fight for it even if there is any danger. .

Therefore, Zhang Hong and Li Wei agreed to go to explore the road, and so did the other two. When they saw 10 yuan, their eyes were dazzled, so they agreed directly.

Zhang Hong and Li Wei are still very cunning. They know that the wages of the children of migrant workers are the last, as long as there is a little temptation of money, and if they don't think they are doing something outrageous, they will readily agree. .

I don't know if it was God's care or what happened, but everything went very smoothly and nothing happened.

They went directly from the entrance of the ancient tomb to the center of the ancient tomb. Nothing happened in it, which made Zhang Hong and Li Wei a little puzzled. It has expired, where can you build a quicksand ancient tomb?But nothing.

However, if there is nothing, there will be nothing, this is the best, and it is best if nothing happens.

There are a lot of bronze wares placed in this kind of ancient tomb, which makes Zhang Hong and Li Wei dumbfounded. These are bronze wares!And there are so many, if you make a fortune, if you sell these things, I am afraid it will not be enough to spend in a few lifetimes.

When admiring these bronzes, there was one thing that attracted the attention of the two of them. What was it?

Around the coffin, there are seven lampstands. Just from the appearance of these seven lamps, the carvings are lifelike, and the workmanship is very fine, just like the real thing. From this point of view, this The value of the seven lamps is immeasurable.

Zhang Hong and Li Wei were stunned when they looked at the location of the seven lights. The location corresponding to the seven lights was the Big Dipper in the sky.

"Seven-star lamp for life extension." Both Zhang Hong and Li Wei were taken aback, looked at the coffin with a hint of teasing in their eyes and said, "I said man, if you die, you die, you should go to the underworld to reincarnate, Why are you still thinking about resurrection! Don't think about it anymore, a person's life is only so short, it is impossible to live forever."

The seven-star lamp that continues life is a legend. Some people are unwilling to die like this, and they want to live longer and longer.

Therefore, after they died, they placed such a life-extending seven-star lamp in their mausoleum, hoping that one day they could be resurrected. Zhang Hong and Liu Wei had only heard of this, and they didn't know about it. I have really seen it, I saw it here today, and it is inevitable that I will be a little surprised.

Walk over and put the seven lamps into your bag directly, this is the most important thing in it.

After looking at everything outside, the two set their eyes on the coffin in the middle. From their decades of experience in tomb robbery, generally the most valuable things in these ancient tombs are in the coffin of the deceased. Inside.

One person took a shovel and was about to start work. One person shoveled at the coffin with one shovel, but there was no movement at all.

The two people were taken aback for a moment, and said, "Is there any mechanism around here, which is used to open this coffin."

After searching for a long time, I couldn't find any mechanism. After prying for a long time, I still couldn't pry the coffin open, which made the two people very curious. Make me angry, and take this coffin with you too.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew inside the ancient tomb, causing the four people present to tremble uncontrollably.

"Hello." Zhang Hong pushed Li Wei and said, "Li Wei, what happened just now? Why is the wind blowing all over the place? Where did the wind come from? This ancient tomb seems to be airtight in all directions. What's going on here."

When he spoke, Zhang Hong was naturally a little scared. In the past decades of tomb robbery, such a thing has never happened.

Li Wei forcibly stabilized his mood and said, "Where is there any wind! It's just your illusion, how could there be wind? You see, there is no wind at all. It was just an illusion, an illusion."

"Is it really an illusion?" Zhang Hong said, he opened his hands and felt it, but he couldn't feel any air flow.

He nodded and said, "It's really an illusion, where is the wind coming from?"

Hearing his tone of voice, he was not sure at all, he was only deceiving himself, and he was giving himself a reason not to be afraid.

"Ah." Suddenly, Li Wei yelled, as if he had seen something terrible, which made Zhang Hong yell, and couldn't help but slapped Li Wei on the head, saying, "Li Wei, What are you yelling about!"

"That. That." Pointing to the coffin, Li Wei said tremblingly, " see, that coffin opened by itself."

I saw the coffin lid moving back slowly, and looked at the two people who were frightened. When they thought of the seven-star lamp that continued life before, the two couldn't help being surprised. It couldn't be that person who was really resurrected. Come here!Thinking about it feels a little scary.

The two hugged each other, their bodies were shaking non-stop, how could they not be afraid?Tomb Raiders has never encountered something in decades.

But after waiting for a long time, nothing happened. The two of them couldn't help being taken aback. Could it be that it was just a false alarm and nothing happened. Thinking that there might be something more valuable inside the coffin, the two slowly Yes, slowly walked towards the coffin.

Looking inside, the two people were startled immediately, and they shouted, "Help! The corpse is fraudulent."

Because the two of them glanced over and saw a pair of eyes looking at them from the coffin. How could this make them not afraid, they were so scared that they were dying, thinking that the person in the coffin had really come back to life.

But nothing happened after that, the person inside continued to lie there, but his eyes opened.

"Huh, huh." Both of them took two deep breaths, and cursed loudly, "Dude! If you die, you will die! It's scary to be here, if it weren't for the courage of our two brothers, I was scared to death by you today."

The sentence that the intact body was lying in the coffin, as if it had just died, but with its eyes open, surprised the two of them.

After picking out the things on the dead man, the two realized that the value of the corpse must be extraordinary. If it can be kept like this for thousands of years, the value must be very high. Those who sold him abroad Those who engage in scientific research will definitely be able to sell it at a good price.

So, the corpse was also carried away. What they didn't know was that when they left here, the ancient tomb shook violently, and a big hole suddenly appeared at the place where the coffin was placed just now, and a very strong A gloomy breath floated out from inside.

Yang Hai and that person left after getting 10 yuan, and the two of them took what they got and came to the county town, stayed for a few days, and contacted the buyer by the way, the things in hand Selling it, especially the ancient corpse, is very valuable.

It may be the most valuable among these things, followed by the seven lamps.

Just now, the two of them were drinking in the room, and they felt a little excited. After this time, they will be able to dissipate for more than ten years, and they can even quit.

At this moment, there was a violent vibration in the cabinet, which shocked the two people, and then they felt that there was something wrong with their bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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