475 Threat
Just when Long Diyue attacked Li Hongbin and was about to kill him, he saw a fearful expression on Long Diyue's face.

This should not be the case at all. Long Diyue's strength is far superior to that of Li Hongbin. In Long Diyue's hands, Li Hongbin has no ability to resist at all. Judging from the situation, Long Diyue is at least A master of the divine realm.

Only a master of this realm can make Li Hongbin powerless to resist.

Being grabbed by Long Diyue, Li Hongbin was already in despair. He could clearly feel Long Diyue's murderous intent and disdain for him. In his eyes, Li Hongbin was just a small character, and he would not place him at all. The small character in the eyes can be killed easily.

I don't know if it was really because of the rules of the ancient true dragon royal family that he wanted to kill Li Hongbin, or if it was for other reasons.

Anyway, with Li Hongbin in his hands, there is no possibility of it.

Originally?Li Hongbin was doomed, Long Diyue's strength was far superior to him, and judging by his appearance, he was going to kill Li Hongbin, so there was absolutely no possibility for Li Hongbin to survive.

Moreover, in his hands, Li Hongbin could not feel that he had any hope of living.

Being grabbed by him with one hand, the powerful aura oppressed him. Judging from the aura on his body, although he has not reached the realm of the supreme god, he is also very advanced in the realm of the divine way, and it is very likely that he has reached the second level of the divine way. The peak state, this is a very terrifying state.

Li Hongbin felt that his consciousness was becoming more and more blurred, as if it was about to dissipate at any moment.

He doesn't want to die, he still has a lot of things to do, he still has a lot of concerns, and there are several women waiting for him to love, if he leaves like this, they will die of grief.

However, in the current situation, he must die.

The last time I fought against the corpse ancestor, I was not his opponent. In the end, I don’t know why I was fine, maybe I was rescued by a certain master!But now it's different, what other experts can save me?In the face of masters at the peak of the second level of Shinto, only the Supreme God can save himself.

However, is there a supreme god in this world?Even if there is, there is no need to save yourself.

Sensing the condition of his body, Li Hongbin couldn't help saying in his heart, "Farewell, goodbye."

At this moment, my eyes went dark, and I didn't know anything anymore, as if my consciousness had just dissipated, I couldn't see anything, I couldn't hear anything.

"Yeah." Li Hongbin was stunned, what's going on, is he still alive? Looking ahead, there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, Li Hongbin couldn't help but said, "Why is this place so familiar, as if I've been here before."

"This... this." Li Hongbin said in surprise, "Isn't this the place I came to last time? Why am I here again? Where is this?"

The dark space he came to was the mysterious space where his consciousness came from the last time he fought against the corpse ancestor. He heard a very strange voice here, saying that he is not himself, and he still does not know who he is. ?It was really strange, but Li Hongbin didn't take him seriously, and left him behind afterwards.

"What's going on." Li Hongbin said, "Why am I here again?"

"Hey, hello, hello." Li Hongbin couldn't help coaxing a few times, and said, "Is there anyone? The person from last time, are you still here! I'm looking for you again, where are you, hurry up Come out! Let's talk."

"You're here." At this moment, the voice came out, still in that tone, very ordinary, without a trace of emotion, and said, "Do you know who you are?"

Li Hongbin frowned and said, "Can you just keep asking this question! Can you ask something else?"

The voice said, "I'm not interested in anything else. I just want to know the answer to this question. Do you know who you are? Have you woken up?"

Li Hongbin said helplessly, "I am very clear. My name is Li Hongbin. I am the apprentice of the previous God of Life and the current God of Life. This is me. I have always wondered why you keep asking me this question. ? Then who do you say I am?"

"This is only for you to answer." The voice said, "You are not you, only when you realize that you are you, you are you."

"Abstruse." Li Hongbin said, "It's very abstruse. It means that I don't understand, I don't understand. Can you explain it?"

"No explanation." The voice went on to say, "What I said just now, all this has to wait for you to understand it yourself. By the way, why are you here again? Didn't I tell you the last time? Wait for you to understand." Come back after you realize it?"

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Li Hongbin's face, and he said, "You think I want to come here! I can't help it! Someone wants to kill me, and I'm not exactly his opponent. I thought I was killed by him, but I didn't expect to come here again It's here, otherwise, do you think I want to come here?"

"That's it." The voice said, "Okay, you go back!"

