Peerless Peasant

Chapter 505 Mo Shiyi Amnesiac

Chapter 505 Mo Shiyi Amnesiac
Li Hongbin kept staring at Mo Shiyi like this, never leaving her body.

He had checked Mo Shiyi's body several times before, and found that there was nothing wrong with her. After all, she had fallen into the hands of the Juggernaut before. As for the Juggernaut, after knowing what the Juggernaut did from the God of Punishment, he would He didn't believe it at all.

Such a person, for the sake of his own hegemony, would do anything, even despicable things.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Mo Shiyi, Li Hongbin was relieved, and then stayed here to guard her, hoping that the first thing she would see when she woke up would be herself. At this moment, Li Hongbin is like Just like falling in love for the first time.

For these things, Xu Qingxue didn't feel much jealousy.

Li Hongbin has told her everything about him and Mo Shiyi, and she also knows what Mo Shiyi is like in Li Hongbin's heart, even if she is the eldest sister, it doesn't matter, as long as he loves herself.

After returning to Xianyou Village, Xu Qingxue was still in a daze as to what happened before.

She remembered that when she and Li Hongbin stepped into that strange place, she heard a voice talking to Li Hongbin, and then she and Li Hongbin followed the voice to find the past, and then, she didn't know anything, it seemed It was like a dream, and when I woke up, I had already returned to Xianyou Village.

Moreover, two people suddenly appeared in Li Hongbin's arms. One she knew was Fairy Piaomiao. This woman was a little curious.

She had never seen it before, but with the look in Li Hongbin's eyes, it seemed that this woman was very important to him, and the importance seemed to exceed any other person, so she knew that this woman must also be Li Hongbin's woman.

After knowing from Li Hongbin that she was Mo Shiyi, Xu Qingxue understood completely.

It turned out that Li Hongbin had always been absolutely guilty and felt sorry for this girl. She understood why Li Hongbin valued him so much.

"En." Li Hongbin's eyes moved suddenly, because at this moment just now, seeing the pattern's finger move, Li Hongbin's attention was all on her body, her finger moved, Naturally, he couldn't escape Li Hongbin's eyes.

In fact, if Li Hongbin wanted to wake him up, he could wake her up when he brought her back.

It's just that he doesn't want to do this, so it's better to let nature take its course and let her wake up by herself. Moreover, I don't know if the master has played some tricks on her, so it's better to let him wake up naturally.

Seeing that Mo Shiyi was about to wake up, Li Hongbin's heart suddenly felt a little excited.

At this moment, he is not a god of life, he has not received the inheritance of the supreme god, he is just an ordinary person waiting for his lover to wake up, suddenly he is very nervous, he does not know what he wants to say to her after she wakes up What.

One finger moved, and then saw her beauty move, Li Hongbin seemed a little more nervous, is she about to wake up?

She blinked her eyebrows, and then saw her eyes slowly opened, and wiped her eyes with her right hand, apparently a little uncomfortable, just woke up from a coma, and saw the outside eyes a little dazzling.

"Hmm." Mo Shiyi suddenly frowned, sat up suddenly, looked around, and said nervously, "Where is this?"

Everyone has this reaction. When they wake up and find themselves in a strange place suddenly, they will inevitably feel a little nervous. They are afraid that they will be kidnapped by someone. This is the worst thing.

"En." Mo Shiyi turned around and saw Li Hongbin who was staring at her closely. He was startled suddenly, folded his hands on his chest, looked at Li Hongbin with a trace of vigilance, and stepped back a few steps and said "Who are you? Where am I now?"

Seeing her expression and reaction, Li Hongbin couldn't help being stunned for a moment and said, "Shiyi, don't you remember me? I'm Li Hongbin!"

"Li Hongbin." Mo Shiyi frowned. She seemed to have heard of this name before, but she just couldn't remember it. Where did she hear this name?How could there be no impression?I have obviously heard it.

He shook his head and said, "I don't know you."

Seeing Mo Shiyi's reaction, it was telling the truth, not like lying, Li Hongbin felt a pain in his heart, what's going on?How could she not remember herself?What's going on here? Seeing her puzzled face, Li Hongbin was taken aback. Could it be amnesia?

"Shiyi." Li Hongbin grabbed Mo Shiyi's shoulder with both hands and said, "It's me! I'm Li Hongbin! Do you remember? We were at the same table in high school."

"We were at the same table in high school." Mo Shiyi shook her head and said, "Why do I have no memory at all, I really don't know you, I've never met you before."

I don't know why, seeing Li Hongbin, Mo Shiyi couldn't feel disgusted in her heart, and it seemed that this person didn't seem like a bad person. What's going on? Why did she appear here? Did he put He was kidnapped by himself.

