Peerless Peasant

Chapter 400 Master

Chapter 400 Master
What Li Hongbin didn't expect was that a genius like Fu Yi would emerge after the fairy world was shattered.

Often such people are very easy to suffer a lot of setbacks, because they are so good that even the sky is a little jealous of them. In fact, it can also be said that it is a test from the sky. Will become a strong party, if this does not pass the test.

Just like Fu Yi, he died halfway.

According to his talent, it is absolutely possible to become a strong man in the future, and it is even possible to become a supreme god, or even a higher realm. Unfortunately, he died in the seventh catastrophe. It's also his misfortune, if this happened before the fairy world was shattered.

He, Fu Yi, can definitely become a supreme master and dominate the existence of one side.

However, it will be unfortunate in the end. When the fairy world is shattered, he will inevitably be buried in it. This can only be said to be Fu Yi's misfortune and sorrow. It's death, after all, all of this is fate, fate is at work, and if you want to blame it, you can only blame Fu Yi's bad fate.

While feeling sorry for Fu Yi, Li Hongbin was also curious about the identity of the Zombie Emperor, who exactly was this fellow, and what was his relationship with the corpse ancestor.

It's a pity that Wanfeng didn't know much. He also learned from the seniors of Xunxian Temple that this Zhuanghuang was also a generation of great talents. He turned out to be an emperor in the secular world. Everyone is like this. When he is rich, he hopes that he is rich, and when he is rich, he hopes that he has power. When he is powerful and rich, or even king, he will think about another thing.

That is to hope that I can live longer, even the legendary immortality, who in the world wants to die?No one wants to die, and no one wants to live a few more years.

When Zhuang Huang was still the emperor in the secular world, he had already unified the whole world, but he thought that he would die one day, as long as he died, the world would no longer be his own, so he wanted to live longer Years, it is best to live forever, in that case, he can always control his own country.

Ever since, he sent his capable generals to go outside to seek the law of longevity.

By chance and coincidence, he really got the method of longevity, but it was only the method of longevity in his mind. In the eyes of others, it was a very evil kind of sorcery, which was to turn himself into Zombie, as for how he got this method, I don't know, I can only ask him, or his subordinates.

Anyway, in order to live forever, as long as he can live forever, even if it is a sorcery, the emperor will not hesitate.

In the end, the emperor turned into a zombie, realizing his immortality, and also possessed great strength, because he is the emperor who unified the world?In the secular world, he has the supreme right. In order to practice his evil skills, countless people were buried in his hands.

But at the same time, he also created a very large and powerful army, which was invincible.

Wherever the team has passed, there is really nothing left behind, and, in an accidental plan, the emperor learned that there are some special people in the world who have great strength. It is the cultivators, who are beyond the imperial power and are not under the control of their dynasty.

How can this emperor bear it?In his heart, the whole world is his world, everything on this land, everyone, should be under his control, everything should be under his control.

Unexpectedly, under his empire, there would be such a group of people, such a force, beyond the imperial power.

No, this is absolutely not possible. You must take all these people into your own hands.

Ever since, he sent out his own powerful undead army to conquer the forces of those cultivators. His undead army, because it is composed of zombies, although it cannot achieve his immortal body, it can also Not so easy to die.

At the beginning, these immortal cultivators were caught off guard. The most important thing was their contempt for this legion.

He is just an army from the secular world, and he dared to come and attack my sect in the world of cultivating immortals.Belittle, don't take it very seriously, this is the tragedy of these cultivating sects.

There was a weaker sect that perished under this legion without any resistance in an instant.

This surprised all Xiuxian sects, oh my god!What the hell is going on? How could this secular army have such a powerful strength? Moreover, their strength is still growing. Every time they fight a Xiuxian sect, his strength will increase. one cent.

The emperor's ambition will be realized soon, and the world will truly fall into his hands. Whether it is the secular world or the world of cultivating immortals, we must obey his orders.

At this time, the people from Xunxian Temple came out, because this legion had already endangered the foundation of their Xunxian Temple. The foundation of their Xunxian Temple lies in the three super sects of the world of cultivating immortals, and other sect.

Under the leadership of Fu Yi, a group of people from Xunxian Temple fought a fierce battle with this undead army.

