Peerless Peasant

Chapter 50 Stay

Chapter 50 Stay

For Tang Yunyun's first birthday wish, how could Li Hongbin, as her father, disappoint her?

Moreover, this matter can be easily done by myself, so when I saw Tang Yunyun's loss before, Li Hongbin said in her ear that Tang Yunyun will definitely make this wish come true, but this matter cannot be told to others , is a secret between the two of them.

Of course Tang Yunyun is very happy, can she really fly freely in the sky like a bird?
So, before he went back, Li Hongbin wanted to fulfill Tang Yunyun's wish. Hearing Tang Yunyun's words, Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Yunyun, what do you think? Can Dad let you fly like Xiaonian? "

Tang Yunyun scratched her little head and said, "I believe Dad can do it, but Mom said that people can't fly."

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Yunyun, you grab Dad's hand and close your eyes. You can't open them until I tell you to open them! Otherwise, your wish will be destroyed." It can't be done."

"Mmm, um." Tang Yunyun grabbed Li Hongbin's hand and closed her eyes like a good child.

As Li Hongbin waved his hand, he saw the bodies of the two of them rising slowly, and the bodies of the two of them were lifted up by a gentle force, ten meters, 20 meters, and in a blink of an eye, they could only see There are two small black spots on the sky, and I don't know how high the two of them have risen?
"Dad." Tang Yunyun couldn't help asking, "Dad, can I open my eyes now?"

"Okay, open your eyes!"

Tang Yunyun opened her eyes at once, and was immediately attracted by everything in front of her eyes. As far as her eyes could see, she saw patches of clouds, clouds like cotton candy, colorful and various .

"This." Tang Yunyun asked with a hint of surprise, "Dad, where is this! It's so beautiful!"

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Yunyun, this is in the sky, you will know when you look down."

Following the direction Li Hongbin pointed, Tang Yunyun looked down, and immediately let out a voice of surprise, and said loudly, "Dad, are we really in the air? That's... That, that's the Great Wall. I listened to the teacher at school. Said, that is the greatest building in our China, I have seen it in the book, the one over there is sea blue, Dad, is there the ocean over there?"

"Yes, Yunyun, do you want to go to the ocean to see it!"

"Yeah, yeah." Tang Yunyun said excitedly, "Dad, I seem to be going to the beach to play! But my mother just doesn't take me there, I seem to go to the sea! I heard that there are many cute things in the sea. Whale, Daddy, can you take me?"

"Of course." Li Hongbin said, "Wherever you want to go, I will take you there, hold Dad's hand, and I will take you flying."

With a swoosh, the bodies of the two people turned into a ray of light and rushed towards the sea. Tang Yunyun's body was surrounded by a gentle force. Otherwise, at such a fast speed, his body would be absolutely unbearable.

Tang Yunyun said excitedly, "Wow, wow, I can fly! I flew like a bird, Dad, you are so amazing, you are the most powerful dad in the world."

"That's right." Li Hongbin said happily, "Yunyun, let me tell you, your father is omnipotent, as long as Yunyun thinks, father can help you achieve it."

In just a few minutes, the bodies of the two of them stayed on the surface of the sea. There was still a meter away from the sea surface, and they saw the waves sweeping past. It hit Li Hongbin and Tang Yunyun.

"Wow." Suddenly Tang Yunyun yelled, pointing to the front and said, "Dad, look, look, there is a big fish over there!"

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Yunyun, that's not called a big fish, a dolphin."

"Oh, Dad, can you catch this dolphin! I want to ride a dolphin. I want to ride on his back and let him swim us in the sea."

"no problem."

Li Hongbin snapped his fingers and made a move with his right hand, and saw a dolphin swimming towards here quickly and stopped under the two of them. The dolphin looked at Li Hongbin very strangely. Who are these two people? He felt a strong will in his body, he had to do what he wanted to do.

"Little dolphin." Li Hongbin fell slowly, and their bodies landed on the dolphin's back. Li Hongbin stroked his back and said, "Little dolphin, listen to me, play with my daughter, I will For your benefit."

