Peerless Peasant

Chapter 423 Opening the Channel

Chapter 423 Opening the Channel
Hearing the voice from outside, Long Qianshan and the Gorefiend were stunned for a moment.

Then, I saw the Gorefiend staring at Long Qianshan, grabbing his throat with one hand and saying, "Long Qianshan, what's going on, we are as secretive as the God of Life!" The kid can't find out, how did they recruit them, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation, you, Long Qianshan, will disappear from now on."

Long Qianshan trembled and said, "Master, I don't know what's going on, I don't know how these people came here."

"Hmph! Useless things." Blood Shura said angrily, "It must be because you were at a disadvantage when you were out on errands, and let them follow. Otherwise, how could they find out?"

"Master." Long Qianshan said in fear, "When I go out to do errands, I am very careful every time, I make myself into an ordinary person, and, in order to avoid contact with people in Huaxia, I always wear If you want to find a place far away from Huaxia, they will never find us."

Xue Shura stared at Long Qianshan fiercely and said, "If it's because you are still useful, this deity will kill you now."

"Now I'll give you a chance to make amends. Regardless of whether these people came to us or not, go and clean them up. I don't want to hear any other voices."

Long Qianshan said very precisely, "No problem, master, this matter is on my shoulders."

"get out."

Grabbing Long Qianshan's body and throwing it outside, he immediately flew into this fog.

Outside the fog, I saw a few young people standing there, looking at the thick fog ahead with a trace of hesitation on their faces, one of them said, "Captain, should we go in and take a look!"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." The man called the captain frowned and said, "This place is very mysterious. This fog is different from other fogs. I feel that there is a natural formation inside. It's covered, you didn't see it, the visibility in this thick fog is very low, and even the consciousness is useless, if you rush in like this rashly, it may be dangerous."

"Captain, what should we do then?" The man continued to ask, "That mysterious person, we tracked it down here and disappeared, and it is very likely that he is hiding inside."

"This." The captain said puzzledly, "Why don't we tell the Hall Master about this! Let's just say that the person who the senior asked us to track down has a clue, and it is very likely that he is hiding inside."

"Captain." The man hesitated and said, "To bother senior with such a small matter, doesn't it seem that we are too incompetent! He values ​​us so much and asked us to be the people of the law enforcement hall. If such a small matter is disturbed , he will doubt our ability."

The captain nodded and said, "You're right, but the senior said the importance of this person. If you find out, report it to him immediately."

"Captain." The man said, "Aren't we still not sure if that person is the person Senior asked me to find? As long as I'm sure it's the person Senior is looking for, I'll send the news to him immediately, and there will be no problem at that time." Alright! If not, it would be bad for Senior to make a waste of time."

The captain nodded and said, "Then what should we do now, Xiao Wu, you usually have a lot of ideas, so what do you think?"

The person named Xiao Wu frowned, looked at the fog in front of him and said, "Originally, what we want now is to rush in directly to confirm whether that person is the master that the senior said, but looking at the situation, we have to No, let's send two people in to check the situation first, two people are here to meet them, and two people stay outside, if there is anything wrong, evacuate immediately and report back to the Palace Master."

"Okay, let's do it like Xiao Wu." The captain said, "Let's act!"

Suddenly, at this time, a gust of wind blew, and I saw a figure appearing in front of them, looking at them coldly and saying, "Action, what are you doing! You don't have any action, kids? You I’ve played the game, remember, don’t come to everywhere in the future, if you don’t go to the right place, there will be problems.”

When the captain saw that something was wrong, he immediately gave orders, "No, everyone, hurry up, the strength of this person is very strong."

The captain coaxed, "Seven Star Sword Formation, accept."

Seeing this person, he immediately stood in a special position, the seven sword qi and sword intent merged into one, seven seven 49, suddenly the power increased by 49 back, and the sword slashed at Long Qianshan.

"Hehe." Long Qianshan said with a disdainful smile, "You still want to set up an array, in front of me, even if your sword array is powerful, in front of absolute strength, all this is in vain."

"Capturing the Dragon Hand."

As soon as I grasped this sword qi, it fell to pieces in an instant. The strength of these seven people has only reached the yin and yang realm. It's a fight, but in front of Long Qianshan, it's really a bit hopeless.

His strength has surpassed the Ascension to Heaven Realm, and has reached the realm of Immortals. The strength of these moves is pediatrics in front of him.

With a simple grab, the sword formation of seven people was broken.

"Not good." The captain yelled and said, "He is the person senior is looking for. Capturing the dragon hand is one of his unique moves. Hurry up and send a signal to senior."

Without hesitation, the captain smashed the jade talisman Li Hongbin gave him with one hand.

