Peerless Peasant

Chapter 517 Ji Hanyue

Chapter 517 Ji Hanyue

Under normal circumstances, such as a meeting, or the second party, important tasks will come later.

Just like today’s Mr. Ji’s birthday party is like this, although the people invited by the Ji family are all people with certain status in Pinghai City, but in terms of status, there are also high and low status. The first to arrive is often the Some insignificant people, the more people come to the back, the more powerful they will be.

Moreover, those who do business are generally a little lower than those who are officials. Although you have money, he has power, and in some places you still have to be inferior.

As a top figure in Pinghai City, Mr. Ji still has a lot of face. Basically, the entire upper-class celebrities in Pinghai City came to his birthday party. As for those who did not come, there is only one possibility, that is, they still If you haven't reached this level, you won't be able to squeeze in at all.

Since others didn't invite you, if you come uninvited, then you have to be able to afford to lose this person.

Among the people who came, there are still a few Li Hongbin's acquaintances. For example, Mo Shiyi's family, Li Hongbin is very familiar with them. Of course, he is only familiar with Mo Shiyi. As for her parents, Li Hongbin would rather Don't know these two people.

There is also Zhong Shoujing, the boss of Pinghai City. The municipal party committee is about to change this year. Judging by the trend, Zhong Shoujing should be the next senior city official.

In the current Pinghai City, although Zhong Shoujing is the third leader in name, but no one knows that he is the leader, the real leader, he is the boss, and he is the kind of boss who has absolute authority. He is what he says. If he wants to punish you, then you will die, if he wants to promote you, then you will probably be angry.

Even the two big brothers, the mayor and the senior city officials, are now soy saucers. They just go to meetings when they have nothing to do and talk about useless things.

As for the rest of the time, the sage has nothing to do. He reads the newspapers and news in the office.

These two people also have a little relationship in the top, knowing that Zhong Shoujing has become a big backer, even the big shots in Yanjing dare not intervene.

Even they didn't dare to intervene, these two big brothers just took advantage of this time to relax, and the higher-ups also made a little compensation to them, after a while, get the two of them up and upgrade them to a higher level , this is a good thing for them!Another rest, another promotion, how can there be such a good thing in the world, it would be great if such a thing happens a few times.

However, fortunately, Zhong Shoujing has become a good official after a thorough understanding, a good official who is completely in charge of the people.

She is wholeheartedly working for the welfare of the people of Pinghai City, and everything is for their benefit.

I have to say that the atmosphere of the entire Pinghai City has taken on a new look. The weather is very good and there are signs of taking off. Citizens abide by the law and act as officials. The good thing is that it won't happen.

Another thing is that Zhong Shoujing has been selected as a model for all officials in the country, and the above has declared that others should learn from him.

If there are more people like this, can our Huaxia become stronger?
Zhong Shoujing sat there with a gentle smile on his face, greeted everyone enthusiastically, without any airs at all, just sat there like an ordinary person, people who were a little familiar with him probably knew He lost his temper a little. In normal times, he is an ordinary person. When he is working, he is upright.

I saw Mo Shiyi's father, Mo Wencong, walking over with a flattering smile on his face, and said, "Secretary Zhong, hello."

Seeing the smile on his face, Zhong Shoujing was a little unhappy. This is the kind of person he hates the most. Although he was unhappy in his heart, he didn't show it. Instead, he smiled formally and said, "Secretary Mo, you good."

Mo Wencong took La Mo Shiyi's hand and said, "Shiyi, hurry up and call Uncle Zhong."

She looked at Zhong Shoujing with a hint of admiration in her eyes. She also knew a little bit about what happened in Pinghai City recently. She also admired Zhong Shoujing very much. Mo Shiyi was a little excited "Hello, Uncle Zhong."

Originally, Zhong Shoujing didn't intend to pay attention to Mo Wencong, he didn't like dealing with this kind of person, but when he saw Mo Shiyi, seeing her pure eyes, he smiled and said, "Your name is Mo Shiyi!" Yi, right! Secretary Mo, you gave birth to a good daughter!"

"Hehe." Mo Wencong smiled and said, "Why didn't you see Mr. Zhong? He didn't come to the banquet."

Mo Wencong is good at counting cards!He brought Mo Shiyi here today, just to bring her on a blind date in a disguised form, to see if he can catch up with the eldest and youngest of the family. Of course, Zhong Shoujing is the one he is most optimistic about. Who told him to be Ping Hai now? The boss of the city, as long as he is on the list, maybe he can jump from the county party committee of Pingyang county to the city party committee, and it happened that Zhong Shoujing had a son.

He was just a little disappointed that Zhong Shoujing's son, Zhong Haoyun, was married.