Although the dolphins couldn't understand Li Hongbin's words, there was an irresistible majesty in Li Hongbin's words, which forced him to do so.

"Okay, Yunyun, the dolphin has already agreed, let us sit on him."

"Okay, okay!" Tang Yunyun happily sat on him, Li Hongbin stood in the air behind her, Tang Yunyun patted her with her small hand, and said, "Little dolphin, let's go! Go faster."

With a wave of his right hand, Li Hongbin poured a soft force into the dolphin's body, and immediately his body jumped up on the surface of the sea. Li Hongbin followed closely behind the two of them. As for Tang Yunyun, her face was full. Excitedly sitting on the back of the dolphin, she swam from here to there, turning around on the sea surface, and finally she really didn't have the strength to cry out before stopping.

Li Hongbin picked her up, stroked the dolphin's body, and said, "You and I are also destined, and I have promised you before, let me give you a fortune! It depends on your own chance .”

As he said that, from Li Hongbin's palm, a huge stream of fairy energy flowed over, along with a trace of life force.

Although the little dolphin didn't know what Li Hongbin was doing, he felt a warm force rushing into his body, which made him feel very comfortable, and felt that his mind was getting clearer and clearer. Finally, Li Hongbin held his hand He took it back and said, "What happens in the end is up to you."

The little dolphin jumped up happily, rubbed against Li Hongbin's body, and then fell into the water.

Tang Yunyun waved to him and said, "Little dolphin, goodbye, I will come to play with you later!"

"Yunyun, it's getting late, if you don't go back, your mother will be worried."

"Yeah." Tang Yunyun was a very well-behaved child, nodded and said, "Father, let's go back! But you still have to take me to play in the future."

"That's for sure! But, Yunyun, you have to remember! This is a secret between the two of us, you can't tell anyone else! Not even your mother."

"En, um." Xiao Yunyun nodded and said, "I will definitely keep the secret between us, and no one will tell."

At this time, Tang Xin at home was in deep shock. Li Hongbin told him earlier that the gift given to Xiao Yunyun was very precious, much more precious than the 2000 million yuan, and she had always been very curious. , What the hell is Dongzi, so after returning home, the first thing to do is to open the jade box.

The moment she opened it, she was deeply attracted, what is that?

It is a small statue, and the person carved on it is Xiao Yunyun. The carving is lifelike, as if it is real, but what attracts Tang Xin is not the likeness of the sculpture, but the material of the statue. Women are born with I like those shiny things, like diamonds or something.

This statue was made by Li Hongbin using fairy crystals, which are more than a hundred times more precious than diamonds.

Although she doesn't know what material it is, Tang Xin still has some insight. This thing must be very precious. When she touches it, there is still a hint of warmth. It makes people feel warm. This thing is simply a priceless treasure. Even if it was such a big diamond, the value would be billions, even tens of billions. At this moment, Tang Xin was really shocked.

She couldn't help thinking, who is Li Hongbin? Even if he is a member of the most mysterious army in China, he doesn't treat money like dung like him.

First, there were several million jade pendants, then 2000 million if you could give it, and now it was such a thing, Tang Xin felt a little bit, was she really worthy of him?He is so good, is he worthy of him?

At this moment, when he heard a burst of laughter outside, he knew that Li Hongbin had brought Tang Yunyun back.

"Yunyun, where are you playing! Why can't I see you around?"

"Secret." Tang Yunyun said directly, "This is a secret between me and my father. My father took me to a very interesting place, where there are many interesting things."

"Okay!" Tang Xin said helplessly, "If you have a father, you will forget about me as a mother. Li Hongbin, you can do it, I really have you! In just a few days, I have turned my woman to your side .”

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled embarrassedly and said, "Sister Tang Xin, what are you talking about! Aren't you a family?"

Tang Xin blushed when she said this sentence.

"Okay, it's getting late, I'm going back, and my family will worry about me again later."

"Yunyun, go and play by yourself, and I'll send your father off."

When the two of them walked to the door, Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Sister Tang Xin, I'm going back soon, just send it here."

Tang Xin showed no sign of going back, and suddenly hugged Li Hongbin from behind.

He whispered in his ear, "Can I stay here tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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