"What." Seeing this scene, Long Qianshan felt that something was wrong, and wanted to stop him, but it was too late, the jade talisman in the captain's hand had been crushed by him, turning into A faint green light.

"Damn it." Long Qianshan cursed loudly, "Boy, you guys should die, I'm going to kill you."

As he said that, he slapped a few members of the law enforcement team furiously. If this slap continues, the children of the law enforcement team will most likely have to confess here. With their small bodies , but couldn't catch Long Qianshan's palm.

However, at this moment, the green light that was crushed by the captain instantly turned into a stalwart figure, blocking in front of them.

"Drink." With a loud voice, he said, "Who dares to injure a disciple of my Law Enforcement Hall."

Seeing Li Hongbin's figure, several disciples of the Hall of Law Enforcement showed a trace of excitement in their eyes, and said respectfully, "Senior."

And what about Long Qianshan?On the other hand, there was a tinge of fear. He had seen the decisive battle between Li Hongbin and Blood Shura that day. Li Hongbin's strength was far beyond what he could resist. If someone slapped him, even a hundred of himself would not be able to resist. Will be shot to death.

"It's you." Long Qianshan said in horror.

This was just an attack by Li Hongbin, without any consciousness, after it erupted, it just slapped Long Qianshan.

This was Li Hongbin's palm with all his strength, and he hit Long Qianshan. All the things placed in front were smashed by Li Hongbin's palm, and the palm directly hit Long Qianshan's body.

"Pfft." Suddenly, a mouthful of blood spat out, his body flew upside down into the mist, and Li Hongbin's figure also disappeared.

Li Hongbin, who was sleeping with Tang Xin in his arms, suddenly opened his eyes and said, "No, the disciples of the Law Enforcing Hall are in danger. Could it be that they found the two monsters, Long Qianshan and the Blood Demon? No way!" , must rush over immediately.”

Tang Xin in her arms was woken up, looked at Li Hongbin anxiously and said, "Honey, what's the matter, did something serious happen?"

With one move of both hands, the clothes on the ground were brushed on Li Hongbin's body. He looked at Tang Xin and said, "Xin'er, I will explain to you when I come back later. A big monster is about to appear, and I must rush there immediately." .”

Tang Xin said, "Well, you must be careful!"

Before I finished speaking here, Li Hongbin's figure disappeared. Tang Xin's eyes were full of worry. Judging from Li Hongbin's expression, this matter was definitely not a trivial matter. Otherwise, Li Hongbin wouldn't be so nervous , couldn't help worrying about Li Hongbin's safety, and hoped that nothing would happen to him.

"Hmm." Looking at the seriously injured Long Qianshan, the Blood Demon asked in surprise, "Long Qianshan, what's wrong with you."

Long Qianshan was agitated, spat out a mouthful of blood, and said, "Master, it's not good, the boy God of Life has looked for him, and I was injured by him."

"What." The Gorefiend said in surprise, there was still a hint of fear in his voice. Given his current situation, if Li Hongbin found him, the consequences would be unimaginable. He didn't think Li Hongbin would let him go. he.

Staring at Long Qianshan tightly with both eyes, he said, "Long Qianshan, what you said is true, that kid really came here to kill him."

Long Qianshan said with a pale face, "Master, how dare I deceive you? You are also aware of my strength. How can ordinary people be my opponents, but I was seriously injured by him in just one encounter. There is such strength in the world." Who else will there be?"

Checking the scars on Long Qianshan's body, the Gorefiend said with serious eyes, "The power of life is indeed him."

Long Qianshan said tremblingly, "Master, what should we do now."

"What else can I do." The blood demon said angrily, "You caused all this. If the god of life comes in, I will kill you first. I hope there is still time. The only thing I can do now is Open the passage leading to the ancestral land of the Shura clan, and we will enter first before he enters, otherwise, both of us will die here."

"Now, go outside and hold them back for me, and I'll open the passage."

"What." Long Qianshan said in shock, "I'm going to hold him back, how can I hold him back."

"It's not you, is it still me! Do you know how to open the passage to the ancestral land of the Shura clan? No matter what method you use, hold him back and let me have time to open the passage. Otherwise, I will be the first to kill you .”

Kill Long Qianshan first, absorb the power of the demon seed, and then be able to contend with Li Hongbin.

"Okay!" Long Qianshan said helplessly. Outside the mist, he saw a white figure descending from the sky and landed in front of the disciples of the law enforcement team. It was Li Hongbin. what happened."

Guo Mingming knelt in front of Li Hongbin on one knee and said, "Senior, we have found the person you mentioned."

"Oh my god! Senior, look what that is." Suddenly someone shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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