Peerless Peasant

Chapter 42 Formation Experience

Chapter 42 Formation Experience
Regarding Zi Tianhong's words, Li Hongbin just smiled.

Although he knew that Zi Tianhong respected him very much, Li Hongbin didn't think so. The reason why he had the current opportunity was all his own luck. little relationship.

If he has good luck, even if he doesn't meet himself, he may meet other masters and give him all these.

So, all of this is due to fate.

Half an hour later, Xu Qingxue woke up from her practice, looked at herself in disbelief, grabbed Li Hongbin's arm and said, "Hongbin, I have already reached the peak of Tiangang Realm, and I can buy Yuangang Realm just one step away." Now, is this true? Is all this true?"

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Of course it's true, otherwise you'd think it was a dream!"

"Oh my God!" Xu Qingxue pinched her face and said, "It hurts, all of this is true, I really can't believe it, I have already reached the peak of the Tiangang Realm, is it too much?" It’s unbelievable, that’s the Tiangang Realm!”

"Hehe." Li Hongbin shook his head and said, "You are so excited by the small Tiangang realm. If you break through to the Yuangang realm, you will die of joy! Your xinxing is not enough, it's okay It didn't let you break through to Yuangang Realm, otherwise, instead of helping you, it would harm you. Tiangang Realm and Yuangang Realm are actually just a foundation. You have to remember that only when you break through to Guizhen Realm can you be considered true got into that circle, so it's nothing to get excited about."

"Oh!" Xu Qingxue's face darkened for a moment, and she raised her mouth and said, "I'm just a little excited? You don't know, the most powerful old man in our family is only in the late stage of Tiangang Realm. They are better than them, and, for me, the Tiangang Realm was so out of reach before, but now, I have suddenly become a master of the Tiangang Realm, so it is inevitable that I will be excited?"

"Okay!" Li Hongbin said with a serious face, "Qingxue, although you have reached the peak of the Tiangang Realm, I can tell you that you will never be able to beat a warrior in the late stage of the Tiangang Realm, because the current body in your body Infuriating energy is not obtained from hard training, but obtained through other means, so your current strength, compared with those real warriors in the late stage of Tiangang realm, you will definitely not be their opponents."

"You too." Li Hongbin pointed to Zi Tianhong and said, "Although the two of you have improved a lot this time, you must know that all of this comes from external things, not through your hard work. "

"So." After looking at these two people, he said very cautiously, "You two should practice hard during this time, turn this true energy into your own true energy, and maximize your strength. "

Zi Tianhong nodded, and said respectfully, "Thank you for the teaching, Master. The disciple has been taught, and I will definitely work hard to cultivate."

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Wait a minute, I have something nice for you two."

Hearing Li Hongbin's words, both of them were stunned, good thing, what kind of good thing could it be?Can't help but feel a little excited.

I saw Li Hongbin's right hand move forward, and nine pieces of fairy crystals floated in front of him. Nine pieces of fairy crystals shone with colorful light. Seeing these nine pieces of fairy crystals, both of them showed shocked eyes. First of all, the first reaction is that it is too beautiful, it is so beautiful.

Especially Xu Qingxue, a woman?I have no resistance to these things by nature, especially gems and diamonds.

Seeing these pieces of fairy crystals in front of Li Hongbin now, Xu Qingxue's eyes were full of little stars, and she couldn't help but think, is he going to give this to me?I really like it, I want it so much.

As for Zi Tianhong, his feelings were a little deeper. From these sparkling crystal stones, he felt a huge energy.

"Master." Zi Tianhong asked excitedly, "Master, what is this thing? I feel that there is a huge energy contained in it, which is stronger than that fairy fruit. What is this thing?"

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "This thing is called a fairy crystal. It is a special kind of crystal, or it can be said to be a kind of energy block, a crystal that contains huge energy."

The right hand was slowly lifted up, and following Li Hongbin's right hand, the nine crystals flew out and surrounded the heads of the three of them. Li Hongbin's hands quickly made various handprints. have been connected in a special way.

I don't know how many fingerprints were printed, at least a few hundred.

I saw Li Hongbin put his hands together, shouted "Scatter.", spread his hands apart, and saw that the nine crystals suddenly emitted a burst of light, turning into nine rays of light surrounding the sky, and then Then it disappeared.

