Chapter 52
It has been more than two months since Li Hongbin returned to Xianyou Village.

In these two months, too many things happened. The reason why Li Hongbin returned to Xianyou Village was to help the people in the village get rid of poverty and become rich. poor.

In these cities outside, there are a large group of people with an annual income of one hundred thousand or one million, but here, the sum of all the people in the entire village may not be as good as other people's annual income. The gap is really too big, so Li Hongbin must change this situation.

Of course, if we want to help them get rid of poverty and get rich, we can't say to build a big factory here, set up a company and let them work in Lili, that's all.

This is not acceptable, because these people in rural areas do not have a very high level of questioning, and some people have not even gone to school. They are asked to do things and do not know how to do anything. Therefore, if you want to help them, you have to Starting from what they are best at, for a farmer, what he is best at is farming and cultivating fresh and delicious vegetables and fruits. That's all they can master.

Therefore, Li Hongbin intends to start from this aspect and continue to develop this agriculture. Not only that, but also vigorously develop agriculture.

Tell others that even if we are farmers, we are engaged in agriculture, and we can also make a fortune.

But before doing all of this, there is one thing that must be considered, and that is the roads in their village, which are dilapidated, and the most important thing is the road leading to the city, which is simply horrible. The road is full of bumps and holes. If you have stones, you can try it. If you go back and forth, you will be cured.

Li Hongbin's plan is also going to be implemented. Just today, the old village chief's house is already full of people.

The old village chief held a cane in his hand, coughed twice, and said, "Everyone come together! I gathered you here today because I have a very important matter to discuss with you."

One of them said, "Old village chief, let's talk! Everyone is listening here? We know that there must be something very important to gather everyone here! As long as it is good for all of us, we will would agree."

"Hehe." The old village chief smiled and said, "Of course it is beneficial, and it is a huge benefit, but it needs everyone's help."

"Yeah." Everyone was stunned for a moment, what a great benefit, what great benefit can there be?Will 1 yuan fall from the sky?However, it was obvious that this was impossible, so he asked curiously, "Old village chief, what's the matter, you don't want to be a fool here."

"Hehe." The old village chief smiled again and said, "I'd like to ask you one thing. What do you all think of the road in our village?"

At the mention of this, everyone shook their heads, what else should I say?One day, the dirt road was full of potholes. If it was sunny, it would be fine. If it was raining, it would be difficult to go out. More importantly, the elderly would fall down when going out.

Seeing everyone's expressions, the old village head smiled, as if he had guessed it a long time ago, coughed twice and said, "I know, the roads in the village are very bad, and it is very difficult to get a car. The great good thing you mentioned is about the roads in our village, so let our college student Li Hongbin talk about it."

Li Hongbin, who was standing next to the old village head, came out, nodded to everyone and said, "Hello folks, I have some good news to tell you, that is, I got some funds from outside to develop our Everyone in Xianyou Village, as you know, if we want to develop here, we must first repair the roads. As the saying goes, build roads before getting rich? Now that the funds are available, I am standing here today to tell everyone that we Let’s work together to develop our village.”

Dazhi, the son of the village chief, stood up and said, "Xiaobin, what you said is true, you got a batch of funds."

"Yes." Li Hongbin nodded and said, "Yes, I went outside and pulled the funds from a big company, which is considered an investment in our village. They may make some investments in our village in the future. , but what I can tell you is that they will definitely not harm your interests, they will only promote the development of our place and make us all rich together."

As for this big company, of course it was Tang Xin's company, but it was just Li Hongbin's deceiving them.

Otherwise, he really didn't know what to say about where the funds came from.

After that day, Tang Xin handed over Shi Feng's recording to the police station. It was obvious what would happen. Shi Feng went inside, and the things he committed were enough for him to stay there for a lifetime. , and his building materials company was annexed by Tang Xin, of course, with the help of Longxiang Group.

Although Tang Xin was very curious about Longxiang Group's help, she also knew that it might have something to do with Li Hongbin.

In an instant, Tang Xin's company was squeezed into the top ten enterprises in Pinghai City. With the help of Longxiang Group in business, and under the cover of Brother Leopard in other aspects, it will still develop. very fast.

"Xiao Bin." Dazhi asked again, "How much money did you get? We once planned to build roads, but we couldn't afford the cost. If there are no tens of millions, we have to repair the roads. Isn't that right?" possible things."

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Uncle Dazhi, don't worry, since others plan to invest in us, they have absolute sincerity, just the first step, they invested 500 million here, but of course they will not It has been handed over to us, and they will provide everything needed for this road construction, as long as we provide manpower, a road leading to the urban area can be built at that time."

Hearing Li Hongbin's words, everyone showed excited expressions. After seeing everything outside, who wouldn't want their home to be better?

Even the old village chief was excited for a while, and said, "Xiaobin, what you said is true. They really provided so much money. Could there be some conspiracy?"

"Hehe." He smiled and said, "Grandpa Village Chief, you can rest assured that there is absolutely no conspiracy."

"Okay." The old village head yelled "Good" and dropped the crutch in his hand. He patted Li Hongbin's shoulder with both hands and said, "Okay, very good, a high-achieving student is a high-achieving student! This time I came back and brought us so much. The big benefit, I'm thinking, should I let you be the village head?"

Li Hongbin waved his hand and said, "Grandpa Village Chief, you can't do this! You have high morals and high prestige. It would be bad for me to be the village chief!"

The old village chief glared at him and said, "What's wrong with that! It's settled like this. If you really repair the road in our village, everyone will be grateful to you, and maybe everyone will ask me to take it The position of the village head will be given to you? Young people are good, energetic, and symbolize hope, so it’s settled, and when the road in our village is repaired, I will hand over the village head to you.”

"This, this, isn't it good!" Li Hongbin said in embarrassment, he really didn't think about it.

The old village head patted him on the shoulder and said, "That's it, it's settled, I'll be angry if I refuse!"

"Okay!" Li Hongbin could only agree.

After a short meeting, the following things were basically arranged, and everyone's work was divided, what you want to do, what he will do, for such things that benefit the whole village, even if there is no wages, they will all agree. I'm very happy to do it.

Finally, a construction team of about 30 people was determined, led by the village head's son Dazhi and Li Changgen.

It's all the same about who is responsible.

Soon after the meeting, the news spread throughout the village. Li Hongbin's name was once again spoken by them, and everyone was saying how good he was, how good he was here, and where he was good. As for those All the children regard Li Hongbin as their idol, and they all say they want to learn from him.

In the early morning of the next day, just after dawn, I heard the sound of motor vehicles outside, and saw a convoy driving towards Xianyou Village, and stopped at the gate.

The drivers got out of the car, and the expressions on their faces were as uncomfortable as they wanted to be. The bones in the whole body seemed to be falling apart. This road is really bad. I have never walked it in this life. Such a bad road.

This should be a construction project, with several large canned trucks, several trucks of cement, and steel bars, all transported here at once.

Because Li Hongbin had agreed before, it would be best to transport it all at once, because otherwise it would be very troublesome, and the road would be bad and difficult to travel.

In this way, everything was ready, and under the joint discussion of the construction team and the people in the village, the road construction project started like this, but what made those professionals feel strange was that when the road was originally built, It is necessary to lay the roadbed, but before the construction, it is found that there is no need to lay the roadbed, and the construction can be started directly.

This made them feel strange, in fact, all of this was due to Li Hongbin.

A small five-element spell can change the density and hardness of these soils, making the roadbed very solid.

The project started like this, but what about Li Hongbin?He is now discussing this matter with Zi Tianhong.

(End of this chapter)

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