Peerless Peasant

Chapter 514 Wood Carving

Chapter 514 Wood Carving
Originally, this was a very beautiful thing. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a beautiful woman to accompany you?The point is that if the two come together, it will be a little bad.

If you refuse one of them, it will always be a little bad to do so, and Li Hongbin has a feeling that the two of them should be attending the same banquet. What makes Li Hongbin a little strange is that who is hosting the banquet and who actually invites them? What about the two of them?
Moreover, Mo Shiyi also said before that she was going to attend some kind of banquet. If she guessed well, it should be the same banquet.

This made Li Hongbin a little bit older. If they attended the same banquet at that time, the three women would inevitably meet each other. Li Hongbin was not worried about the two women, Tang Xin and Dai Zhanfeng, because they already knew about Li Hongbin. There are other women who are already prepared in their hearts.

It's just that they haven't met each other, so there's nothing to worry about.

But Mo Shiyi's place, we can't let her know that he has other women, otherwise, he will hurt her again, this is not what Li Hongbin wants, so this makes Li Hongbin a little bit arrogant.

However, since Tang Xin and Dai Zhanfeng have already agreed, they will go there when the time comes, and this is just the opportunity for these two people to get to know each other.

Looking at his clothes, he looked like he was selling goods all over the place, and he didn't care about it, so what?What I wear is my hobby, and I don't care what others say. After all, what's the point of wearing a good dress?What can this prove?It can only prove that you look good in clothes, and nothing else can be proved.

Ji Minggang, maybe not many people know who he is now, but in the eyes of the previous generation, Ji Minggang is a legendary figure in Pinghai City.

80. In the [-]s, was reform and opening up upright at that time?Ji Minggang developed from that time, starting from scratch, relying on his own wisdom and hard work, he finally established his own world in Pinghai City, became one of the few giants in Pinghai City, and since then, it has been out of control It can be said that more than half of the economic development of Pinghai City was driven by him.

He has a very good character, that is, he does not forget his roots. No matter how big his business is, no matter how much money he makes, he will never forget that Pinghai City is his home.

Therefore, even if his business has already become very large, and his assets have reached tens of billions, he still uses Pinghai City as his old base. If it were anyone else, he would have signed his business to those big cities long ago to develop.

Because only in this way can one's career be promoted again.

But he didn't. He has always used Pinghai City as his base camp to develop here, and his children have advised him several times whether he should consider moving the base camp to those big cities for development. In a word, if you want to develop you to develop, my whole life will be here.

For this, his children are very helpless. Since the old man is persistent, they will follow him.

It is also because of this that the people in Zhonghai City admire this old man very much. It can be said that they admire him. Unlike those people, when they are rich, they rush to those big cities and those good places. My hometown and everything are all left behind, so I don't care about these things.

Now the old man is 70 to [-] years old and has retired to the background, leaving all the family business to his children.

As for him?Live a leisurely and free life, walk around here every day, look there, and if there are lively things there, I go over to have a look, if there is anyone who needs help, if you can help, then help.

Today is the birthday of the old man Ji Minggang. This old man has always been frugal, and he just wanted to spend it with his family.

But these children of his insist on holding a rich birthday party for him to celebrate, because they know that the old man is old, and there will be misfortunes and fortunes, who knows when the old man will suddenly How about driving the crane west?

Although the old man's health has always been very good, he is afraid of ten thousand if not just in case. No one knows what will happen tomorrow.

So, while he was still there, the birthday party would be held for a year if possible. Make it as lively as possible, and invite all the respectable people in Pinghai City to celebrate the old man.

After learning about this, Li Hongbin couldn't help but nodded and said, "Mr. Ji Minggang is not bad. Should such a person live a few more years? Enjoy a few more years of happiness, and his children are also very good. Do you put filial piety first? Honoring your parents and your elders is the most important thing. If you don’t respect your elders, what else are you talking about?"

Ji Minggang's home is located in the center of Pinghai. The location is not bad. There is a big lake next to it, and the environment is very beautiful.

In the courtyard of Ji's house, Li Hongbin sat there with a relaxed face, picked up a glass of red wine, took a sip, then shook his head and said, "Hey! The taste of this wine is not very good, why are there so many wines?" Do people like red wine? I really don’t understand, it’s not as good as half of Lingquan’s, so you don’t need to drink this kind of wine.”

