Peerless Peasant

Chapter 46 The Red Line

Chapter 46 The Red Line
I saw the man named Brother Bao beckoning, and a few people dressed in a bit of a ruffian came over.

Standing in front of Brother Bao, he said respectfully, "Brother Bao, what do you want us to do."

Brother Leopard patted Shi Feng on the shoulder, pointed at those people and said, "Did you see that, this is Mr. Shi, my brother, his woman was taken away by others, what do you say?"

One of them said with a ruthless look in his eyes, "Dare to snatch our Brother Leopard's woman, this is simply a life-threatening situation, as long as Mr. Shi says a word, do you want to give him a three-knife six-hole, and let him know that you have offended Mr. Shi?" What will happen to him, so that this kid will never dare to do this again in the future."

Shi Feng nodded in satisfaction and said, "Three knives and six holes are not necessary, just breaking this kid's legs is enough."

"Did you hear that?" Brother Bao said loudly, "Boss Shi's words are my words, and there is another thing, you guys prepare later, Boss Shi wants a hero to save the beauty, don't hurt that woman, as long as this matter is done Alright, Mr. Shi can't do without your benefits, and I'll take you all to be chic and unrestrained later tonight."

"That's right." Shi Feng also said very loyally, "After the next thing is done, I invite everyone to go to the House of Cloud Sea to dissipate for a while, how about it?"

Brother Bao said with a smile on his face, "You guys, don't hesitate to thank Mr. Shi, remember, you must get things done."

Brother Leopard gave an order, and not long after, he saw a van rushing in, and a dozen punks jumped out of the van. These ten punks could be seen as unscrupulous youths in society. Killing Matt nobles one by one, how many of them have such hair, it is simply unbearable to look directly at them!

The dozen or so gangsters met with Brother Bao's two subordinates and told them the mission.

At this time, the three of Li Hongbin were happily rowing in Jingyue Lake. Did a few cheerful laughter come from Xiao Yunyun's mouth? Seeing Tang Yunyun's cheerful appearance, Tang Xin also showed a gratified smile. I have never seen Xiao Yunyun so happy before, as long as Tang Yunyun is happy, she feels very happy.

Can't help but glance at Lin Hongbin who was rowing, it was this man, it was he who brought him the warmth of home again, gave him a feeling of dependence, gave him a sense of reliance, and rescued himself when he was most in danger , brought joyful laughter to my daughter.

A happy smile appeared on his face involuntarily, it's not bad if it goes on like this, is he considering getting a new home?
But she was still a little hesitant, because Li Hongbin was mysterious, he was excellent, and he was younger than her, Li Hongbin was only 23, and what about herself?She is already 28 and almost 29, the most beautiful time for a woman has passed, and she will be old in a few years, but what about Li Hongbin?Upright and young, 23 is the beginning of his great years.

There are a lot of inappropriate things, and she doesn't want to delay Li Hongbin because of this.

During this period of contact, she could more or less feel that the relationship between Li Hongbin and her was developing in a beautiful direction, and she herself was sure that she had fallen in love with this man named Li Hongbin. the mysterious man.

She knew that Li Hongbin should be a member of Huaxia's mysterious army, he is very good, maybe he can find a better woman than himself.

More importantly, she doesn't know Li Hongbin at all. Although she is the boss of a company, it can be said that she has seen countless people. She can tell what kind of person she is like at a glance. Like Shi Feng, she It can be seen at a glance that he is not a good person. He pursues himself only because of his beauty.

But in Li Hongbin's place, she couldn't understand at all. There was mystery everywhere in this man.

She didn't even know where he was from, she only knew that his name was Li Hongbin, he was a man, and she didn't know anything else, but under such circumstances, she could tell herself with certainty that she fell in love with Li Hongbin is sick and wants to be with him.

But rationality told her that she couldn't do this, Li Hongbin was so much younger than herself, and she shouldn't delay him.

"Yeah." Li Hongbin was stunned for a moment, turned his head, looked at Tang Xin and said, "Sister Tang Xin, why are you looking at me like that! Do you think I'm handsome and have an urge to marry me! I can do this I understand, after all, I am such an outstanding young man, I am a gunner, if you really have this plan, I can think about it."

"Get out, go to hell! Who wants to marry you." As he said that, he kicked Li Hongbin.

It looked like a kick, but this kick didn't use much force, and it didn't feel the slightest when it hit Li Hongbin's body.

