Peerless Peasant

Chapter 433 The Unlucky Holy See

Chapter 433 The Unlucky Holy See

This group of young men in the Holy See did not know what kind of bad luck they had to encounter such a thing.

This matter has nothing to do with them at all. Recently, the Holy See has been very honest and has done nothing, because they also want to rest and recuperate?After all, for their Holy See during this period of time, there were many things that were not going well, this was not good, and that was not going well.

First, several archangels went to China, and were beheaded by a mysterious strong man in China who had no ability to resist.

Then, when fighting for Naya's tears, there was also a little loss, because the reputation of the Holy See in Europe and even the world is not very good. Once someone from the Holy See appears, the first thing to deal with is the Holy See.

So, there is another small loss.

What's more, the Saintess of the Holy See, who ranks among the top ten fighters in the Holy See, was easily defeated by a mysterious Chinese master. In the end, even the guardian of the Holy See came out, but after seeing This mysterious Chinese master was so scared that he pissed on the spot. He was almost scared to death. This Chinese master was the fierce god who casually beheaded the archangels of their Holy See.

What's more, the traitor caught by their Holy See suddenly ran out again for some unknown reason, and sent out a group of people to hunt him down.

But no results were obtained. This person seemed to have evaporated from the world. This made the Holy See very depressed. What happened recently? Why did so many unlucky things happen? Nothing that ever happened.

Doesn't God bless us?Don't God and Allah protect us?What's going on here?
So, just take advantage of this time to calm down and restrain yourself. If something happens, it won't be fun.

But what?This bad luck is coming, and he can't stop it. If you want to blame, you can only blame you for being too unlucky. God wants to take care of you, and your Allah wants to protect you. There is no other way.

Just today, the Pope of the Holy See, as well as a group of paladins, cardinals, and holy sons gathered here to discuss future plans.

Suddenly, I saw a man in armor staggering in and said out of breath, "Great and respected Pope, it's not good, something is not right."

Seeing his terrified look, the Pope snorted coldly, looked at him angrily and said, "As a qualified knight of the Holy See, one should have the spirit of not being afraid in the face of danger, even when facing life and death, one should not show a trace of fear." And fear, we have to fight the evil forces to the end, you really let me down, say, what is it that makes you so flustered."

"Huh, huh." The knight said after taking two deep breaths, "He came in, someone came in."

"What." The Pope slammed the table and said, "What are you talking about? Say it again. Tell me clearly. You came here. What does it mean? Who dared to come to the Holy See? Are you dead? It's that lowly vampire, that bunch of beast werewolves."

"Neither of them." The knight shook his head violently and said, "It's the immortal cultivators of Huaxia, and people from the Alliance of Gods."

"What." The Holy See and all the people present were shocked, and then there was a look of fear on their faces, and they said, "It's the mysterious Chinese immortal cultivator, and the powerful alliance of the gods, there is no mistake! These two How could the forces come to attack my Holy See?"

"That's right." The knight touched the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "I see that's right, that group of people stepping on flying swords are Chinese immortal cultivators. Seeing that they are coming fiercely, they are going to fight our Holy See to the death. .”

Hearing this news, the pope was not calm on the spot, and said, "Could it be that the Chinese immortal cultivators are here to take revenge and join the alliance of the gods."

When they attacked the Chinese Immortal Cultivation World, they were also part of their Holy See. Before thinking about it, the Chinese Immortal Cultivators had almost forgotten about it. Now that I think about it, they attacked, did they come to revenge because of this incident back then? Now, what about the Alliance of Gods?Back then, the Holy See also found them uncomfortable.

Think about these two forces attacking, the pope and a kind of master can't help the cold sweat on the forehead!
Don't say that the combination of these two forces is a single alliance of the gods, which cannot be resisted by the Holy See. If the alliance of the gods attacks strongly, their only way to perish is the Holy See.

Unexpectedly, there will be a more mysterious and powerful Chinese immortal cultivator.

The elders of the Holy See, the first thing they thought of was to escape. The strength of the other party was too strong, and it was far beyond what they could resist. Didn't Huaxia say that the 36 strategy is the best strategy?If you stay in the green hills, you don’t have to worry about no firewood, so let’s go!
But when he thinks of his own glory, he is the Pope of the Holy See, the Cardinal Archbishop, and the Paladin, and he must live and die with the Holy See.