Li Hongbin was sitting here, no one noticed him, and they didn't know how or when he got in.

He is such a person. When you don't pay attention to him, you feel that he is a dispensable person, with no sense of existence, and others will not pay attention to him, because he is a very ordinary person. What does it mean to pay attention to him?

However, once you pay attention to him and observe his words, you will be deeply attracted by him, and you will find that this young man is becoming more and more mysterious, and you can't see him through.

However, for a person like him who wants to keep a low profile, sometimes he just can't keep a low profile, and people will still notice him.

"En." I saw an old man frowning, staring at Li Hongbin suddenly, and said with a trace of doubt on his face, "This young man looks so familiar, as if he has seen him there."

The girl who was with the old man asked, "Grandpa, what are you looking at? Who really wants you to see him!"

The old man pointed to Li Hongbin who was sitting there and said, "No, this is the young man. I always feel a little familiar, as if I have seen him somewhere before. Han Yue, do you know this young man?"

The girl named Hanyue shook her head and said, "I don't know him, huh? How did he appear here."

The old man smiled and said, "Hehe, in that case, let's go, let's go and say hello to him!"

"This." Hanyue showed a shocked expression on her face, looked at the old man, and said with a little disbelief, "Grandpa, you have to go over and say hello to him, right? Who is he, how can you go over and give him a message?" He said hello? Besides, I don't know who he is, who knows if he sneaked in, and he came to greet you if you want to say hello. "

The old man smiled casually and said, "Han Yue, be a man! Don't pay too much attention to these details, take everything lightly."

Of course, Li Hongbin could hear the conversation between the two of them very clearly. He still had a good impression of this old man.

If this is put into practice, this is the realm that many people dream of.

Seeing the old man and the young girl approaching, Li Hongbin smiled at him and said, "Hi, old man, I didn't expect us to meet again."

The old man looked at Li Hongbin's face, was puzzled, and said, "Young man, I also said that we have met somewhere before, so it was you! Hehe."

Li Hongbin nodded and said, "Does the old man remember me?"

The old man smiled and said, "The boy who sells the statue, hehe, what a fate! I didn't expect that we would meet again."

Looking at the sheep-shaped wood carving hanging on the old man's waist, and the snake-shaped wood carving hanging on the waist of the girl next to him, Li Hongbin said, "Old man, I didn't expect you to keep these two wood carvings. Thought you had already thrown it away?"

"This is a treasure, how could I be willing to throw it away." The old man said, "Baby?" But it is an incredible treasure. At the beginning, he felt that the carving of this wood carving was very miraculous. The value is extraordinary. At that time, Li Hongbin sold one for 1 yuan. He still felt a little sorry for Li Hongbin?

After I bought it back, I felt more and more that this thing was extraordinary, and I felt a special sense of security when I carried it on my body, and my heart naturally calmed down.

Especially in winter, when he put this thing on his body, he couldn't feel the cold at all. No matter how low the outside temperature was, more than ten degrees below zero, he couldn't feel the cold at all.

Moreover, another thing that surprised him was that since he wore this wood carving on his body, he has not suffered from any illness, and his health is getting better and better.

He knew that this wood carving is definitely a treasure. For such a treasure, let alone 1 yuan, even 100 million to 1000 million yuan is considered cheap. For a person like him, the most important thing is of course the body. Health and family are safe.

Therefore, no matter when, he will let his granddaughter wear this snake-shaped wood carving. With him by his side, the old man can feel at ease.

When he saw Li Hongbin before, he felt a little bit like that young man. When he walked over to see it, it was indeed him. In his heart, he had always felt a little guilty about Li Hongbin. He bought it for 1 yuan. The two treasures have taken a big advantage.

His granddaughter Hanyue looked at Li Hongbin in surprise and said, "Grandpa, he is the young man who sold you the woodcarving."

"Yes." The old man nodded and said, "Han Yue, you should thank him."

Hanyue looked at Li Hongbin, her eyes were full of gratitude, and in this gratitude, there was a little more inexplicable feeling. Only she knew what it was.

Suddenly, Li Hongbin said, "Old man, Miss Hanyue, I'm sorry, excuse me."

(End of this chapter)

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