However, if he kidnapped him here, then he would be a bad person, but why didn't he hate him?

Mo Shiyi couldn't understand what was going on.

Seeing Mo Shiyi's appearance, Li Hongbin was sure that she must have lost her memory, and felt a sense of helplessness in her heart. When she avoided this past event, she was full of guilt towards Mo Shiyi. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have died , I didn't want to and didn't dare to face this memory, so I selectively forgot about it.

And her?Maybe it was because I was too sad, so I chose to forget about this incident.

Thinking of this, Li Hongbin felt a pain in his heart. Sure enough, he hurt her too badly, and he was the one who was sorry for her. There is still a chance for all of this, and there is still a chance to make up for it. Now that this opportunity is in front of him, he will You must cherish it well, treat Mo Shiyi well, and don't miss it anymore.

"Then do you remember who were your classmates in high school?" Li Hongbin couldn't help asking Mo Shiyi frowned and said, "What does this have to do with you? I don't know you, you are definitely not mine Classmate, by the way, what do you want to do by kidnapping me here? Do you want to use me to threaten my dad and tell you that I will not give in. "

Li Hongbin smiled helplessly and said, "How could I kidnap you? But you were indeed kidnapped by a big villain before, and I saved you."

"Huh." Mo Shiyi snorted slightly and said, "Don't think that I'm so easy to deceive. I haven't seen anyone else except you. If you want to kidnap me, only you will kidnap me. Say, what do you have?" What kind of conspiracy, let me tell you, if you dare to do anything to me, my father will not let you go."

Giving her a reassuring look, Li Hongbin said, "Shiyi, don't worry, I will never hurt you in this life, and I will definitely protect you."

Swinging her hands away, Mo Shiyi looked at Li Hongbin's sincere eyes, couldn't help but blushed slightly and said, "Why are you like this! I just met you, and you just said such words, it's just a sight to see." I know he's not a good person."

However, for some reason, when she heard these words, she felt warm in her heart, as if she had been looking forward to these words all along.

"Where is this?" Mo Shiyi asked, "Why am I here? Wasn't I at home before? By the way, I was watching a movie in my room before, so why did I come here all of a sudden?"

"This is Xianyou Village, still in Pingyang County." Li Hongbin said, "I told you, you were kidnapped by a big villain before, and then I rescued you."

"I don't believe it." Mo Shiyi pouted and said, "You look like a bad guy, you must be lying to me, saying, what is your purpose?"

"Okay." Li Hongbin said helplessly, "Since you don't believe me, you can leave here anytime you want, and I won't stop you."

"Really." Mo Shiyi said suspiciously, "I can leave anytime I want."

"Yes." Li Hongbin nodded and said, stood up while speaking, pointed to the door and said, "The door is here. After you go out, as long as you leave the village, there will be cars outside at any time to Pingyang County. You can go home in half an hour."

Mo Shiyi stared at Li Hongbin and said, "You... how do you know where my house is? Who are you?"

"I said you and I are high school classmates, so I naturally know where your home is." Li Hongbin said, "Okay, the door is here. If you want to leave, you can leave at any time. I won't stop you." .”

Mo Shiyi climbed down from the bed, looked at Li Hongbin with a trace of vigilance and said, "I really can go out anytime."

"Hey." Li Hongbin walked to the door helplessly, opened the door with one hand, and said, "Miss Mo Shiyi, please."

Although she felt that Li Hongbin was a good person and would not lie to her, and she didn't know what was going on, she seemed to have a strange feeling towards Li Hongbin in her heart, as if she really knew him before.

He looked at Li Hongbin, then kicked open the door and walked out.

As soon as I walked out, I was immediately fascinated by the beautiful things in front of me. Everywhere my eyes went, there were beautiful flowers and trees. There was a trace of fragrance in the air. After taking a sip, I immediately felt refreshed.

"This." Mo Shiyi said excitedly, "Where is this? Is this a paradise? How could there be such a beautiful place?"

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Do you like this place? This is not a paradise, it's called Xianyou Village."

"Wait." Mo Shiyi was taken aback and said, "You said this is Xianyou Village."

"That's right! This is Xianyou Village." Li Hongbin said with a smile, "Now anyone in Pinghai City knows the name Xianyou Village."

"It turns out that this is Xianyou Village." Mo Shiyi said happily, "It turns out that this place is so beautiful, even more beautiful than what they said, and I like it so much."

"If you like it here, you can live here for the rest of your life."

"Really." Mo Shiyi said excitedly, "Can I really live here?"

Li Hongbin patted himself on the chest and said, "That's right, I'm the village head here, I say you can do it."

(End of this chapter)

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