Although the overall combat effectiveness of the Undead Legion is a notch lower than those of the Xunxian Temple, but because of their bodies, they make up for this defect, and they are inseparable from the masters of the Xunxian Temple. .

These masters in Xunxian Temple felt very helpless in their hearts. Their own strength was obviously much higher than him, but it was difficult to kill them.

A sword pierced their hearts. If it was an ordinary person, they would definitely die, but this group of zombies just won't die.

In the end, Fu Yi and several masters arranged a large formation called Exterminating Demons and Evils outside the undead army, ushered in the thunder and fire from the sky, and refined the undead army into slag, so that Only then was this legion finally wiped out.

But Zhuang Huang and several of his generals escaped by luck.

However, in the end, it is hard to get rid of the fate of being killed. They are very difficult to die, but they are not immune to death. If they are burned with sky thunder and sky fire, they will die in the same way. In the end, only Zhuanghuang and him are left. The three major generals of the three generals, and Fu Yi had a big battle. Originally, Fu Yi wanted to kill them all, so as to avoid future troubles. However, if they couldn't kill Zhuang Huang, they had to seal him for eternity and shoot him. The disciples of Xunxian Temple came here to guard.

However, not long ago, for some unknown reason, since the big formation arranged by Fu Yi and several masters back then was cracked, the Zombie Emperor came out.

However, this Zombie Emperor's luck was obviously a little bit bad. As soon as he came out, he met Li Hongbin, a great god, and was beaten miserably. He was almost buried in Li Hongbin's hands.

After learning about the origin of Zombie Emperor from Wanfeng, Li Hongbin was a little surprised. This boss could be Boss Qin, right?
In terms of time, his attire, and Wanfeng's story, all of them are superimposed, and the real identity of this dead emperor cannot be the Qin Emperor in history!It was really possible, and Li Hongbin was really surprised. He didn't expect it to be that master!

"Okay." Li Hongbin said, "Wanfeng, you can recover here, and protect the villagers so that they don't change."

Wanfeng nodded and said, "Senior, don't worry, I will definitely not let them have trouble."


Looking ahead, Li Hongbin said, "Zombie Emperor, I didn't expect you to be the boss of Emperor Qin! I admire you very much, let's have a good talk."

As he said that, he saw Li Hongbin's figure getting weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared in front of him, which made Wanfeng a little surprised again. The strength of my senior immortal is really strong, and he is worthy of being a senior master from the fairy world. The fairyland is really a place that people yearn for. I, Wanfeng, must break through and ascend to the fairyland.

Behind these villages is a very large forest, like a primeval jungle.

In a certain place in this forest, there is a dark cave, most people really can't find it. In such a big jungle, finding a cave is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. Once you enter this jungle, Without a compass, it is very possible to get lost in this jungle.

This pitch-black cave is very long. If you walk along it, you can't see anything for thousands of meters. All you can see is darkness.

After going a few thousand meters further, suddenly there was a howling sound from the cave, and it was frightening to hear!If a timid person hears this sound, they will probably be frightened to death.

"Oh, oh, damn you bastard, you dare to hurt the emperor, I must avenge this revenge."

That's right, this person is the stiff man who escaped from Li Hongbin's hands. He is a little strange at this moment, his body turns into a ball of black air for a while, and then returns to the original appearance, erratic, look at his body. It looked like he was seriously injured.

Seeing Zhuang Huang's expression stern, he said, "Damn boy, I will definitely not let you go. I will avenge this revenge."

"Hoo, hoo." After taking two deep breaths, Zhuanghuang's expression stabilized, and he said with serious eyes, "Who is this kid? He has such powerful strength. Even Fu Yi back then may not be his opponent." , Who the hell is this kid? His strength is really terrifying. He can break my immortal body. I have never met a person who can break my immortal body."

After thinking about it, Zhuang Huang said, "His power seems to be the power to restrain the emperor. Who is he?"

"Could it be." Suddenly stiffened, he said, "Could it be that he came from above, hum! This is even better, I haven't tasted what the blood of a fairy is like, you will be the first fairy I kill , I feel a little excited when I think about it, I don’t know what the blood of a fairy tastes like.”

At this moment, there was a movement from the entrance of the cave, which startled Zhuanghuang, and said vigilantly, "Who is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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