Chapter 4
All this, everything that happened before Li Hongbin's eyes, was like a dream.

Li Hongbin is a person who advocates science. After all, he is a college student?For those legends of gods and ghosts, they just treat them as a story and don't take them seriously, but now, the fact happened before my eyes. An old fairy appeared in front of me and wanted to accept me as my apprentice.

Li Hongbin was afraid that this was just a dream, and when he woke up, there would be nothing left, he would still be himself, and there would be no old gods left.

He pinched himself hard and felt the pain. Li Hongbin had to believe that all this is true. In this world, ghosts and gods really exist, but they live in a place where ordinary people cannot find them. .

Feeling the little green golden pill in his dantian at that moment, and the crystal grid in his mind, Li Hongbin couldn't help being excited.

Although he doesn't know anything, what a crystal lattice is, what that little green golden pill is, but he can feel the power from above, his current body feels full of power, Li Hongbin Feel like I can kill a cow with one punch now.

Hearing the old fairy's words, Li Hongbin couldn't help being taken aback. Before his true spirit dissipated, although he didn't know what it meant, he felt something was wrong.

Frowning, he couldn't help asking, "Master, what's the matter with the disappearance of the true spirit? Don't you plan to teach me yourself after you accept me as an apprentice? Teach me to be a very powerful fairy."

"Hey." The old god sighed, and said, "Do you think I don't want to? But I can't. As a teacher, I am already a dead person."

"What." Li Hongbin was stunned, his body trembled, and he looked at the old god and said, "Master, how is this possible, how could you die? It is said that gods can live forever, how could you die? Then you What's going on now."

"Hehe." The old god smiled and said, "What is immortality, if it was in the past, it was still possible, but now it is completely impossible, because the teacher died thousands of years ago, in this world Among them, I no longer exist, but because of this innate artifact, I have preserved a trace of my true spirit, but because I am a dead person, even if I have preserved this trace of true spirit, it will slowly fade away with time. The past will gradually dissipate."

"No." Li Hongbin said loudly, "Master, I don't want you to die. You are a god, how could you die? You must be lying to me."

Seeing Li Hongbin's sincerity, the old god couldn't help but nodded, and said, "My child, I did not misread you. Now you should know why I accepted you as my apprentice. I know that in this world, there are still There are many geniuses with much better aptitude than you, saying a word might hurt you a little, I had no other choice, so I reluctantly accepted you as an apprentice, because this trace of my true spirit will dissipate in a short time."

"However." The old god went on to say, "You are a good child. You have a very pure mind and a good heart. This is something that many people do not have. Moreover, this may be the fate arranged by God for us! It is yours. The blood awakened my sleeping true spirit. Without you, my true spirit might have dissipated in a daze. It was because of you that I woke up at the last moment. fate between them."

"Master." Li Hongbin called out, and suddenly felt his nose a little sore. He met a master, and he used his skills, but he didn't expect that he would die in a blink of an eye. Li Hongbin suddenly felt a little blocked and felt very sad.

"Silly boy." The old fairy couldn't help touching Li Hongbin's forehead and said, "Don't be sad, Master is very happy to meet you when he died."

Li Hongbin nodded and said, "Master, I will definitely not disappoint you. Master, is there any way for you to keep this trace of true spirit and not let it dissipate?"

The old god shook his head and said, "No, there is no other way. If it weren't for this innate artifact, my teacher would have been wiped out together with other gods thousands of years ago. The rules between heaven and earth are no longer mine." It exists, so there is no other way, so don’t be sad.”

Looking at the small green cauldron in the hands of the God of Life, Li Hongbin asked, "Master, what is this innate artifact? It sounds very powerful."

"Hehe." The old fairy smiled and said, "Of course the innate artifact is very powerful. If you think about the word "innate", the divine weapon that existed before the world first opened, can he not be powerful? As far as I know , In this world, there are only three innate artifacts, one is the punishment of the God of Punishment, one is the master's Qiankun robe, and the other is the source of life in the hands of the master."

"The source of life." Li Hongbin stared at the small green cauldron and asked, "It sounds very powerful. What is the function of this small cauldron?"

