Peerless Peasant

Chapter 438 Final Guardian

Chapter 438 Final Guardian

Li Hongbin just wanted to frighten this holy woman, and didn't want to do anything to her. To be honest, Li Hongbin really couldn't do anything cruel to a beautiful woman.

Every time this saintly woman sees Li Hongbin, she will die or live, so Li Hongbin wants to scare him, see if you dare to do this in the future, next time you see me, you must be respectful to me Yes, you Holy See don't say that you are the messenger of God, I am God, it depends on what you will do.

Originally thought that the saint would kneel in front of Li Hongbin and respectfully say the words of the gods.

But no, it seems that she already has a firm belief in her heart that Li Hongbin is a demon, or that she must tear Li Hongbin into pieces. He is superior, and this is the first time he was bullied by others, so he must take revenge on Li Hongbin.

I saw that the saint was surrounded by a holy light, and a huge, stalwart phantom appeared behind her, looking very holy.

However, this scene just made Li Hongbin shake his head, and said helplessly, "Saint, why do you hate me so much? If you want to kill me so much, it can't be that you hate me from love! How dare you sacrifice yourself by sacrificing yourself?" My life force will also put me to death, this matter is absolutely unacceptable.”

"Great god, I am your ultimate believer. I am willing to sacrifice my life. Please come down! Punish this person who pretends to be a true god."

He heard the saintess chanting continuously, and she didn't know what she was talking about, and the phantom behind her became more and more solid, like a giant, Li Hongbin's face was still calm.

A plate of heart-biting couldn't help cursing, "What a stupid woman, do you know what the Supreme God is? That is the supreme god among the heavens, compared to half-baked gods like yours in the West, that is not Knowing how many times stronger, I have never seen such a stupid and ignorant woman."

He was very anxious in his heart, if he was discovered by this supreme god, it would be a tragedy for him.

I scolded this saint several times in my heart. No matter what god you summon, in front of the supreme god, it is like a chicken and a dog. It's time to thank you, why are you still dawdling here.

He was very hopeful in his heart that the two of them would end the fight quickly and leave here so that he could escape here.

If the Supreme God left and the previous Supreme God came back, he would not be able to cry at that time.

"As you wish." He heard the huge phantom say, and at the same time, he grabbed a phantom of the saint from the top of the saint's head, and saw the body of the saint. I was stunned, all the movements stopped there, as if I was stupid.

Xu Ying turned around, looked at Li Hongbin arrogantly, ignoring everything, and said, "Anyone who dares to pretend to be a god should die."

As he said that, he patted Li Hongbin with one hand. Facing his hand, Li Hongbin smiled, as if he was watching a joke. With a casual move, he saw a thunderbolt falling from the sky, knocking the big hand away. Shadow was smashed to pieces.

The Supreme God's coercion was released, and he looked at the phantom with ruthless eyes and said, "Who is here pretending to be a god, kneel down for me."

Under Li Hongbin's cold shout, the phantom's body trembled, and he knelt down on the ground involuntarily, looking at Li Hongbin with fear in his eyes, and the phantom of the saint returned to her body, looking shocked. with all this.

Li Hongbin stood in the void, looked at the phantom with indifferent eyes and said, "How dare you say that this god is a fake, you deserve to die, and you should be punished by heaven and earth. This god is the most noble and supreme god between heaven and earth, Is it something that a false god like you can blaspheme, die for me!"

The phantom said fearfully, "Please atone for the gods, atone for the sin, I know I was wrong."

"It's too late to know that I was wrong now." Li Hongbin said coldly, "God's punishment, come, the existence that dares to offend the god, disappear!"

A thunderbolt of God's Punishment went down, and directly turned this phantom into a mass of milky white light. Li Hongbin made a random move, and this mass of milky white light landed in his hand. Looking at the saint, she said, "Saint of the Holy See, you are guilty."

"I-I." The Holy See Saintess said tremblingly, "I-I, guilty, please punish the gods."

The scene just now was really shocking to her. She thought that she could kill Li Hongbin by sacrificing her own life and summoning the true god of their Holy See, but she didn't expect him to be so What's more, even the phantom of the real god she summoned knelt down towards him. It can be seen that his status is only noble, far beyond that of that god.

"Hehe, punishment." Li Hongbin said with a scornful smile on his face, "Do you know what happens to blasphemy? According to the regulations of your Holy See."

"I, I." The saint said tremblingly, "the sin is unforgivable, disrespect to the gods, according to the regulations of the Holy See, you should be tied to the gallows and burned by the holy fire for seven to 49 days. be released."

