Chapter 487

Unexpectedly, such a scene happened, and at the last moment, such an amazing reversal came.

Originally thought that under the pressure of the Dongfang family and Murong, it would be difficult for the Xu family to get over this sad situation, but unexpectedly, a super master popped up suddenly, and abolished Dongfang Lianghai and Murong Dezheng with two simple strokes. This is their I never thought of it.

Thinking that the Xu family has a backer who is a master of returning to the true state, the regret in their hearts!

Why did you just leave?If you stay and stand on the side of the Xu family, isn't this a good time, can you have a good relationship with the Xu family?But I really missed this good opportunity, and since then, my relationship with the Xu family has been broken like this.

It is the most shameless thing to abandon others when they are in trouble.

Even if others don't care about this matter, they will feel quite shameless in their hearts. When they see the Xu family, they will feel inferior. After all, when their Xu family was in danger, they did not stand up to help them. Instead, he chose to run away, and was still calling him a brother before.

Those who stayed were happy, and their choices were not wrong.

However, not many of them would think so, because they regard Xu Haitian as a true friend. If a friend is in trouble, as his friend, he should stand up and help him without hesitation. What they think is only There is no such thing as helping Xu Haitian through difficulties without thinking about building a good relationship with him and asking him to be grateful to himself.

It looked a little deserted, but in fact it was not deserted. After all, the people in the Xu family were not nice, but it was a little deserted compared to before.

Xu Haitian smiled and said, "I didn't expect such a farce, but it's all over. My brothers and sisters, I, Xu Haitian, thank you for your support. If there is anything I can use Xu Haitian in the future, Just bring it up."

Head Liu, the old man patted Xu Haitian on the shoulder and said, "What do you think I'm trying to trick you! I'm worried that after you die, my cousin won't find a good family."

"What's the situation." Tuoba came over, looked at Xu Haitian and said, "Brother Xu, what's the situation."

Xu Haitian blushed and said, "It's nothing, let's go in for a drink! There are more than half of the people, but it's good, so there's no need to waste so much food and drinks, I'm telling you! I guarantee you didn't drink the wine this time However, this taste, I guarantee that you will want to drink it again after drinking it!"

"Really." Tuoba said excitedly, "Brother, you didn't lie to me, there is really good wine."

Xu Haitian nodded and said, "How could I lie to you? The wine this time is not ordinary. It was brought by my son-in-law. It is definitely a good wine. I definitely want to drink it again after drinking it. I guarantee you drink it." After that, I will never forget it for the rest of my life. I was worried that there would be less wine, but now it’s all right. After leaving so many people, I let you drink their share before, and I promise to let you drink to your heart’s content.”

These wines are brewed from the stream water in Xianyou Village that contains aura, and Li Hongbin also added some other fairy fruits into it.

Not only is it full of fragrance and mellow taste, but for those of them who practice martial arts, it is like a panacea, and taking a sip is equivalent to the true energy they have cultivated for a long period of time, if they drink a jar , It is equivalent to increasing the skill for a year or two.

Moreover, this spirit wine is also mixed with this weak life force, which is of great benefit to the hidden wounds in their bodies.

People who practice martial arts?Who doesn't have a little injury on his body, some injuries can't be found, and accumulate in the body. At the beginning, there is no harm, but once time goes by, when you are breaking through or when you are old, This could be a fatal wound.

Previously, Li Hongbin's plan was to only give these wines to the members of the Xu family. Basically, every warrior likes to drink a few sips.

Xu Haitian intends to take it out to entertain his friends, which is also very normal.

"Gulu Gulu." Tuoba picked up the cup, drank it in one gulp, and burped. Suddenly, a scent of wine emanated from his mouth and permeated his heart. He showed a look of enjoyment, as if he was in a fairyland at the moment, listening to the fairy music and watching the fairies dancing.

At the same time, after drinking this sip of wine, it turned into a warm current, nourishing his body, and he immediately felt extremely relaxed.

"This." Tuoba said in surprise, "brother, your wine is so powerful, this jar of wine is worth a thousand gold! No, even a thousand gold can't buy it, it's better than the wine I've ever had , and, most importantly, he is not drunk."

One could tell at a glance that Tuoba was an old alcoholic, as soon as he drank it, he got out of the way.

"Cough cough." Head Liu took a sip of wine, and it didn't take long before he heard him coughing, and a piece of black blood coughed out of his mouth, and he felt refreshed. Although it is not bad, but there is a trace of lethargy in his face, which should be a trace of hidden wounds in his body, after all, he is such a big person.