"The source of life, if you think about the name, you will know, the origin of all life, all life is born from him, and it is precisely because of this small cauldron that he became the master of life of the Supreme God. God, became one of the three masters in the fairy world."

"Wow!" Li Hongbin looked at the God of Life in surprise. He did not expect him to be such a powerful master. He was also one of the three masters in the fairy world. Artifact of the God of Punishment and Juggernaut.

"Master." Li Hongbin asked, "Since this source of life can create life, why can't it save you?"

The God of Life shook his head and said, "That's a long story, and it starts with the destruction of the fairy world."

"The fairyland is shattered." Li Hongbin was stunned, and said, "Master, you said just now that the other gods were all annihilated, so that means that there are no other gods in this world, what happened back then. "

"Cultivating immortals is originally a thing against the sky. Through continuous cultivation, mortals make themselves stronger and stronger, so that they can ascend to the perfect pure land in their minds, which is the fairy world, and become the powerful and supreme. Immortal."

"But." I saw a painful expression on the face of the God of Life, and then said, "The fairyland is not boundless. Thousands of years ago, the civilization of the fairyland developed to a limit. At that time, geniuses in the mortal world Lin Li, those masters of cultivating immortals are constantly emerging, and through continuous cultivation, they finally ascend to the fairy world, and almost every day, some people ascend to the fairy world, which was originally a good thing."

Li Hongbin was also very puzzled, and said, "Yes! There are more and more immortals, isn't that great?"

The God of Life shook his head and said, "Didn't I say before that the fairyland is not boundless, it has a limit. For example, the fairyland is a ship, and those cultivators just want to board the ship." People, and the people that this ship can carry, has a limit, and the same is true in the fairy world. As more and more people ascend, the pressure on him will increase, until one day when this limit is exceeded, What do you say will happen to the ship and the people on it?"

"Boat wrecked."

"Yes." The God of Life nodded and said, "It's just that the ship was destroyed and people died. The fairyland is just like this ship, and it's more than that. The broken fairyland caused a series of accidents. The powerful force of broken fairyland, It led to the collapse of the heavens and the break of the chain of order. Order is the foundation of the existence of a world. If there is no order, think about what the world would be like."

"Chaos, there is no rule without rules, and if there is no order, the world will be in chaos."

"Yes, the way of heaven collapsed and the chain of order was broken. Do you know how powerful this is? Those heavenly immortals, earth immortals, and Daluo Jinxians were all wiped out in an instant, and the God of Punishment was wiped out after ten breaths." , the master stopped fifteen breaths and then disappeared, and I was almost the same, but my innate artifact was different from theirs, the origin of life, he kept a trace of my true spirit, but it was useless, because In the order, I am dead, I no longer exist, in the Dao of Heaven or even the Dao, I no longer exist, and all gods no longer exist."

Li Hongbin was listening on the sidelines. In his heart, it was a huge wave. He didn't expect such a thing to happen in the fairy world.

"Master." Li Hongbin asked, "Those gods were all wiped out back then, so will someone become a god now?"

The God of Life shook his head and said, "There shouldn't be any. The disaster that year was not limited to the fairyland. The break of the chain of order wiped out all the immortals in the fairyland. At the same time, in the mortal world, the group of immortals Then all suffer, because they are also the source of the destruction of order."

"Oh." Li Hongbin nodded and said, "So that's the case! In that case, I'm the only immortal now."

"Hehe." The God of Life smiled and said, "It can be said that you have inherited my supreme position. It stands to reason that you are now a god. You are a god higher than immortals, but you are only the weakest one. You are amazing, you may not even be able to defeat the most ordinary immortal, because you have a godhead but no power."

"Eh." Li Hongbin's expression became embarrassing, the weakest god, but that's okay, now he is the only god in the world.

"Okay." The God of Life said, "I've told you everything you want to know, let me help you again, and turn my last sliver of true spirit into your sliver of divine power. If you understand, I will leave my memory in your mind and leave as a teacher."

I saw the body of the God of Life dissipate slowly, and finally turned into a ray of golden light, which shot into Li Hongbin's body.

"Master." Li Hongbin shouted, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed three times to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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