"The Promise Illusory Formation, now."

Following Li Hongbin's words, the originally clear sky suddenly turned into thick fog, and in the blink of an eye, the area was shrouded in thick fog. If Xu Qingxue hadn't held Li Hongbin's hand, she wouldn't have known that Li Hongbin by her side.

"This...this." Zi Tianhong said in shock, "Master, what kind of method is this, which has never been seen before."

Xu Qingxue was also very shocked and said, "Hongbin, what is this, why is there such a thick fog all of a sudden."

Although both of them knew that Li Hongbin was very powerful, they were still shocked when they saw his methods with their own eyes. With such methods, such a thick fog can be summoned by flipping their hands. Is this the power that humans can master?It's simply amazing.

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Qingxue, Tianhong, you are wrong, there is no thick fog here at all, everything here is your illusion, that is to say, what you see is not real , if you don’t believe me, you can take a look, illusion, scattered.”

Under Li Hongbin's order, the dense fog disappeared in an instant. Seeing the shock of the two, Li Hongbin said, "You see! All this is illusory, not real."

This is a relatively advanced formation that Li Hongbin has comprehended recently, the Infinite Illusory Formation.

Such a rudimentary formation is only effective for people with slightly lower strength. For those with strong strength, it can be broken with a flip of a hand. But for Zi Tianhong and Xu Qingxue, it is very useful .

Therefore, Li Hongbin planned to use this phantom array as a place for these two people to practice.

"Wait a minute, I'm not setting up a formation."

A few spars flew out again, and after Li Hongbin made countless handprints, they turned into a ray of light and dissipated in the air, but they did not disappear, but turned into the foundation and energy for the operation of the formation.

"Eight directions are trapped, now."

"Nine Swords Killing Formation, now."

A killing formation, a trapping formation, and a phantom formation from outside, enveloped the three of them inside, but they didn't activate it now, because Li Hongbin was inside, and as the master of these three formations, he hadn't activated the formation yet.

Looking at the two people with confused faces, Li Hongbin explained, "This is a kind of formation. Using the energy between the heaven and the earth, the phantom formation is to create an illusion, like a mirage. As for the sleepy formation? Listen to the name You know, it is used to trap people inside. As for the killing array? It is used to kill people. Regarding this, I want to emphasize again that people will really die if they are in the killing array. fantasy."

"Hongbin." Xu Qingxue asked puzzledly, "Why did you get this thing out?"

Zi Tianhong frowned and said, "Master, you don't want us to experience this formation."

Li Hongbin nodded and said, "It can also be said that your strength has just improved so much. The best way to adapt to your own strength is to fight, but there is no place to fight now, so this can be used as a place for you to practice. Formation can train your mind, killing formation can sharpen your strength, and formation formation can stimulate your thinking ability."

"Remember, it's all fake in the illusion. Killing the formation will really kill people. In the beginning, you just face one formation independently, but later, I will superimpose the three formations on top of each other. Together, the illusion killing trap three formations together, if any of you can break these three formations, I will be rewarded."

"What's the reward?" Xu Qingxue asked, "Hehe, keep it secret, okay, you can go to experience it first, feel the power, I have something to go out, maybe I will go out for a while, and I will be back before evening, so, Qingxue , you don't have to worry about it."

"By the way, if you really can't handle it in the killing formation, just crush these two jade talismans, and then you can get out of the formation."

As soon as the two jade talismans were thrown from Li Hongbin's hands, they fell into the words of the two.

"Where are you going? Are you going to meet your little lover? Tell me the truth." Xu Qingxue asked Li Hongbin helplessly, "Today is my goddaughter's birthday. She told me a few days ago that I will definitely I'm going to accompany her, you know, she is a poor child, besides, I promised her that I must not miss the appointment. "

Xu Qingxue glared at him and said, "I see! You probably jumped on that Tang Xin, she probably has a big beauty, otherwise, you wouldn't be so enthusiastic, Hong Bin, am I right? ah!"

"Ahem." Li Hongbin coughed twice, and said, "What's the matter! I'm leaving! Remember what I said."

(End of this chapter)

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