However, it doesn't matter, so what if you are married, can you get a divorce?He has great confidence in his daughter, Mo Shiyi. After all, which of these men doesn't like the new and dislike the old at all?It's always like that when you see a beautiful girl and want to intervene.

At that time, as long as his daughter can hook up with Zhong Haoyun, that would be the best.

Seeing the way Zhong Shoujing looked at Mo Shiyi just now made him a little excited, which showed that Zhong Shoujing had a good impression of Mo Shiyi.

"I didn't come." Zhong Shoujing shook his head and said, "He's not in Pinghai City now, he's helping out in his brother-in-law's company. What's busy?"

"Oh, that's it! That's such a pity." Mo Wencong said with a little disappointment. Hearing Zhong Shoujing's tone, it seems that his in-laws' family is doing well. If this is the case, it will be difficult for Mo Shiyi to intervene I went, it seems that I can only change one.

For him, this beautiful face of his daughter is a sharp weapon for him to go further.

However, he didn't know even in his dreams, the best one has already been denied by him, isn't Li Hongbin the best one?With his ability, it's just a trivial matter to ask Mo Wencong to take a step further, even a few more steps are possible.

But Li Hongbin would never do this. For someone like Mo Wencong, not letting him go home to rest is already the greatest favor for him.

Unlike Zhong Shoujing, Zhong Shoujing was born as a farmer. Although he did something wrong before, there is still room for redemption, because the simplicity of the farmer is still in his bones, so Li Hongbin went to save him.

As for Mo Wencong, his depravity has already fallen into the soul, and there is no way to save him.

The best way is to catch him in the prison and let him reflect for a few years. I don't know if he can wake up at that time, think about what he has done these years, and know how good he is. mistake.

Regarding Mo Wencong's plan, how could Zhong Shoujing not be clear about it? He is considered a smart person, so he immediately found an excuse and left.

He said to Mo Wencong, "Secretary Mo, I'm sorry, I saw some old friends, so I went to say hello to them."

"Dad." Mo Shiyi said, "I'm looking for Sister Hanyue."

"Okay! But remember, don't do anything wrong."

After Mo Shiyi's college entrance examination, although she lost her memory, her parents were still a little worried. Pingyang County is such a big place, if she sees that kid again one day, it would be bad for her to remember anything, so , let her study abroad. Mo Shiyi spent four years in university abroad.

And Ji Hanyue of the Ji family was met abroad by her. At that time, the two of them happened to be studying in the same university, and they were also from China, so they knew each other. After chatting, they found that they were from the same place. I became more familiar with each other. When meeting an old friend in a foreign country, there is usually a special kind of intimacy. In the commemorative life after the end, the relationship between the two of them is like a sister.

However, Ji Hanyue is one level higher than Mo Shiyi, and returned to China a year earlier, but this does not hinder the relationship between the two.

Xia Hanyue, who was standing there in a daze, suddenly felt dark in front of her eyes, her eyes were covered by a pair of small hands, and she heard Mo Shiyi playfully say, "Sister Hanyue, guess who I am!"

Ji Hanyue smiled and said, "Shiyi, tell me who would do this except you."

Mo Shiyi held back her mouth and said, "It's not interesting. Sister Hanyue always guesses it, so it's not interesting."

Suddenly, Mo Shiyi smiled, blinked at Ji Hanyue and said, "Sister Hanyue, what were you thinking just now? You were so preoccupied that you didn't even notice that I was behind you. And looking at your expression, you are a little shy, and you said, are you feeling springy and wanting a man?"

Ji Hanyue blushed, glared at Mo Shiyi, and said, "What kind of spring do you miss! I think you are only thinking about spring, girl!"

Mo Shiyi laughed a few times and said, "Sister Hanyue, you are blushing, you are shy, it seems that what I said is true, Sister Hanyue, you really want a man, if not, you would be blushing Well?"

As if she had discovered something strange, Mo Shiyi said with a hint of surprise, "I didn't expect our sister Hanyue to miss men too!"

Ji Hanyue couldn't help but glared at Mo Shiyi and said, "It's nothing, I'm just thinking about something."

"Stop pretending." Mo Shiyi said, "Even if you want a man, is this very normal? You are talking about Sister Hanyue, you are already 24, and other people have already married when they reach this age, so it is very normal for you to want a man." Is it normal? I mean, are we sisters? There is nothing you can’t say, Sister Hanyue, can you just tell me? Are you in love? Is that man so lucky to be my brother-in-law? .”

"Cough cough." Ji Hanyue coughed twice and said, "Shiyi, where is such a thing, it's not what you think at all."

"What was that like?" Mo Shiyi said, "I remember when Alice was in love together, it was almost the same as you are now, and you still said no."

"Hey! Alright." Ji Hanyue said.

(End of this chapter)

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