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Saint, do you know what you did just now? How dare you attack me and call me a demon, what do you think?"

The face of the Saintess of the Holy See turned pale all of a sudden. She was also a little afraid of death. Just now, she could do anything to kill Li Hongbin, but now that she has calmed down, she is still very afraid of death, especially when she is tied up. If they were burned alive on the gallows for 49 days, they would have burnt out of shape.

The saint knelt in front of Li Hongbin, her body was trembling, and she said, "Gods please punish me, please gods atone for my sins."

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Holy Maiden, I will give you a chance to live now, a chance to exonerate you from guilt, I wonder if you want it?"

The saint said directly, "I want it."

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Okay, as long as you want to atone for your sins, I am short of a girl to serve my bed recently, so I will let you be my girl to serve me, warm my bed, and serve my god. This is a rare opportunity." , I don’t know if you would like it or not?”

"This...this." The saint hesitated for a moment, looked at Li Hongbin with a troubled expression, and stammered, "I, I."

"Why, you don't want to." Suddenly, Li Hongbin said with a cold face, "Didn't you say that you are God's messengers and are willing to sacrifice everything you have for God? Could it be that this is just your empty talk and not true. "

"I. I." The saint said, "We don't have any."

"Since there is no one, why don't you want to? You offended the god before, and this is the only chance to exonerate you from guilt. Otherwise, you will be tied to the gallows and burned with holy fire. For 49 days, can you imagine the feeling? You were tied up there, your hands and feet were tied, you couldn’t move, and then the fire burned from your skin to your internal organs bit by bit, and then burned Go to the depths of your soul, can you bear this kind of pain?"

When Li Hongbin said this, the saint's body couldn't help but tremble a few times, and she felt terrified just thinking about this scene.

"Well, you only have this chance, if you don't, then go and enjoy the burning of the holy fire!"

"I. I." Finally, the saint who was frightened by fear said, "I am willing."

Li Hongbin smiled jokingly and said, "What do you want, please make it clear."

The saint gritted her teeth and said, "I am willing to be the sleeping maid of a great god, and I am willing to dress up a great god."

Li Hongbin picked on his beauty, and showed a smug smile, little girl, see if you are still arrogant, if you can't pay back, if you see this god, if you still call for beating or killing, this is your fate now , obediently be my girl.

"Okay, okay, very good." Li Hongbin said, "You did it voluntarily! I don't have you at all. I'm a relatively democratic person."

Intuit shameless, there are people like you?This is called voluntary, this is called democracy, you are forcing people to death!You let others choose, either die or submit to you, everyone wants to live longer, right?

"Okay, you can stand up now, let me take a good look at you."

Li Hongbin walked up to the Saintess, and raised her chin with one hand. If it was before, she would have stabbed Li Hongbin with a sword, but now, after what happened just now, she no longer dared to do anything to Li Hongbin. He could only obediently choose to obey.

"Huh, huh."

Li Hongbin picked up her chin with one hand, which made the saint's breathing a little heavy, and her heart beat faster, and she could clearly see the ups and downs of her chest. She couldn't help but think, he wouldn't be here Let her go to bed!It shouldn't be so fast!

Seeing her like this, Li Hongbin said, "Saint, what's the matter! Could it be that you are so anxious to serve my god? By the way, I don't know your name yet?"

"To the gods, my name is Weiner." The saint said, "Weina, Weiner, a very good name, tell me! Are you in a hurry to serve the god, if this is the case, the god will be fulfilled you."

That's very embarrassing for the saint, why is the ghost going to sleep with you?

At this moment, a loud "bang" was heard, passing through from a distance, and I felt a powerful wave of energy coming from the front.

"Good guy." Li Hongbin said, "What kind of stuff is this? It's so powerful. It's so powerful that it can injure a half-immortal in the Ascension to Heaven Realm. What kind of stuff is this from your Holy See?"

The saint said with a hint of excitement on her face, "This is the ultimate guardian of our Holy See, summoning God, I didn't expect it to be used at last today."

"What, the ultimate guardian, summon God." Li Hongbin said suspiciously, "God can also be used to summon! What a trick this trick is."

"This is a hole card of our Holy See left over from the beginning of the establishment of the Holy See. It is to think that one day the Holy See may encounter some major crisis. As long as this final protection is activated, all attacks from outsiders can be blocked. And bounce it back."

"Hey, it sounds pretty good, this effect can't last forever! How long is his effect?"

The saint shook her head and said, "I don't know either."

"Okay! Let me take a look, this so-called ultimate guardian, summoning God."

(End of this chapter)

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