Peerless Peasant

Chapter 464 Piracy

Chapter 464 Piracy
A one-day tour of Xianyou Village is really an unprecedented experience, which makes Gu Haoyu unable to stop.

The most important thing is his consumption, spending a huge sum of 800 million yuan a day, which is definitely a prodigal act, with so much money, even if you want to travel around the world, it is enough, but now?It's just a day's consumption in Xianyou Village, but Gu Haoyu has nothing to say about every consumption.

After dinner, Gu Haoyu originally wanted to stay here for a night, but when he thought about the horrible consumption here, he might as well forget it!

I don't know how much it costs to stay here for one night, and I really might not be able to pay the bill later. It's not that he can't afford to spend so much money, but mainly because he can't raise so much money in a short period of time.

After paying the 800 million yuan, I will inevitably be scolded by my family, saying how I have lost my family.

But what can be done about it?Who told himself to say such things at the beginning, who told Xianyou Village to be such a magical place, when he came out of Xianyou Village, he had an idea that he wanted to live in it all the time.

However, when I first had this idea, my body couldn't help but tremble, and this idea was immediately denied.

It took so much money to play for a day. If you want to live there, you don't know how much it will cost. With their Gu family's property, you can definitely live in it, but he will never do this of things.

Gu Haoyu's matter was resolved just like that, scaring him away.

Seeing Gu Haoyu hurriedly ran out of Xianyou Village, and then drove his Rolls-Royce Phantom away, Liu Yue smiled and said, "Young man, this is not a place where you can show off, now you know the consequences of showing off Bar!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled at Mu Jinyu and said, "Jinyu, how is my performance?"

Nodding his head, Mu Jinyu said, "Barely, it's passable."

What happened to those scenes during the day?Why can every villager in Xianyou Village wear such a precious jade article?And the diamond ring worn by the woman in the newlyweds, what's going on?
Of course this is all done by Li Hongbin?Now the overall level of Xianyou Village has improved. Basically, every family eats well, sleeps well, and eats well.

Now that all these are satisfied, I will think about other things, such as dressing up!Are all people like this?When I am not capable, I will not think about these things, but once I am capable, I will think about this and that.

They are also like this. When they go out, they often see other people wearing all kinds of jewelry, which look very beautiful and magnificent. It would be great if they could have one.

In this situation, Li Hongbin just satisfies them slightly, are these all external things?
All the people in Xianyou Village can come to him to receive a piece of jewelry. As for the bracelet, necklace, or ring, they can choose freely. Of course, this is not free, and they need to pay how much The labor force is enough. After all, there is no free lunch in the world?

There is a better policy that, if any young man or girl in Xianyou Village falls in love and wants to get together and get married, Li Hongbin, as the village head, will give them a pair of rings for the couple as a blessing up.

That's why Gu Haoyu saw such a scene.

Those emeralds with imperial green color, not to mention Li Hongbin, even a random person in the world of cultivating immortals, they are like roadside stalls, because, in their opinion, they are not as valuable as a piece of spiritual stone. ?
In fact, these jade stones are spirit stones, but they are spirit stones with very weak aura.

The days passed day by day. One month later, the expansion of Quanmin Winery was finally completed. The scale was several times larger than before, and the output had also increased a lot, because what happened before was tantamount to helping Quanmin Winery for free. The winery put out an advertisement. It is unbelievable that this new winery dared to defeat the wine giant Hongyuan Winery in Pinghai City.

It can also be seen from this that the strength and background of Quanmin Distillery, as well as the toughness of the backstage.

Moreover, I don’t know where the gossip came from, saying that Quanmin Distillery was going to merge with Hongyuan Distillery, but there was also news that Hongyuan Distillery was acquired after being defeated by Quanmin Distillery. , Quanmin Winery officially became the largest winery in Pinghai City.

Regarding this matter, Dai Zhanfeng, the general manager of Hongyuan Distillery, did not stand up and say anything, but just did his own thing.

This made others more sure of the correctness of this matter. It seems that the rumors are true, Hongyuan Winery has indeed been annexed by Quanmin Winery.

Although Dai Zhanfeng didn't say anything, she had already made it clear that my people belonged to Li Hongbin, so what else is not his?As long as he says a word, I can give him all of Hongyuan Winery immediately, but unfortunately he just doesn't want it.