And Li Hongbin did pretend to be shaking for a while, and said, "Ah! Sister Tang Xin, it won't be good if the boat capsizes. The three of us are going to take a bath here."

"Mom, mom." At this time Tang Yunyun scratched her little head and said, "Mom, who will you marry if you don't marry dad?"

Tang Xin glared at her and said, "What do you know, kid!"

Tang Yunyun looked aggrieved, and muttered in her mouth, "Mother is going to marry father? Those classmates in my school, their mothers, are all married to their father!"

Hearing her words, Tang Xin's face turned even redder, and she couldn't help but glared at Li Hongbin and said, "It's you, so don't talk nonsense from now on."

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled wryly a few times and said, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense in the future."

I won't talk nonsense, but some things are not nonsense. Li Hongbin couldn't help looking at the marriage line between the two, and couldn't help being shocked. When I found out a while ago, it was just a shallow red line. And it's not very obvious that it's tied to the two people's bodies, but now, it has turned dark red, very obvious, and it's obvious at a glance that the red thread is tightly tied to the two people's hands.

He slapped his forehead and said helplessly, "I want to let it develop naturally, but I didn't let you go so fast! It's too deceitful! I'm not ready yet."

The red line has reached such a point, so what does it mean?It shows that the fate of the two people has been fixed. If it was not obvious before, there may be some changes, but now, the red thread has been tightly tied to the hands of the two people, and it can no longer be changed.

Unless Li Hongbin uses his supreme power to cut off the red line.

But would he do it?He would never do that. What he wanted was to let nature take its course. Since the fate was already doomed, he would gladly accept it. What surprised Li Hongbin was that there were many red threads tied to his hands.

Two are the most obvious ones. Li Hongbin knew that they belonged to Tang Xin and Xu Qingxue, but he didn't know about the others. One of them should belong to Xia Qingqing!
Seeing Li Hongbin like this, Tang Xin couldn't help asking, "Li Hongbin, what were you talking about just now? You were muttering to yourself!"

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "I was thinking about what Yunyun said just now. In other people's families, their mothers married their fathers, but why not ours? Sister Tang Xin, why don't you say so?"

"You. You." Tang Xin pointed at Li Hongbin shamefully and said, "If you talk nonsense, I'll kick you down."

Li Hongbin laughed and said, "So cruel! You are really willing to kick me down! Tell you, I can't swim. I'm talking. I'm almost on the shore. I have to return the boat to them. Let's go to barbecue .”

Before they knew it, the two of them were rowing while talking, and they were about to reach the shore.

"Hmph." Tang Xin snorted coldly and said, "I'll let you go this time, and if you talk nonsense next time, I won't let you go."

"I'll wait and see how you don't let me go."

Tang Xin gritted her teeth and said fiercely, "Okay, just wait for me."

"Come on, Yunyun, Dad will carry you up."

After going ashore, Li Hongbin went to return the rented boat. Li Hongbin had to sigh, it was so damn expensive!Isn't it just more than an hour of paddling?It was more than 100, not because Li Hongbin was stingy, but because he felt really cheated, although he didn't care about the little money.

Tang Xin said as usual, "This kind of place is so expensive, who made it a scenic spot? There is no way."

Hearing her words, Li Hongbin was taken aback for a moment. As for a scenic spot, if he turns Xianyou Village into a tourist attraction and uses his own ability to turn Xianyou Village into a fairyland on earth, then there is no problem at all. The idea is worth a try, and I will start planning after I go back.

"Dad." Suddenly Tang Yunyun pulled Li Hongbin's hand and said, "Dad, look at those people, their hair is so strange! It's colorful."

"Yunyun, don't talk nonsense." Tang Xin said hastily, but she knew that these young people were full of anger at first glance, they were definitely not good people, if they heard it, it would be bad.

"En." Li Hongbin frowned, because he felt that this group of people was obviously coming towards the three of them.

Sensing Li Hongbin's strangeness, Tang Xin looked up and saw the group of ruffians walking towards them. She couldn't help leaning on Li Hongbin, holding his hands tightly, while Tang Yunyun Woolen cloth?She doesn't understand anything.

"Boy." One of them came over, pointed at Li Hongbin with one hand and said, "Just now I heard you seem to be saying that I am not."

Tang Xin looked very nervous, her hands and feet trembling a little, she grabbed Li Hongbin's hand, Li Hongbin smiled, patted her on the back and said, "Sister Tang Xin, it's fine, don't worry, you are not from the special department I said ?”

(End of this chapter)

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