Shaking his head, Li Hongbin said, "I won't go back. That old man's strength is too terrifying. I'm no match for him at all. After I go back, I'm afraid I'll still be killed by him. I won't know if I'm really dead next time. Still here again."

"Go back! I hope that when you come next time, you will have realized it."

"I'm not leaving." Li Hongbin said a little playfully, "I don't want to leave yet, I want to play here."

He doesn't want to go back. He knows that if he is here, it means that he is not dead. Long Diyue can't kill him. If he goes back, he doesn't know what will happen when facing Long Diyue. It will not be fun if he is really killed by him.

So, it doesn't matter even if it's a little foolish.

"Hehe." I heard that voice smiled and said, "If you don't want to go, you have to go."

As that person's voice fell, Li Hongbin felt a strong attraction, wanting to suck his body out.

"Hey, hello, hello." Li Hongbin said, "What are you doing? Are you going to drive me away? I'm telling you, if you drive me away, I won't come next time. It's up to you, hmph !"

But that person didn't seem to hear Li Hongbin's words at all, and a powerful new gravitational force came over.

"Ah." With a sound, Li Hongbin opened his eyes, and his consciousness returned to the previous place. In the Dragon Soul Forbidden Land of the Primordial True Dragon Royal Family, his movements still stopped at this moment. Long Diyue grabbed Li Hongbin's head with one hand, thinking To put him to death.

However, there is a little difference from before, what is different is Long Diyue's expression.

Before, Long Diyue looked at Li Hongbin with a trace of murderous intent and disdain, but now, when he looked at Li Hongbin, besides fear, there was also awe in his eyes, as if Li Hongbin thought he was a supreme being, which made him extremely awe.

Cold sweat flowed down Long Diyue's forehead involuntarily, making him forget that his hand was still on Li Hongbin's forehead.

"This." Seeing this scene, Li Hongbin couldn't help frowning and said, "What's going on, what's wrong with him."

"Stop." Long Haotian over there shouted, "Long Diyue, stop me. He is my most respected senior. He once saved my clan. If you dare to do anything to him, then you will be my clan sinner."

All that happened just now, Long Diyue killed Li Hongbin in just a split second.

His strength and speed made Long Haotian unable to react at all, so his voice was only heard now, and he looked at Long Diyue angrily.

As everyone knows, at this moment, Long Diyue seems to have been given a body-holding technique, standing there motionless.

"Hey." Li Hongbin couldn't help but said, "Old man, what on earth are you going to do? Aren't you going to kill me? Then you should hurry up, kill me if you want to, stop dawdling here, and give me the action." Be quick."

If it was before this, he would crush Li Hongbin's soul and his thoughts without hesitation.

But now, he may not even dare to say a word that is disrespectful to Li Hongbin. The feeling just now was too terrifying.

Just now, Li Hongbin's consciousness was about to dissipate. Before Li Hongbin opened his eyes, at this moment, he suddenly found that he couldn't move, and even his divine sense stopped there, which made him feel a little Fear, he is very clear about his own strength, even a god can't restrain his actions, but now, he is indeed completely restrained.

It is conceivable that the person who imprisoned him and his strength are far beyond what he can compete with.

Moreover, at this time, a word suddenly came from his ear.

"If you dare to show any disrespect to him again, I will immediately wipe you out. Don't doubt my words, and don't doubt my strength. I tell you that in this world, no one can show any disrespect to him. One thing is, forget what happened just now, otherwise, you will be out of your wits."

It was this sentence that made Long Diyue break out in cold sweat instantly, and he couldn't help but feel fear in his heart.

Who is this person, and who is this young man? When the ancient true dragon royal family fought for the supremacy of the God Realm, they had never heard of such a No. [-] person. With a person of such strength, no one should know. he.

"This... this." Long Diyue touched the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "Little brother, I'm sorry, I just made a little joke with you just now."

Li Hongbin sneered and said, "It was just a little joke with me, I don't think so! You really wanted to kill me just now, and you were so intent on killing me, if it wasn't because of me..." When he said this, Li Hongbin paused for a moment, looked at Long Diyue, and then said, "I'm probably a corpse now! Did he say something to you?"

"What did you say?" Long Diyue's eyes flickered for a moment, and he recovered quickly, and said, "What did you say, who told me what."

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Okay! Anyway, as long as you and I know, leader, I have something to ask you now, I wonder if you can tell me."

"Okay, any question is fine."

"Really, you can ask any questions, including your family's secrets."

Long Diyue hesitated and said, "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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