"Go out." A paladin shouted, "For the honor of the Holy See, we go out, a group of sinners who dare to blaspheme the gods, their actions will be punished by heaven, my lord pope, let us go out , let them know that our Holy See is not so easy to bully."

As he said that, he took his paladin's spear, put his right foot on the ground, and rushed towards the outside.

However, his fate seemed to be a bit bad. He had just rushed out when he suddenly heard a bang, and saw a very large pit appeared in the hall. The person lying in the pit, Is it the paladin who flew out just now?
At this moment, his condition seemed to be a little bit bad. On his stomach, staring at a flying sword, nailed his whole body to the ground.

Blood kept flowing out of his mouth, his body was trembling constantly, his expression was a little bad, he was so depressed that he was dying, he wanted to rush out and kill him, even if it was To die is also to die in battle with honor.

But at the moment when he rushed out, a shocking sword light flashed from somewhere, and then it turned into what it is now.

He was so depressed that he was going to die. What kind of bad thing did he do to encounter such an unlucky thing? It can be seen that this paladin is usually not a good person. Otherwise, how could he become like this?

"The bastards of the Holy See, die!"

Suddenly, there was a roar from outside the hall, and then I felt a powerful energy falling from the sky, directly smashing the roof of the hall into scum, the soldiers of the Alliance of Gods, and their feet flying The Chinese Immortal Cultivator of Jian descended over here, staring closely at the people in the Holy See.

From the time of attacking the Holy See to the time of attacking the main hall, it took only a few minutes.

It can be seen that the power of the Alliance of Gods and the Chinese immortal cultivators is far beyond what the Holy See can resist.

Seeing these people who suddenly appeared, the Pope was naturally very angry in his heart, wishing to rush up and fight these people desperately, but his reason told him that if he rushed up to fight them now, he would not take a second, he would It will become scum.

Although he is the pope, he is still very afraid of death. There are few people in this world who are not afraid of death and don't want to live a few more years.

The Pope is a smart person, of course he knows the current situation and what the current situation is like. If he fails, his life for hundreds of years will be wasted, and it is even possible that he will lose his chance to be a human being.

"You. You." Pointing at these people, the Pope said calmly, "I don't know what is the matter of you suddenly coming to my Holy See! Is there any misunderstanding between us? If my Holy See has done something wrong, I will definitely make amends to you all.”

Being able to say such things, the pope of the Holy See is also very aggrieved. He is a high-ranking pope. When did he do such a thing?
He has always been the only one who declares the death penalty of others. Others are sinners. No matter what he does, he is right. No matter how aggrieved he is now, he has been beaten to the door by others, and he wants others to apologize, saying that he was wrong. This is something that has never happened before, and it is simply a humiliation.

"Hmph." A Chinese immortal cultivator with his foot on a flying sword said, "The Holy See has committed a heinous crime. If you dare to kill me, a Chinese immortal cultivator for no reason, you should die."

The pope said helplessly, "When did we kill your Chinese immortal cultivators? We didn't!"

"Hmph! Besides your Holy See, who would do such a thing! A disciple of our sect died suddenly here in Europe. Your Holy See is the most suspected. Several princes of the blood clan have already sworn oaths. It has nothing to do with them. Several wolf kings of the werewolf tribe have also made an oath. Won't hit them."

"So." The swordsman pointed at the Pope and said, "The only thing left is your Holy See."

If it was normal, the Pope would be pointed at with a sword like this, and he would definitely say angrily, "You are a sinner, and you dare to disrespect the Lord. This is a great crime. You are a sinner who betrayed the Lord, and you should be punished most severely. "

Then he was thrown over the gallows of their Holy See, and he was severely tortured.

But now, even if someone slapped him, it is estimated that the pope would not dare to do it. He really didn't have the courage to do it.

"I'm wronged." The pope yelled, "My friend from China, you must have made a mistake! People in the Holy See have always respected friends from China. How could we possibly be against friends from China? This is definitely our fault. slander."

Why is this person so sure?Because before this, someone asked Li Hongbin, saying that it might be done by the Holy See?

Li Hongbin said he wasn't sure, but he couldn't get used to this group of bird people. He was annoying just looking at them. Whether he was killed by the Holy See, let’s talk about killing the Holy See first, anyway, the seniors can’t get used to this group of bird people anymore, so they killed him.

Ever since, the Holy See was out of luck, because with Li Hongbin's words, he was facing a life-and-death crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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