When Dai Zhanfeng and Li Hongbin were together, she told him several times that she didn't want to be the general manager anymore, she just wanted to be with Li Hongbin, and she just wanted to be a full-time wife. For the rest, she doesn't think about anything.

If before that, the reason why she wanted to be the general manager was because she wanted to prove her ability.

But now, as long as Li Hongbin can be by her side, everything is enough.

However, judging from this form, after the expansion of the National Winery, the two wineries are likely to be merged together.

At the same time as the expansion of the Quanmin Winery was completed, another company in Xianyou Village was also established, a farming company that mainly produces fruits, vegetables, grains, juice drinks, and other things that are eaten in daily life.

Mu Jinyu is now in charge of the winery, and Liu Yue is in charge of the agricultural trade company.

I have to say that after several times of cooperation, these two people have become very close to each other, and after what happened last time, the relationship between the two seems to be closer. Having said that, as for what Mu Jinyu's intentions are, that remains to be seen and developed.

However, judging by the development trend, it won't take long for these two people to be consummated. Li Hongbin really hopes to see this scene.

Xianyou Village is developing rapidly. Outside the village head of Xianyou Village, there will be a large number of motorcades parked here every day. They come here to collect goods. Orders are placed one after another. Wine, or various fruits, vegetables, and juices are in short supply, and orders will be placed for the next ten years.

It can be said that in the next ten years or so, the people in Xianyou Village will be very busy.

However, they are very happy, because everyone has their own things to do. For them, having something to do is the happiest thing. Is labor the most glorious?

In Pinghai City, Xianyou Village is now well-known, the number one village in Pinghai City.

And there is also a saying that everything that comes out of Xianyou Village is a good thing. Whether it is the wine before, it is mellow and delicious. Drinking it is very good for the body, and these fruits are also good things. Very delicious, except that the price is a bit more expensive, but everyone can accept it, after all, you get what you pay for?If you want to eat better, of course you have to spend more money.

Ordinary red Fuji apples cost about one or two yuan each, while the apples produced in Xianyou Village cost one or twenty yuan each.

For such a price, I thought it was a bit expensive at first, but after trying one, I felt that 20 yuan was a bit cheaper, because it was so delicious.

As a result, it led to a situation where two kinds of fruits were placed on the fruit stand.

An ordinary fruit costs three or four yuan a catty, and the one here costs 20 yuan. However, what is surprising is that within a few minutes, the 20 yuan apples are immediately out of stock up.

Those who didn't get the fruit just sighed and said, "It seems that I have to wait until tomorrow to buy it, and I must come early tomorrow, otherwise, I won't be able to eat it again."

Someone asked very puzzled, "The fruit at the stall next to it is more than ten times cheaper than this. Why don't you buy the fruit here, but buy the fruit over there?"

The man just smiled and said, "Let me ask you, there are two glasses of water in front of you, one is urine, and the other is fine wine. Which one would you choose?"

"Of course I chose good wine, who would be so stupid to choose to drink urine."

The man smiled and said, "This is the situation now. You have never eaten the fruit produced in Xianyou Village. It is delicious. I guarantee that after you eat it, you will not want to eat other fruits again." , I found that I have fallen deeply in love with Xianyou Village, and everything about him.”

"Is it really so magical?"

"Hehe, is it amazing? You can tell by the reactions of these people? But the best way is to try it yourself. Doesn't Xianyou Village produce and provide a lot of things now? Fruits, drinks, vegetables, whatever Which one it is, it is the best in the world."

"Okay! I'll try it if I have a chance."

This kind of thing often happens in Pinghai City. In front of many shopping malls, there is a very long queue early in the morning. This was completely impossible before. They just want to buy Something to Xianyou Village.

However, this also led to a very serious thing, piracy.

This matter, in China, is very common. As long as a certain thing develops, it will not be long before pirated versions will appear. This cannot be stopped.

The municipal party committee once ordered that all piracy industries and all illegal activities in Pinghai City must be put an end to, but this was also useless.

Although a lot of anti-counterfeiting marks have been made, when you think of it, those pirate dealers have already thought of it.

If you have Xianyou Village, there will be a Xianyou Village here. The name has the same pronunciation, but different characters. If you are not careful, you will misunderstand it. Such a thing, let the people in Xianyou Village wait, it is a headache. .

(End of this chapter)

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