Looking at the black patch on the ground, Head Liu said in surprise, "Brother Xu, this, this, this lump of blood on my chest coughed up, this... this is amazing."

Xu Haitian smiled and said, "Isn't this a good thing? This mouthful of blood has been accumulated in your body for more than ten years, and it's a good thing that you finally vomited it out today! Congratulations to Brother Liu. alright."

The head of Liu also showed a pleasant expression on his face and said, "Hey! Brother, what should I say? Thank you, you are my brother-in-law."

"Ahem." Xu Haitian coughed twice and said, "Why are you getting involved in this matter again?"

Head Liu smiled and said, "Brother, this wine of yours is really a fine nectar, it can actually cure my old brother, my chronic illness for many years, and this only has the effect of a fine nectar. Give me some altars."

Xu Haitian said helplessly, "I only have so much in stock. If you want it, you can ask my son-in-law."

Looking at Li Hongbin, Head Liu shook his head, forget it!He is your son-in-law, not mine. He is a master of returning to the true state. According to the rules in the martial arts, I still call him "feeding senior" and begging for things from senior. This is somewhat bad, right?You are different, who made you give birth to a good daughter?
Seeing through his thoughts, Li Hongbin smiled and said, "If head Liu wants, I can give you a few altars."

"Really." Head Liu said excitedly, Li Hongbin nodded and said, "Of course, wine is for drinking, so what's the use of keeping it? However, if you want to drink it in the future, you can also drink it by yourself." bought."

"There is a place to sell this wine." Head Liu said in surprise, and the others looked at Li Hongbin excitedly.

Because this wine is so delicious, after one sip, I can’t help but want to drink another one, and after drinking one jar, I want to drink another jar, and it also has the effect of healing, such fine wine is simply hard to find, And there is still a price but no market. I didn’t expect that there is a place to sell it. You must inquire clearly. No matter how much it costs in the future, you must buy a jar of wine to drink. Otherwise, this alcohol addiction will come. I can't stand it!
For some people who are addicted to alcohol, alcohol is like a drug to them, and they will feel uncomfortable if they don't drink for a day.

"Of course." Li Hongbin said, "Pinghai City, Xianyou Village, Linquan wine for the imperial use, but it's not the kind on the market. If you want to buy it at that time, you can go to this place to buy it. You can only buy it here. Authentic, but the price may be a little expensive."

Head Liu said, "That's not a problem. It's normal for this kind of fine wine to be more expensive. Besides, is money something outside of your body?"

Tuoba also said, "If you can't drink such fine wine in the future, it will be a very uncomfortable thing."

Next, everyone chatted together, and the most talked about were some interesting things that happened in the martial arts recently, and there were also some gossip things, such as which sect's head, and the wife of another sect's head What an extraordinary relationship, someone once watched the two of them enter the hotel together.

For another example, the head of which sect has taken several concubines.

The head of that sect had a few illegitimate children outside, and then secretly brought him back to his sect, and secretly taught him martial arts.

There was a little conflict between this sect and that sect, and it was because of a trivial matter, which eventually became more and more serious. In the end, the two factions wanted to fight over one of them. In the end, someone stood up to persuade the fight. After a long time, it turned out to be this sect A disciple of the sect went to that sect to steal one of their chickens, was caught, and was beaten up.

After being beaten up, he was naturally upset, so he called up his brothers and fought with them.

Ever since, things have become troubled like this.

It's a joke to say it, the battle between the two sects was caused by such a trivial matter, fortunately, it was only two small sects, if it was a big sect, people would laugh at it to death, and they fought because of a chicken .

In which sect, a great genius appeared, who broke through to the Realm Realm at a young age, and it is possible to become No. 1 in the martial arts world in the future.

However, the most they talked about together was about several sects and several big families, about the struggle for power within their sects, today this elder and that elder are fighting openly and secretly, wanting to support that disciple to become the future master, and To take power into my own hands.

There are also open and secret struggles between several sects, which sect wants to annex which sect, or wants to win something from one of their sects.

Because these people are scattered in various parts of China, they may not know much about things in other places. It is quite interesting for everyone to sit together and chat and gossip.

Suddenly, I heard one of them say, "If you count the days, it's coming again."

"What's coming soon." The other person asked puzzledly, "The battle for the god list." The man replied, "Don't you remember? The five-year competition for the god list is coming soon."

(End of this chapter)

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